May 21, 2009 Minutes









Pittsfield School Board

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pittsfield Middle High School


I.              CALL TO ORDER


Members Present:          Mary Paradise

                                          Leslie Vogt

                                          Ross Morse

                                          Michael Wolfe

                                          Kathy Corliss


Others Present:              Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent

                                          Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services

                                          Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS

                                          Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS

                                          Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES


Mr. Dan Bisson from Team Design was also present.


Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:41 p.m.


II.            AGENDA REVIEW


Dr. Freeman added discussion of a community forum.  Mr. Kilmister added discussion of NHEET and SINI Committee.  Mr. Gremlitz added discussion of the School Board’s role in graduation activities. 




On a motion made by Mr. Morse seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.




On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of May 7, 2009, as written.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of April 16, 2009 with Ms. Paradise, Mr. Morse, Mr. Wolfe, and Ms. Vogt voting in the affirmative, and Ms. Corliss abstaining from the vote.


Ms. Paradise entered the meeting 5:45 p.m. and assumed the chair.




Dr. Freeman introduced Mr. Dan Bisson, architect from Team Design, with whom Dr. Freeman has been working concerning the move of the SAU offices to PMHS.  Mr. Bisson explained the process for ordering mechanical units, which will take some time because such units will require to be manufactured for the specific use and location.  Mr. Bisson explained the options that were available to the Board for accomplishing the task at hand in an expedient manner, such as allowing a contractor to bid the entire job.


Mr. Morse asked if the bidding process has been affected by the economy.  Mr. Bisson stated that the cost of materials is constant, but labor costs are currently coming in under budget. 


Ms. Corliss asked what our current policy will allow in terms of the bidding process.  Dr. Freeman answered that according to current policy, we must go out for bid on anything that costs more than $5,000.  Mr. Bisson suggested that putting the bid out for the entire project will save valuable time, considering that the goal is to have the SAU move by September 1, 2009.


Discussion ensued regarding the plan in relationship to future space needs.  Also, Mr. Morse stated his concern about additional concerns being identified when the renovation begins. 


Regarding this issue, an electronic message was sent by Mr. Morse to Dr. Freeman on Tuesday, May 12, 2009, with a response from Dr. Freeman returned to all Board members on the same day.  The message follows with Mr. Morse’s question first, followed by Dr. Freeman’s response:


I wanted to make sure we had the SAU Renovations on our next meeting’s agenda.  Some things I would like to be able to discuss are:


1.     Can we try and put a timetable in place for what we can anticipate for the SAU move?

·         Yes, I met last Friday with representatives from Siemans regarding HVAC in the IA building; HVAC issues need to be addressed either way; some money is encumbered in current year budget for this process; available funds should cover or almost cover the heating issue but not the air conditioning issue; have shared with Siemans the rough drawing provided by Team Design and modified by me to minimize costs; next step here is for Siemans engineer to visit site and propose air conditioning solution; this in the works; further step is my having another conversation with DoE building man Ed Murdough about the project; step beyond that is have Team Design complete a more detailed drawing with specs and cost estimates, apply to DoE for OK to ensure building aid payments to Pittsfield, contact Pittsfield fire chief and building inspector about the project.  I believe that the preliminary work could be completed by the close of school with the renovation completed by August 31.


2.    What are our options with Locke’s Location as far as notification of termination of lease?  Could we structure our lease to go month to month?  6 month?

·         We have contacted the landlord about the possibility of extending for two months, til August 31; we haven’t heard back just yet.


3.    Do we have any monies in the budget dedicated to the actual move from Locke’s Location?

·         No, though we have $30,000 encumbered for “renovation.”

·         I will provide a status report on potential sources of funds within our current and FY10 budgets for your next meeting.


4.    Is it feasible to not renew our lease, temporarily relocate the SAU in July and be in the new offices by the start of the 2009/10 school year?

·         It is possible; it’d effectively mean two separate moves, which I’d like to avoid if possible.


5.    Would we make a request to the Select Board to see if they feel like relocating to the Town Hall is a viable option?

·         I don’t see why not; however, this certainly would take more time to develop than would a move in the months ahead.

·         Also, some discussion had occurred regarding advantages to having the SAU office on the school site; you may want to continue this discussion.


Time passes by very quickly between meetings and I would like to see a plan in place before our options are limited beyond control.


Discussion ensued regarding the options that are available, the cost associated with each, and the way in which the community might perceive each option.  Ms. Paradise directed Dr. Freeman to research the contact that was previously made with the Select Board regarding using space at the Town Hall.


Discussion ensued regarding the use of Siemans to develop the HVAC mechanical system for the project.  The Board directed Dr. Freeman to have Team Design continue working on a design for the mechanical system, with the hopes of receiving a bid from Siemans. 


Mr. Morse asked how state building aid factors into the project. Mr. Bisson explained that forty percent of the project can be reimbursed by building aid, if specific conditions are met.  Dr. Freeman was asked to make another contact with the Department of Education to confirm that building aid would be available if the IA building was chosen for the renovation.  Mr. Bisson suggested thinking about local contractors who might be able to accomplish the work being planned.  He agreed to contact several area contractors with whom he has experience and collect information from them for the Board’s review.


Mr. Morse expressed interest in gaining community input regarding the project.  Dr. Freeman suggested the idea of incorporating an informational meeting on SAU location into a planned a Community Forum to be convened on June 6, 2009, to discuss district mission and vision as well as the district’s use of stimulus funds.  The Board agreed to do so and directed Dr. Freeman to advertise this event. 


VI.          PUBLIC INPUT – None




A.    NH Education & the Environment Team:  Building Vertical Science Literacy


Mr. Kilmister and ten teachers attended the initial training for analysis of water sheds, climate, and habitats.  This project will continue with a week-long training during the summer and integration of the content into the PES and PMHS science curriculum.


B.    School in Need of Improvement


Mr. Kilmister explained that Literacy Coordinator Chris Teague and Guidance Counselor Mike Curtin attended an informational meeting providing information on how to proceed to plan a process for developing a plan for improvement.  He explained that a committee will be formed including administrators, teachers, parents, community members, and a member of the Board.  The committee will include Dr. Stephanie Spadorcia, a literacy consultant from Lesley University with whom PES has enjoyed a long relationship. 




C.    Hoop Installation


Mr. Kilmister explained that two parents, Mr. David Provencal and Mr. Mat St. George, volunteered to install the two outdoor basketball hoops at PES.  The work was accomplished with one problem:  the internet cable that connects the two school buildings was disrupted.  Dig Safe had been contacted but, unfortunately, was not aware of the internet cable that was installed.  White Mountain Cable Company temporarily repaired the problem and has recommended a long-term solution.  The hoops were purchased with Wal Mart Community Grant funds.  Barton Lumber donated $100 worth of materials and Mr. Scott Aubertin of Aubertin Excavation helped with excavation.  Mr. Morse thanked the people from the community who helped to install the basketball hoops.  Mr. Kilmister was asked to provide a picture and information to the Suncook Valley Sun to formally thank them for their work.


D.    Morning Math Intervention


Morning math intervention groups have been offered at PES this year.  Teachers have volunteered their time to lead the groups with students in grade 1-6.  The purpose of morning intervention groups is to assist students who may be struggling in the general math curriculum.  The possibility exists for the continuation of the intervention groups, using money from the Recovery Funds to pay stipends for teachers.


Dr. Freeman distributed information about the funding sources that could potentially become available, including Recovery Funds through the IDEA and Title I grants, as well as several other grants, School in Need of Improvement (SINI) funds, and Title IIA redistribution funds.   He explained that potential initiatives are planned to support the goal of eliminating dropouts.  The initiatives are focusing on the three key factors that have been found to impact  the dropout rate:  attendance, behavior, and academics (general, math, reading, and writing). A lengthy list of potential projects was reviewed by Dr. Freeman.  He explained the conceptual design of three tiers of intervention and how the initiatives fit in to the overall plan.


Dr. Freeman suggested adding this topic to the Community Forum scheduled for June 6th.  Ms. Vogt suggested the following publicizing strategies to encourage participation:  posters about town; websites; PES newsletter; emails to specific people, such as the budget committee, and the people who have attended previous forums.









A.    NEAS&C


Mr. Gremlitz explained that staff has started working on the two-year self-study process.  He reviewed the seven standards for accreditation and the indicators within each standard which form the basis for the self-study report and then the report that will be produced by the visiting team after their on-site evaluation in the spring of 2011.


B.   NEAS&C Self-Study Seminar


Mr. Gremlitz stated that he was accompanied by NEAS&C Steering Committee Co-Chairs MaryAnn Hatab and Kiza Armour to a NEAS&C sponsored self-study seminar on May 19, 2009.  The purpose of the seminar is to prepare school leadership teams for the two-year self-study.  Ms. Vogt asked for a list of the members and chairs of the seven standard committees; Mr. Gremlitz will provide these names at the next Board meeting.


C.   College Acceptances


Mr. Gremlitz distributed a list of college acceptances for the class of 2009.  Ms. Corliss asked for a breakdown of two and four year colleges, which Mr. Gremlitz will provide for the next meeting.


D.   Testing


Mr. Gremlitz reported that the Grade 11 Science NECAP testing was administered last week.  Advanced Placement testing also took place.  This week, the middle school science NECAP testing will occur.


E.   Fourth Quarter Progress Reports


Progress reports will be mailed to parents on May 22, 2009.  Included in the mailing will be guidance newsletter and exam schedules. 


F.    Calendar


Mr. Gremlitz pointed out that the middle school promotional ceremony is scheduled for Thursday evening, June 18, 2009. 


G.    Graduation


Mr. Gremlitz asked the School Board for their participation in the Graduation Awards Ceremony scheduled for June 12, 2009.  He will provide the members with a script for presenting awards.  The School Board Chair will present diplomas at graduation with the remaining members seated in the front.




A.    Bullying


Ms. Chassie explained that a committee has been working on the issue of bullying.  The committee has accomplished developing a definition, determining a protocol for investigating and consequencing incidents, contributing to the development of policies, developing a tracking system, and identifying training needs for staff.  The committee will continue in the fall for the purpose of continuing to identify training needs and to monitor the process for potential modification.  Eventually, the monitoring will be transitioned to the Targeted Teams at each school.


B.   Panther Press


Ms. Chassie distributed copies of The Panther Press, a publication written by Ms. Lois Stevens specifically for the paraprofessionals in the district.




A.    Policies


Dr. Freeman brought forward several policies for the Board’s approval:  Policy AC – Non-Discrimination, Policy CA – Administrative Goals, Policy CB – School Superintendent, Policy CFB – Building Principals’ Evaluation, Policy CLA –

Treatment of Outside Reports, Policy GBAA – Sexual Harassment and Violence – Employees, Policy GBEBD – Employee Use of Social Networking Websites, Policy JBAA – Sexual Harassment and Violence – Students, Policy JIC – Student Conduct, Policy JICD – Student Conduct, Discipline, and Due Process, Policy JICD-R – Memorandum of Understanding, Policy JICDD – Student Discipline, Policy JICK – Student Safety and Violence Prevention, Policy JIH – Searchers of Students and Their Property, Policy JIH-R – Searches of Students, Policy JIHB – Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property, Policy JIHB-R – Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property (form), and Policy KF – Use of School Buildings and Facilities.


Suggestions were provided by members of the School Board, which Dr. Freeman incorporated into the drafts.  Dr. Freeman was requested to check the wording in Policy JBAA – Sexual Harassment and Violence with the school’s attorney before finalizing.  Ms. Corliss asked Dr. Freeman to provide her with additional information on the Board’s smoking policy, especially as the policy relates to Drake Field.  


On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the proposed policies as amended.


B.    Flex Health Plan


Dr. Freeman introduced the idea of providing the option of a Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for employees.  On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the offering of the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account option to employees. 


C.    Worker’s Compensation Program


Dr. Freeman explained that the contract with Primex is ending and that Primex is offering an extension of membership for three years with a 5% discount in each of the three years.  Ms. Paradise directed Dr. Freeman to secure at least one more quote, which he agreed to do for the next meeting.


D.    Superintendent Performance Review


Revisions were made to the performance evaluation document as requested by the Board.  Key changes include dates for steps in the process and modification to a five-point rating system.  Modifying the process for the current year, Ms. Paradise will use the input from other Board members to have a dialogue with Dr. Freeman.  The input from members is due to Ms. Paradise by June 8, 2009.


E.    Health Insurance Options


Dr. Freeman distributed information from the second insurer, SchoolCare, that provided information to staff.  Discussion ensued regarding the options that are available to the negotiating team in terms of when a new company could be hired.  Dr. Freeman will research the terms of the current company’s contract.


F.     Negotiations


NHSBA Executive Director Ted Comstock has been scheduled to provide training and the opportunity to ask questions regarding the negotiation process to the Board at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, in the PMHS media center. 


G.    Facilities Projects


Dr. Freeman reviewed the projects that are in process this spring.  Ms. Vogt questioned the issue of the cupola.  Dr. Freeman reported that the cupola requires repairing, had gone out to bid last summer resulting in no bidders, and that no immediate action is planned. 




No committee reports were received.




The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 2009, at 5:30 p.m., at the Pittsfield Elementary School.  Agenda items will include Assessment Team presentation, curriculum mapping, teacher evaluation process, and feedback on revised athletic handbook.  Ms. Vogt suggested that two meetings in July might be necessary.  The Board decided to consider this at the June 18, 2009 meeting.    


XIII.       PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None




At  9:24 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt to enter into non-public session to discuss personnel and compensation issues.  The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 (a).


A.   Stipend.  The Board received a report from PMHS Interim Principal Rick Gremlitz on the work of a staff member in support of the implementation of the new student information system software.  Mr. Gremlitz recommended that the Board provide a stipend as compensation for the expertise and additional time provided by the staff member. 


B.   Support Staff Salary Schedule.  Dr. Freeman discussed the support staff salary schedule with the Board.  He expressed concern about irregularities in application of the salary schedule.  The Board discussed the operation and intent of the schedule.  The Board directed Dr. Freeman to research the history of the current salary schedule and to recommend remediation of the irregularities.


C.   Personnel Matter.  The Board discussed a personnel matter.


D.   Non-Public Session Minutes. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board unanimously voted to seal the minutes of that portion of the non-public session in which a personnel matter was discussed (in C above).


At 10:37 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Corliss to conclude the non-public session and to re-enter into open session.  The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to re-enter into open session.     




A.  Stipend.  On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to provide a one-time stipend to Ms. Kiza Armour in compensation for her work in the PowerSchool implementation.




On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m.



      Respectfully submitted,




               Tobi Gray Chassie

           Recording Secretary




     John J. Freeman, Ph.D.

                                    Non-Public Session and Subsequent Open Session Recording Secretary