May 22, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Merrill Vaughn noted there is going to be an American Legion Memorial
Day Service on Sunday at 1:00 P.M. There will be a guest speaker from the
Army National Guard. This will be Merrill’s first as Commander of the
American Legion.
He also noted that on Catamount near the blinking light there is a 20 MPH
sign that is covered by branches. George to take care of this.
Scott Palmer wanted to thank BOS for appointing him as member of Parks
and Recreation Committee. At his first meeting, he was appointed as their
representative to the BOS. He related that so the BOS can fully understand
what they do, Minutes of their meetings will be forwarded and he will be
attending BOS meetings. He noted that there will be a Fishing Derby on
June 2nd at the Town swimming area. He also noted that it is necessary to
replace fence at the back of the swimming area and would like some
“manpower” to assist him on June 9th, 8:00 A.M. to Noon to set posts and
then fence.
Denise Morin wanted to know where things were at in regard to Town
Administrator. (AM) related that BOS would be having Non-Public Session
tonight to discuss this issue. She also wanted to know if BOS had followed
up on the Internal Controls Assessment. She noted that they were going to
go through one issue at a time. (AM) related that had not set-up a time to
discuss with Liz and Cara.
George noted that Shaw Bridge Road has not yet been done. He is awaiting
Emergency Permit to do, which should be around June 1st. He will be
seeking bids. Cost will be about $10,000 to open up road again.
George wanted to advise Board that the permit he was requesting from DES
has finally come. He noted at last BOS meeting he had not yet received it.
He is now awaiting Federal Storm Water Permit and he will need to have
that before he can do the work. He related that he could do nothing until he
has received this Permit. He is hoping that it will be forthcoming soon as
they are only clearing about 1.3 to 1.5 acres. He is meeting with the
Engineer tomorrow.
NEW BUSINESS (Out of Sequence)
3. Paving Bids, Award
BOS reviewed paving bids and noted they were all fairly close.
(LS) Motion to accept paving bid from Continental Paving, $73, 708. (LK)
Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) When is this going to happen? George related they can shim and raise
road now but the overlay cannot be done till Permit from State is received.
He is estimating in about a month.
(LS) Internal Controls Assessment Update. Update on $800 Oil Change
(JL) Building Inspector Permit. (EV) Three Additional Alternates for EDC.
(LK) Town Hall Roof, Town Hall Flag, Channel 24 Update and Building
Inspector Vehicle.
6:15 P.M. Sharon Wason, Central NH Regional Planning Commission and
Eric Bahr, Economic Development Committee.
Ms. Wason related that the contract included Strategy and Land Uses,
Inventory/Map, and Site Plan Regs. Ms. Wason would like to finish with
the Site Plan Regs. Eric Bahr feels, as does the Committee, that they are not
yet ready to do this. (LS) related that she felt that “in light of the
information presented, Town should keep within the scope of the contract as
presented by CNHRPC.” Eric agreed that Site Plan Regs are very necessary
but they are not yet ready to do these. He related “you first need to have a
good foundation before you can put up the building.” The Committee feels
it is premature to do them at this time. (LS) related that the Site Plan Regs
are an important tool for the Town of Pittsfield. I think we need to keep the
scope as it is, but also support any project the EDC wants to go after. Eric
related that personally we would like to use their expertise on a time and
material basis. If we use their services for things that are not necessary, we
are spending the taxpayers’ money unwisely. What needs to be done is the
Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations and Cluster Subdivision Regs.
This would take priority with the Planning Board. (LS) related that time and
material basis is good, too. Eric related that he did not want to see the
Committee go through with things we do not want to do. He related that the
Master Plan should be delivered to the Town this year. We have got
everything we need right now from CNHRPLC; everything else in contract
is premature.
BOS, Eric Bahr and Ms. Wason further discussed timeframe for preparation
of first draft of Site Plan Regs, process of how they would compile Regs,
working on a project-by-project basis via letter of agreement, and using
Tony to assist with future projects. (AM) noted that his thoughts were that
BOS were looking for a platform to go off on to start to do different things
now. He related that he felt they should stick with the present contract so we
can accomplish these things and not just to help next committee. There is
always a reason why it is not accomplished. Outside help would be helpful
at this time. Ms. Wason related they wanted to finish the work this year.
She related that the Site Plan Regs are not up-to-date. They are not user
friendly and understandable to all parties. We could work with the Master
Plan Committee also. Eric related that the Site Plan Regs are not used very
often. He noted that the Planning Board is just now trying to define frontage
and has other issues that should come before the Site Plan Regs. (JL) noted
that he felt the CNHRPC was very focused and that EDC seems to be on
track and doing something. Ms. Wason related that she is amazed at what
the Committee has accomplished.
(EV) related “I believe what I am hearing from Ms. Wason is that once
contract is done, if we need someone, they are there.” Ms. Wason related
that they were fine with that and they were wise to use their money
productively. Eric related that he had communicated with the EDC and they
felt it was not the right thing to spend the money on at this time. (LS) noted
that $4,000 is a lot of money for the taxpayers to have to spend. After much
discussion, BOS agreed to:
(LS) Motion to stay on tract with contract, as it exists. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Ms. Wason related that they are willing to work with Town and she will
send letter of agreement noting that sufficient time is required for any
“additional projects” with an approximately 3-4 week window. Hopefully,
at that time, Tony would be available to continue working with Committee.
1. Town Trustee of Funds Appointment
(EV) Motion to accept Cedric Dustin, III as Trustee of Funds. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Copier Fee Policy
(LK) related that there were a few letters that had been received regarding
use of personal copier for copying Town documents. He related that he had
discussed this with Atty. Kim Palquist, LGC, and she questioned why Town
would even allow an individual to use their own copier for reproducing
Town documents. The chance of something happening to an original
document during this process would be the prime reason for not allowing
this. He related that he had discussed copying fees earlier in the year with
Atty. Paul Sanderson who felt that $.35 a copy was very fair as some Towns
charge $5.00 per copy.
(LK) Motion to not allow anyone to bring personal copier into Town Hall to
make copies of Town documents. (Motion fails due to lack of Second after
further discussion.)
BOS agreed with this issue, but decided to table for one week to allow Board
members to further deliberate on subject.
(PS) noted that he thought BOS was taking wise course of action by limiting
use of personal copier due to probability of error. If staff person makes
copies, then Town can better protect and control documents.
4. EDC
(EV) explained to (AM) what had transpired while he was away. He related
that Fred Hast stated that he had appeared for several EDC meetings on
several Wednesdays in a row and no one was here. He related that the
reason no Committee meeting was held was because there was an
insufficient number of people for a quorum and therefore, no one was
present when Mr. Hast appeared at Town Hall. Kimberly at LGC related that
it should probably be a 9-member committee with as many alternates as they
would want.
(EV) Motion to appoint Marilyn Roberts and Darren Nielsen as Alternates.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) requested that (PS) send letters to all Committee members advising
them of what has transpired and also to Pat Heffernan to advise him that he
has been appointed as a full time member and that his resignation has not
been accepted.
5. Town Hall Roof
(LS) no quotes for asphalt roof have been received yet. (PS) related that
MM has not yet advised him of any quotes.
6. Town Hall Flag
(LK) related present flag needs to be replaced. BOS related that one should
be ordered to replace current flag.
7. Channel 24
(LK) related that many items are not being placed on the Channel for Town
review. Recording Secretary related that she has been unable to find
someone to assist her with this. (LK) suggested Don Chase be asked to help
with this. (AM) related that a contract exists with Metrocast and they should
be contacted to assist with this. (PS) to contact them.
8. Door to Basement
(LK) related that Liz was concerned about the door being locked as
individuals could stray to third floor when coming upstairs to use facilities.
Liz related that there are many confidential documents on the third floor and
would like to see if a padlock can be installed on the third floor door. Mike
to check with Fire Chief first and proceed accordingly.
9. Oil Change – Fire Department Generator
(LS) wanted to know if the $700 charge for oil change had been figured out.
(PS) related that he had discussed with Department Heads and unfortunately,
these are the labor rates. It is what they charge for labor and travel time.
(JL) wanted to know why it could not be done in-house? (PS) related he was
not sure if this could be done under Warranty. Apparently, the Fire
Department generator requires oil change every so many hours as it is on a
timer. The Fire Department uses the generator on a weekly basis and after
so many hours, it is required to be serviced. (AM) wanted to know if any
internal controls were in place in regard to who makes decision as to when
to call for servicing? (PS) to find out more and advise Board.
10. Internal Controls Update
(PS) related that BOS had started on one component of the Internal Controls
Assessment. They had received a response from Liz and Cara, but because
of personal issues, and the Town pursuing a new Town Administrator it was
not accomplished. The BOS agreed to pursue this with the new Town
Administrator in the near future.
11. Building Permit Memo from Mike McLaughlin
(JL) I do not understand what Mike is trying to do. (PS) related that he had
discussed with Mike and there were two issues that he addressed with him.
One was his definition and secondly his impetus as to what caused this to
occur. Mike noted to (PS) that he had quite a few boundary disputes, as
people in Pittsfield are not required to submit a survey plan for construction
on personal properties or any other properties. (PS) related that this is a
significant issue as it can be very costly for private individuals to submit a
certified lot plan. He related that Building Inspector’s intent was to make
applicant responsible. BOS agreed that it requires greater definition and
should be approved by BOS before posting. (PS) related that the Town of
Pittsfield is levying a cost to the taxpayers, though it may not be
unreasonable. He related that it can be a good thing but can impact costs
when applicant is applying for Building Permit. It was agreed that (PS) and
Mike would further discuss, revise and get back to Board for approval.
1. Town Hall Air Quality Follow-Up
(PS) related that Mike was asked to follow-up on the Town Hall air quality.
He related that someone had been here today to evaluate system and that
Mike would fix situation if costs were not too exorbitant.
2. Department of Labor Report from 1998
(PS) related that he had advised all Department Heads of this at last
Department Head meeting for their input.
3. Mark Turner – Pot Holes Update
(PS) related that Mike and George were to visit and discuss with
homeowner. To date, he has not heard what has transpired.
4. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption – Tabled from 4/17/07
(LS) No new information concerning this as yet. However, there is an
article in the new issue of New Hampshire Town and City regarding
“Charities and Property Tax Exemption.” Copies of article will be
distributed to all Board members.
5. Conservation Committee, Jon Greenwood
(LK) related that he believes Committee is two members short. He will
determine if there is an opening and how many and action will be taken next
6. Regulations on Welfare Seminar
(LK) related that Betsey and he will be attending a seminar on Regulations
on Welfare on June 21st.
7. Building Inspector Vehicle
(LK) related that he does inspections on Saturday mornings from about
11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. He related that since his vehicle is not an official
vehicle, he would like to utilize the BI vehicle for this purpose.
(JL) questioned, “Inspection of what?” (LK) related Welfare inspections.
Board agreed that this would be acceptable.
1. Timber Yield Tax
(EV) Motion to grant application for Estate of Warren Riel. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Elderly Exemption Renewals
(PS) Cara has put together a packet of elderly exemptions for Board to
review. All members of Board related that they have reviewed them.
(LK) Motion to accept the elderly exemptions for Pauline Barton, James E.
Bryant, Pearl Cheney, Mary A. Felch, Clarence G. and Doris Gerlack, Sr.,
John D. Martin, Rita S. Moody, John J. Mcbride, Cleon V. Riel, Alvah G.
and Caroline Robinson, (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll for week ending May 26, 2007. (JL) Second
Carried 4-0.
(LS) requested that all timesheets should be initialed by Department Heads
including internal employee timesheets.
(LS) Motion to accept accounts payable for week ending May 26, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) Motion to accept minutes of May 15, 2007. (LS) Second.
A few corrections were noted and will be accomplished by Recording
Secretary. Carried 4-1 (AM Abstain).
Motion to go into Non-Public Session according to RSA 91A:3 (2b) and (a)
regarding hiring of Town Administrator and Employee. Carried 4-0. Board
polled and all agreed.
Public Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Approved: June 5, 2007
____________________________ _______________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date