May 22, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:02 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Eric Nilsson (EN). (LK) Eric has advised he will be late.



Close Public Input


(GL) SVRTA E-Mail Report Re: Insurance, Fayette Street Property, Junkyards; (LS) Mountain Valley Trailriders, Vintage Hill Statement; (PR) Town Clerk/Tax Collector Office Help, HSA Office; (LK) Board of Selectmen Meetings, Tax Deeded Properties, (PS) Police Radio Equipment Grant/State of NH Department of Safety, Police Cruiser Repairs, Award of Paving Bid, Requirements for Dam/Water Course Improvements at Municipal Pool, Reclassification of Acreage Already in Current Use, Tax Map R3, Lot 7-2. Also addressed: Part-time Police Officer, Interim Fire Chief, and Avitar,


6:04 P.M.: Acceptance of Gift of Materials/Labor from the Rotary Club

(LS) read into the Minutes the Public Hearing Notice (See Attached.)

Jesse Pacheco: When is this going to start? Minnie Plante: If approved, the first week of June. We would like to fill the pool by June 14th or 15th.

Close Public Hearing

(PR) Motion to accept gift of $3,400 in form of materials/labor from the Rotary Club for dredging the Town pool. (GL) Second.
After brief Discussion: Carried 4-0.


George Bachelder was present. He noted the Letter of Deficiency dated
May 8, 2012 regarding the New Statutory Penalty Provisions. Board discussed this briefly and determined that it does not affect the Town Pool and vote was taken concerning the Public Hearing. (See Above.)


7. Requirements for Dam and Water Course Improvements at Municipal

George Bachelder: He related that they have been working on the items as noted in the letter and have completed some of them. (See Attached.) (PS) Please note that there are two letters from the DES. George Bachelder: He noted that the State could offer a list of qualified engineers which would have to be a hydraulic engineer. (LS) This is not going to effect the dredging of the pool at all?
George Bachelder: No, this is completely different. (PS) George and I can sit down to determine how this can be addressed. You will note on the second letter – Intent to Complete Repairs – that Item No. 4: Incident Management and Response Information has not been completed. This will be given to Chief Wharem to address and complete. This Intent to Complete Repairs needs to be returned to the DES within 45 days. Board will need to authorize Chair to sign letter of Intent to Complete Repairs.

(LS) Motion to authorize Chair to sign letter of Intent to Complete Repairs.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: Board noted they would need to find out the cost involving the engineer and where Town will find the money. (PS) The important factor is to complete items noted in letter by December 31, 2012. The costs may have to be an appropriation at Town Meeting next year.

George Bachelder: We will have all that can be done within the next few weeks. Item No. 4 should be completed by Emergency Management. The important factor would be to find an engineer. (GL) Which items have you completed so far?
George Bachelder: Items No. 1, 2 – there is a question, 3, 4 will be one of the last ones to do, 5 is done as is 8. Items 6 and 7 will be done later. I mainly came in tonight because of the $2,000 fine.

8. Police Radio Equipment Grant/State of NH Department of Safety.

Chief Wharem was present. Before I begin, did you receive the signs I sent you. (LK) Affirmative. Chief Wharem: We will post them on the properties.

Chief Wharem: I spoke last week regarding radio compatibility and we have decided on getting three Motorola APX7000 which will give us the ability to communicate throughout the State and locally. This is within compliance of the grant for a total of $13,714.80 which is close to the offered grant of $14,339.01 without going over. Chief Wharem: The Radio Recipient and Memo of Understanding Certification would have to be signed by the Chair.

Discussion: (LS) I tried researching this on-line and it stated in the grant that it is an 80/20 match. Chief Wharem: I was advised that there is no match. I will contact them again and get that in writing. (LS) Who owns the radios?
Chief Wharem: They would be owned by the Town of Pittsfield. We have had this same type of grant previously. (LS) What about programming? Chief Wharem: Radios come programmed. (LS) So there should be no costs for that either. (LK) The deadline is May 24th. (LK) We can sign the paperwork and if the 80/20 factor is in place, then we do not have to accept it? Chief Wharem: No.

(PR) Motion to authorize Chair to sign the Radio Recipient and Memo of Understanding Certification. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Chief Wharem will process the paperwork.
9. Police Cruiser Repairs

(LK) Last week Chief Wharem addressed the 2007 cruiser repair, we tabled it for this week and need to make a decision tonight.

(LS) Motion to send the 2007 cruiser (former canine car) to auction at Chief Wharem’s recommendation. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) Motion to send the former Building Inspector car to auction. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

10. Part-Time Police Officer

Chief Wharem: I would like to make a conditional offer of employment to Joseph McDowell from Barnstead. It was noted that he could possibly be available for one or two shifts a week and hopefully, his orientation to Pittsfield would be minimal. He has been a police officer since 1995.

Chief Wharem: I did not send the advertisement to LGC or Primex and am just waiting for now. There may be another interested party. (PS) LGC and Primex are free. Board directed Chief to put this advertisement on LGC and Primex.

(LS) Motion to approve conditional offer of employment to Joseph McDowell. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

11. Award of Paving Bid

George Bachelder: Continental Paving is the low bidder. (PS) Board will note that there is a spreadsheet prepared by Cara and that there is no crushed gravel quoted by Continental Paving. George Bachelder: This was a misunderstanding as the bid for gravel is separate. Continental Paving recently bought Concord Sand and they will be providing that for free. Board noted that this estimate is lower than George’s original estimate.

(PR) Motion to accept Continental Paving for paving project of Wildwood Drive for $110,960. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

12. Interim Fire Chief

(LS) The Board of Selectmen…… (See attached Motion as read into the Minutes by Linda Small.) (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

1. Transfer from the Ambulance Fund to the General Fund in the
Amount of $87.50

(GL) Motion to approve transfer of $87.50 from the Ambulance Fund to the General Fund. (LG) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Abatement of $6,592 – Tax Map R28, Lot 2

(LS) Motion to approve abatement of $6,592, Tax Map R28, Lot 2 elderly deferral. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PR) There has been a tax deferral for quite a while on this property. As discussed by the prior BOS, I do believe that they have been notified that they are maxed out and they should seek some other assistance. Town will not be able to do it again.

3. Policy for Access to Town Property



1. Administrative Plan for 2012 Budget Stabilization



1. Veteran’s Tax Credit Application – Tax Map R49, Lot 17-3

(PS) This individual qualifies.

(LS) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit Application Tax Map R49,
Lot 17-3. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


13. Reclassification of Acreage Already in Current Use –
Tax Map R3, Lot 7-2

(PS) This has been reviewed by Avitar staff and they are requesting to reclassify farmland including other acreage and wetlands. (PR) I thought you had to have ten acres. (PS) They do have ten acres: house and forest/wetlands/farmland.
(PS) You can table this or approve reclassification.

(LS) Motion to approve reclassification of current use – farmland, forest and wetlands – Tax Map R3, Lot 7-2. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

14. Avitar

(PS) Avitar is doing pick-up work. (LK) I would like to meet with them.
(PS) to schedule.


(GL) At the meeting they discussed hiring a consultant at a cost of $5,000 for a third party health insurance review. Pittsfield’s share should be $617 based on the number of employees it has.

(PS) The Association did this a couple of years ago – a third party health insurance review. This seemed to help the Board members in retaining health insurance at a lower rate. (GL) There are seven towns now involved and there is the possibility of adding two additional. The consultant would brief us all about insurance costs. (LS) What were the savings? (PS) The first year the savings were substantial – about 13% but were increased in subsequent years. (GL) It is easier to bargain with an insurance company for a group. I would be willing to pay the $617.

(GL) Motion to approve $617 for SVRTA consultant for third party health insurance review. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) At least we have a voice on the committee now.

16. Fayette Street Property

(GL) There is a couple interested in the Fayette Street property. We have met with them and given them information about turning the factory into a multi-use building. We will work with them through Planning Board and Zoning Board.

17. Junkyards

(GL) Bruce Clattenburg noted that they have changed the date for junkyards review to July. (PS) That is because the State Law has been changed to July 1st. (LK) If this is the State Law, we can do nothing about that.


1. Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E.

See above: Fayette Street Property

2. Departmental Inquiry Re: Flammable Cabinet

(PS) The Building Inspector has reviewed the Department of Labor Safety Report to see if anyone had an available inflammable cabinet. No one has one right now. (LK) We still need one and they are not inexpensive. I have seen them at auctions. (PS) to check on Craig’s List.

3. Property Tax Receivable/Collection Process Re: Mobile Homes

(PS) This is in process as to where to assign the property tax legally.
(PR) Manufactured homes have a Vin number. (PS) Yes, if you can find it.
(LS) I thought it would be attached to the land. (PR) Yes, the owner of the land.

4. List of Parks and Recreation Employees

(PS) We have received a roster of employees from Minnie Plante for those working at the Town Pool for 2012. Would you like to meet them? Board agreed that they would and (PS) to schedule for June 5th. Board questioned several of the hourly wages and (PS) explained it is an incentive to return each year as trained personnel, the Town being comfortable with them and are doing a good job. It was noted that we are in the process of background checks for these individuals. Many of them have had this accomplished but it is redone each year.

5. Information Re: Dumpsters

Board requested information on dumpsters. Cara has come up with the billing and etc. (LK) Do we send them out to bid? (PS) Yes, this agreement was for three years which runs out in October 2012. (LS) When it gets close to running out we can take a look into it.

6. Board of Selectmen Meetings

(LK) There is no meeting scheduled for next week (May 29th) and also

(LK) Motion that Board of Selectmen meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LK) If something comes up, we can schedule a meeting.

7. Tax Deeded Properties

(LK) The document on Tax Deeded Properties now states that Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason, … and “No minimum bid required.” (PS) We have had one bid submitted, which I have been holding onto and believe it is still a valid bid. (LK) I assume he knows that it can be refused. (PS) To the best of my knowledge – yes.

8. Mountain Valley Trailriders

(LS) I have received an E-Mail that the Mountain Valley Trailriders will be having an event for cystic fibrosis on June 8th and 9th. In the past, they have dug up the roads and made a mess of property. The Townspeople should not have to pay for this mess. (PS) to send letter to organization to address this issue.

9. Vintage Hill – Sewer Bill

(LS) read into the Minutes a statement she had prepared concerning the sewer hook-up fees for Vintage Hill. (See Attached.)

10. Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector

(PR) suggested that with the Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector out on FMLA starting June 6th, it might be wise to have someone to assist the Town Clerk for several hours during the week. This will be addressed at the discretion of Town Clerk at a future date, if necessary.

11. Board of Selectmen Meeting – May 29th

(LK) There will be no Board of Selectmen Meeting next week, May 29th.


1. Accounts Payable

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Payroll

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of May 15, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 15, 2012 with Corrections. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Page 5, Paragraph 2, Line 1 should read: (LK) Why would we even consider sending this car to the graveyard with only 88,000 miles?
Page 7, Paragraph 3, Line 2 should read: (LS) advised that the Town has adopted this and the EDC put together a package for interested applicants.
Page 9, Paragraph 3, Line 3 should read: ….indicates that for the initial response they are paid……
Page 9, Paragraph 4, name should be Rob Freese.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of May 15, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 15, 2012.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0


1. HSA Office

(PR) We had discussed previously about moving HSA into the Building Inspector’s office. Is that progressing? (PS) We are awaiting an estimate from the computer company for rewiring and also the third party phone provider for a quote to move the phone. (PR) Will we have that within the next few weeks? (PS) Yes.


Joey Darrah: Can you provide me with registration information prior to my coming to register my vehicles. I have multiple vehicles and it would be helpful if I could determine prior costs, etc. before coming to the Town Hall. I do not like to wait till the last day. I like to plan ahead. (PS) Let me talk to them.

Rob Freese: The cost of fleet details, do you have a copy of it? (LS) “Yes, a copy of the 2011 special details accounting was provided. Rob Freese: “I believe there was about $80,000 worth of revenue that came in for these details; details bring in money.” (LS) There is no appropriation for it, therefore you cannot spend it. (PR) The detail line says $1.00. (LS) I intend on putting together a Warrant Article for budget year 2013 to make it clear and to ensure that we do not have a similar problem in the future. Rob Freese: It was noted that $23,000 was made in details last year. (LK) You have to keep in mind the number of hours it puts on a cruiser. Rob Freese: Yes, but this would be $23,000 in the black.

Joey Darrah: In the future, are you going to put details back? (LS) That is what I said I would try to do with a Warrant Article and I am working on it for 2013. We are short staffed this year in the Police Department and are struggling to maintain the hours for patrol.

Larry Williams: Short staffed, why are people leaving? (LK) We cannot talk about employees in public session but one moved out of state, a couple others are on FMLA and/or sick leave, (PS) and one is out on unpaid administrative leave. (PR) We are down three to four people. Larry Williams: What about the hiring freeze? Why are people leaving? (LK) We hired two people tonight. We like to know what is going on the way the budget is. Comment from audience: Don’t you know why they are leaving?

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 P.M.

Approved: June 5, 2012

___________________________ ____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on May 22, 2012, transcribed and public posted on May 24, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

I Tape