May 23, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
May 23, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Robert Heroux, Bill Elkins, Carol Dodge, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Dave Simpson, Laural Collier, Rod Wood, Merrill Vaughan, Christine Topham, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Appointment – Rod Wood of Purvis Associates

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:04PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(e) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:32PM.

Public Input


Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

New Business

Sewer Fees – Selectman Vien stated that Ron Vien was okay with adjusting the fee yearly. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt that the change to the flat fee did not make much of a difference and should not be changed. She had done some calculations on the rate change. The Board discussed how to proceed. Chairman Morse asked Selectman Vien and Selectwoman Small to speak with Ron about their information.
Space Needs Study – Chairman Morse proposed using the members of the Capital Improvement Committee to serve as a study committee to review building needs for the Town. He felt that the Town Administrator should send letters to the members of last year’s committee to see if they were interested. The other Board members concurred with this.
Building Inspector – Tabled.
Disaster Aid Reporting – The Board discussed whether or not the time spent by salaried and call employees responding to the flooding last week should be included in the paperwork. Chairman Morse asked how the tracking of the disaster costs was going. The Town Administrator updated the Board on how it was going.
Webmaster – The Town Administrator asked the Board to officially appoint Bill Provencal as the Webmaster. A motion was made to appoint William Provencal as the Town of Pittsfield’s Webmaster by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board asked that the Website Link Policy be added to the next Agenda.
Capital Area Regional Health Network – The Town Administrator presented the Board with a Memorandum of Understanding and a contract with the Capital Area Regional Health Network and Concord Hospital to receive reimbursement of planning expenses for regional and local plans for preparing for pandemics. A motion was made to approve the Memorandum of Understanding and the Contract and authorize Chairman Morse to sign the agreements by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Town Administrator asked the Board to think about the structure of the local planning committee for the next meeting.
Pool Hires – The Board discussed the proposed hires. The Board decided to request that the Parks & Recreation Committee meet with the Board to discuss the pool hires at 5:30PM on the 6th. The Town Administrator was to see if the Committee would be available for that date.
Ambulance Department – Selectman Konopka stated that Epsom was currently using the backup ambulance because their ambulance had broken down. He also stated that the new digital radios had come in. The Town Administrator stated that he was unaware of the ambulance being used by Epsom and would look into the matter to find out more information about the situation.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that the money ceiling repairs came in and that Therrien Roofing was supposed to be in this week.

2. Town Hall Furnace – The Town Administrator stated that he was waiting to hear back from one firm before presenting the information to the Board.

3. Town Manager Study Committee – Chairman Morse suggested that a meeting with the Town Manager Study Committee be set for June 13th.

4. Building Permit Fees – The Town Administrator stated that the changes were made to the fee schedule that was approved last week.

5. Office Space for the Building Inspector – The Board discussed whether or not to continue renovating the downstairs area for the Building Inspector to use. Selectman Vien offered to do a floor plan for the Board to review.

Applications and Warrants

1. Land Use Change Tax – A motion was made to approve Land Use Change Tax Warrants for Mark J. Lawrence ($6,200), Don Philips ($7,000), and Henry Frenette (2) ($7,500 and $7,000) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

2. Raffle Permits – A motion was made to approve Raffle Permits for the Pittsfield/Barnstead Lions Club, the Circle of Home and Family, and Andrea Riel by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

3. Parade Permit – A motion was to approve a Parade Permit for the Pittsfield Old Home Day Committee by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

4. Hawkers, Peddlers, and Itinerant Vendors License – A motion was made to approve a Hawkers, Peddlers, and Itinerant Vendors License for Dennis Larck for an ice cream truck by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

5. Sewer Abatement – The Board had a letter from Susan Hobart requesting that the Board reconsider their decision on her sewer abatement request. The Board discussed the criteria for granting sewer abatements. Chairman Morse suggested that future requests should be given to Ron for review and a recommendation prior to coming to the Board for a decision. The Board decided to add the letter to the next meeting’s agenda.


Public Session Minutes of May 16th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of May 9th – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic minutes of May 9th by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of May 16th – Tabled for discussion in nonpublic session.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 5-23-06 and Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectwoman Small asked questions about several of the expenditures that the Town Administrator answered. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Input

1. Laural Collier requested that the yellow tape along the sidewalk be better secured. The Town Administrator was to take care of it in the morning.

2. Dave Simpson asked the Board if they wanted to wait and use the new Capital Improvement Committee members because the Planning Board was currently recruiting members for this year’s CIP Committee. The Board agreed to his request.

3. Members of the public gave their opinions on having public input at the beginning and the end of the meeting.

4. Pam St. Laurent presented the Board with several concerns including whether or not the Town was making use of the Local Government Center legal staff, whether the Board was communicating with the School Board, and about the cleanliness of the Town Hall.

5. Bob Heroux spoke to the Board about an issue with his house. The Town Administrator stated that he would be contacting the Fire Marshal’s Office to find out the status of the issue.

6. Selectman Vien spoke about the dedication ceremonies that would be happening on Sunday. Merrill Vaughan stated that there would be a memorial church service at 10:30AM to start the events.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:12PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), and (c) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:28PM.

A motion was made to hire the services of Municipal Resources, Inc. as needed for up to 16 hours per week by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to re-advertise for the building inspector position in the Sunday issue of the Union Leader and Concord Monitor by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board agreed to direct the Town Administrator to check into advertising with the LGC web site and any other potential venues.

A motion was made to approve the non-public minutes of May 16th, as revised, by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to seal the nonpublic minutes of the May 23, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:38PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 10:38PM.


May 16, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Dan Schroth, Carol Dodge, Diane Vaughan, Pat Heffernan, Wendy Dumais, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Tom Hitchcock, Jesse Pacheco, Richard Munn, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Dave Simpson, Lance Houle, Ron Vien, Laural Collier, Amy Stanton, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Christine Topham, Larry Federhen, Norma Konopka, Brian Wittenberg, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 5:30PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Appointment – Interview
A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 5:30PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(b) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 5:58PM. The meeting was recessed until 6:03PM

Public Input

Chairman Morse explained that Public Input would be taken at the start and the end of the meeting.

Dan Schroth stated that the Board used to have public input done this way. He felt that allowing people to speak throughout the meeting was better.
Christine Topham asked if the way the Board was operating would change.
Fred Hast spoke about 14 Depot Street and asked why the Board was ignoring his complaints about the property. Chairman Morse stated that the Board was following the advice of counsel. Fred asked the Board to ask the Town Administrator if he had sent the plan to the Town’s attorneys. Selectwoman Small stated that the Planning Board was having a hearing on the issue on Thursday.
Brian Wittenberg stated that he wanted to update the Board on his situation. Chairman Morse felt that discussion should be in nonpublic session.
Selectman Konopka stated that the Board was trying out this meeting format and that the Town was looking into 14 Depot Street.
Agenda Review

No changes were made to the Agenda.

Public Hearing – Building Permit Fees

Chairman Morse opened the public hearing at 6:20PM.

Dan Schroth asked about the fees that were coming in. Jesse Pacheco wanted a timeframe for the Town to do the inspections added. Selectwoman Keeley felt that the penalty was for people who failed to schedule an inspection before going on to the next phase. The public and the Board discussed when people should be allowed to proceed with work and whether or not it should be in the fee schedule. Christine Topham stated that she liked the fee schedule and asked what was considered a structure. Selectman Konopka stated that the Building Inspector would make that determination when the application was filed. Pat Heffernan asked about ensuring that licensed people did the electrical and plumbing work. The Town Administrator stated that he thought the requirement was in the building code. Dan stated that commercial buildings should be charged more and he was opposed to having a building inspector and the fees. Fred Hast asked why portable garages and signs required permits. The public and the Board discussed those items and other general questions on the fee schedule.

Chairman Morse closed the public hearing at 7:05PM

Selectman Konopka motioned to amend the Fees to change “less than 150 sq. ft.” to “no more than 150 sq. ft.,” seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Keeley motioned to amend the Fees to change “Signs” to “Signs, Permanent, Fixed,” seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectman Konopka motioned to amend the Fees to change the sign permit fee to $25, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectman Konopka motioned to amend the Fees to change “fences over 6’” to “fences over 6’ in height,” seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Selectman Konopka motioned to allow the individual to proceed to the next phase of construction if the inspection is not done within five days, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Chairman Morse stated that the provision just said that the person had to schedule the inspection before moving on to the next phase. Selectman Konopka stated that the contractor’s time was valuable. The Board discussed the provision. The motion was withdrawn.

Selectwoman Small stated that she did not feel the Town should charge for the demolition permit because there was no inspection required. A motion was made to eliminate the fee for demolition permits by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the Building Permit Fees as amended, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Appointments – Dan Schroth and Tom Hitchcock / Wendy Dumais (CARHN)

Dan Schroth stated that they were looking to find out what the Town did for planning for avian flu. He and Tom Hitchcock read questions to the Board from a handout they had prepared (see Exhibit A). Tom stated that a pandemic was something the whole town would have to deal with and he felt that one would strike even if it was not avian flu.

Chairman Morse then asked Wendy Dumais of the Capital Area Regional Health Network to speak. Wendy spoke about what the Network was doing on writing an All Hazards Mitigation Plan. She described what was being done for planning that there would be a local forum before the plan was started and after it was written. Wendy stated that everyone needed to plan on an individual basis as well.

Chief Wharem stated that the plans were broken into disciplines and that ESF-8 was the medical plan for the Town. He stated that they would look at setting up a group to write a local plan for pandemics. Chief Wharem stated that the planning needed to be done before the Town started buying supplies so that it knew what to buy because different outbreaks require different supplies. Wendy stated that the Network was looking for volunteers to help. Chief Wharem spoke about getting a resource list of people with skills to help out in the event there is an outbreak. Chairman Morse asked if the plan covered more than just avian flu. Wendy stated that the Plan was to address all outbreaks and terrorist threats. The Board thanked her for coming in.

Dan stated that he wanted more done on the local level to prepare for an outbreak. Tom stated that preparing could involve simple actions. The Board thanked them for coming in.

New Business

Sewer Fees – Ron Vien reported on his research and gave the Board his recommendation that the fees be amended to a flat fee of $12 and a $.0602 cu/ft charge. The Board discussed the proposed rate and what the new rate should be. The item was tabled until the next meeting.
AARP Services – The Town Administrator reported on the program. The Town Administrator was to meet with the Department Heads to see if they could use the program.
Building Inspector – The Board discussed what to do about interim inspections. Selectman Konopka felt the Board should advertise for part-time help. The Board discussed different options for having MRI in. The Board came to a consensus to have the Town Administrator offer the interim position to the two people who had been assisting the Town then advertise for a temporary, part-time certified Building Inspector.
Highway Grant – The Town Administrator presented the Board with a contract for a DWI patrol grant. A motion was made to approve the DWI Patrol Grant contract by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Economic Assistance Contract – The Town Administrator stated that the changes had been made that the Board requested. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to approve the contract with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Selectman Konopka stated that he felt the Board should set up an economic development committee before signing the contract. Motion passed 3 to 1 with Selectman Konopka opposed.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that the money for the deductible could come from the insurance line and the Town could use the reimbursement from the insurance company to make the repairs. The Town Administrator was to call about the roof repairs then send a letter.

2. Town Manager Study Committee – Chairman Morse suggested that all nine people proposed by the Board be appointed to the Town Manager Study Committee. A motion was made by Selectman Vien to appoint Lester Firstenberger, John Kost, Christine Topham, Gil Bleckmann, Merrill Vaughan, Jamie Wrye, Scott Ward, Glenn Amnott, and Leslie Federhen to the Town Manager Study Committee, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. DOT Issues – The Town Administrator stated that the signs that were blocking visibility along Route 28 had been removed. He stated that DOT needed to meet with the Board to discuss the traffic light and they would be contacting him about setting up an appointment with the Board.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 5-16-06 and Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of May 9th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectman Konopka stated that the minutes should include that he offered to recuse himself from the Carole Dodge appointment. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of May 9th – Tabled for discussion in nonpublic session.

Applications and Warrants

1. Discretionary Preservation Easement – Selectman Konopka recused himself from the issue. The Town Administrator was to send a letter stating that a new application needed to be submitted with the correct lot number.

2. Abatement – Tabled.

3. Sewer Abatement – Croft – The Board reviewed the water bills related to the Croft abatement request. The Board discussed denying the abatement because the water entered the sewer system. A motion was made to deny the abatement request filed by Susan Croft by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Van Zanten – The Board reviewed the letter from Yolande Van Zanten requesting an abatement of her sewer bill. The Board discussed whether or not the water entered the sewer system. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to grant an abatement of $528.40 to Yolande Van Zanten on her first quarter sewer bill, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 2 with Selectman Konopka and Selectman Vien opposed.

4. Welfare Lien – A motion was made to approve a Welfare lien in the amount of $977.32 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Input

1. Pat Heffernan stated that he would be willing to continue doing the electrical inspections for the Town.

2. Fred Hast asked if the Town Administrator had been asked if he had sent the Site Plan for 14 Depot Street to legal counsel. Chairman Morse stated no.

3. Ron Vien stated that he had an issue with the abatement because he felt the Board should have checked to see if there was a cellar pump. Ron said that a lot of houses still had them connected to the sewer system. He stated that clean water from the storm over the weekend was creating problems at the wastewater plant. The Board discussed having a work session with Ron to discuss the cellar sump pump problem.

4. Chief Wharem stated that he would send a memo out asking that costs should be tracked for disaster reimbursement.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 9:16PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), and (c) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 11:20PM.

A motion was made to hire Amy Stanton as the Planning and Zoning Secretary with a ninety-day probationary period by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the May 16, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

The Board discussed a letter regarding a building permit application. The Town Administrator stated that he would have someone review the application.

The Board discussed a letter from a resident requesting help with the tax deeding of her property. No action was taken.

A motion was made to adjourn at 11:30PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. The Board adjourned at 11:30PM.


May 9, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, Sharon Wason, CNHRPC, Pat Heffernan, Susan Muenzinger, John Muenzinger, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Larry Berube, Jesse Pacheco, Tal Allen, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Dave Simpson, Bill Elkins, Ron Vien, Don Chase, Ron Dickenson, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Christine Topham, Jesse Pacheco, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 4:35PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Work Session

Selectwoman Small presented some ideas about administration of the Town. She suggested having a work session with the Town Administrator to discuss expectations. The Board discussed reviewing the job descriptions for Building Inspector and the Town Administrator. Chairman Morse asked the Town Administrator to draft revised job descriptions for the Building Inspector and Town Administrator positions to give the Board a starting point to review changing them.
Selectwoman Small updated the Board on the Administrative Assistant’s efforts to make the Town GASB 34 compliant.
The Board discussed reviewing the NHFT contract to prepare for a discussion on the Town’s contract proposals next week.
The Board discussed what information actually needed to be given to the Budget Committee during the Budget Committee. Selectwoman Small was to speak with the Budget Committee Chairman about what documentation should be provided by the Town during the budget process.
Space Needs Study – Chairman Morse suggested using the Capital Improvement Committee to determine the needs that should be looked at. Selectwoman Keeley reported on what Canterbury had done with their space needs committee.
Selectman’s Office Door – Chairman Morse gave an update on the issue.
Selectman Konopka discussed adjusting the elderly exemptions for the Town.
Selectwoman Keeley requested that the Board receive a summary of the Department Head Meetings.
The Board discussed having a summer meeting schedule. The consensus was to wait until after the vacant positions were filled before discussing it again.
Chairman Morse proposed a new format for the Meeting Agenda. The other Board members liked the format and the Board decided to try it.
The Board took a short recess at 5:45PM. The meeting resumed at 6PM.

Appointment – CNHRPC

Sharon Wason presented the Board with a proposal for economic development assistance. Her proposal showed the Town would get 364 hours for the circuit rider including 44hours from a $2,000 state grant that would enhance the Town’s efforts. The Board discussed the contract with Sharon. Sharon also presented some suggestions about how to set up an economic development committee, which the Board reviewed. Chairman Morse stated that he thought the contract should list the maximum amount that would be spent and the maximum amount that the Town would spend. The Board agreed to have the contract revised to include that information. The Town Administrator was to bring the revised contract back to the Board for approval at the next meeting.

New Business

Sewer Fees – Ron Vien requested that the matter be tabled for a week so that he could research why there was a twenty percent decrease in the billing over the past few years.
Weekend Ambulance Coverage – The Town Administrator explained that this was to approve the extension of coverage that had been discussed with Chief Fowler the week before. A motion was made to extend the weekend part-time coverage on the ambulance until December 31, 2006 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
AARP Services – The Board received a memo from Chief Wharem about a program that AARP had where part-time help was provided to employers for twenty to twenty-five hours a week using individuals 55-65 years of age. The Town Administrator was directed to contact AARP for more information and delineate jobs that could be covered by the program.
Building Inspector – The Board reviewed a proposal for building inspection services from Municipal Resources, Inc. The Board decided to set aside the proposal based on concerns about the fees charged for the service.
Appointment – Larry Berube

Larry Berube presented the Board with a concern about the Town Administrator.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 5-9-06 and two fire bills by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Appointment – Carole Dodge and Dan Greene

Selectman Konopka offered to recuse himself. Carole Dodge stated that it was not necessary. A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:59PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 7:38PM.


Public Session Minutes of May 2nd – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 18th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Appointment – Bailey Park Road Bond

Tal Allen stated that they were looking for confirmation of what the road bond amount would be. The Board reviewed amount set by the Planning Board based on the construction estimate and the opinion of the Town’s review engineers. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve that a bond amount of $187,276.40 be required for the Bailey Park Subdivision Road Bond, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Minutes (Cont.)

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 25th– A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of May 2nd – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Discretionary Preservation Easement – The Town Administrator stated that it appeared there was an error on the application because the wrong lot was identified on the application. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to cancel the Public Hearing on the Discretionary Preservation Easement scheduled for the 16th due to an error on the application, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Konopka abstaining.

2. Abatement – The Town Administrator stated that Rod Wood would be in to meet with the Board regarding the Suncook Leathers abatement on May 23rd at 6PM.

3. Sewer Abatement – Tabled for more information.

4. Welfare Lien – A motion was made to approve a Welfare lien in the amount of $390.00 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

5. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made to approve a Timber Tax Levy for the Pittsfield Aqueduct Company for $2,859.89 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

6. Extension Request – The Board discussed a request for a thirty-day extension on filing a Report of Wood Cut from Eastern Logging, Inc. for a timber cut done on Tax Map R-26 Lot 6. The Board discussed tabling the application for more information on why the extension was necessary. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to grant Eastern Logging, Inc. a thirty-day extension on filing their Report of Wood Cut for Tax Map R-26 Lot 6, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 2 with Selectwoman Keeley and Selectman Vien opposed.

7. Veteran’s Credit – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve a Veteran’s Tax Credit and a Service Connected Disability Credit for Lawrence Crowley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that Therrien Roofing was going to come back and fix the remaining leaks in the roof.

2. Paving Bids – The Town Administrator gave the results. The bids were Advanced Paving – $171,355.25, Brox – $178,736, Pike – $169,354.68, and Continental – $158,914. A motion was made to accept the bid from Continental Paving for $158,914 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Town Manager Study Committee – The Board members gave the names that they had brought for consideration for the committee. The Board decided to make the appointments at the next meeting.

4. Lily Pond Islands – Selectwoman Keeley gave an update on a meeting between concerned citizens and the State regarding the islands. Chairman Morse requested that Selectwoman Keeley write a letter for the paper outlining the status of the issue.

5. Upstairs ceiling – The Board reviewed a report from the Town’s insurance company explaining what water damage from the leaking roof would be covered by the insurance company. The Town Administrator was directed to try to find money for the repairs to be made within the budget.

6. DOT Issues – The Town Administrator stated that he had not heard back from DOT on the traffic light issue. Chief Wharem stated that DOT was studying what to do about guardrails on a section of Route 107 in case anyone asked.

Other Business

1. Don Chase stated that he had a concern about the tampering that was done with a Selectman’s food container the previous week by a town official. He felt that the official should be reprimanded for super gluing the container shut and possibly contaminating the food in the container.

2. Don then asked the Board if they were going to address Selectboard members serving on other committees because of all of the letters in the papers regarding Selectman Vien.

3. Fred Hast asked when the Board was going to act regarding the issue he had raised about 14 Depot Street.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:28PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), and (c) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:40PM.

A motion was made by Selectman Vien to seal the nonpublic minutes of the May 9, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:40PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectman Konopka. The Board adjourned at 10:40PM.


May 2, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Donald Ware, Stephen Densberger, Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, Richard Fowler, Jr., Fire Chief, Steve Aubertin, Scott Aubertin, Pat Heffernan, Rich Hunsberger, Charley Mewkill, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Jamie Wrye, Dave Simpson, Bill Elkins, Diane Vaughan, Don Chase, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Laural Collier, Christine Topham, Richard Munn, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 4:30PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Chief Fowler

Chief Fowler spoke with the Board of Selectmen about the expectations for his position. The Board also discussed having EMT/FFs and looking into a ladder truck. The Board agreed that Chief Fowler could take time off for his honeymoon in June. Chairman Morse asked Chief Fowler to meet with the Board on a regular basis. Meeting recessed at 5:10PM. Meeting reopened at 6PM.

New Business

Website Link – The Town Administrator stated that an individual had asked to have their website shown as a link on the Town Website. This was the first request for an individual’s website that was not a business. The Board discussed reviewing the website policy and whether or not to let individuals have a link on the Town Website. Don Chase stated that he had made the request. After the discussion, Don stated that he would withdraw his request and asked the Board to review the website policy. Don later presented a written withdrawal statement to the Board. The Board discussed reviewing the policy. The Town Administrator was asked to review the policy with the Town Webmaster and present a recommendation to the Board.
Appointment – Pittsfield Aqueduct Company

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:18PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(d) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 7:25PM.

New Business (Cont.)

Frenette Land Offer – The Town Administrator explained the original Frenette Land Offer had been withdrawn. Chairman Morse stated that the Board had received a second proposal on the land in question. The Board discussed the second proposal. A motion was made to decline the land offer proposed by Henry Frenette by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Sewer Fees – The Board was given a memo requesting that the sewer user fees be increased because the revenues were not sufficient to offset the expenses. The Board discussed the memo and asked to have Ron Vien present for the next meeting to discuss the fees.
Nonpublic Meetings – Selectwoman Small requested that a summary and explanation of the nonpublic sessions be included in the Agenda sent to the Board members. The Board discussed scheduling of nonpublic sessions. Chairman Morse suggested that nonpublic appointments be labeled as such and separate from other nonpublic items. The Town Administrator stated that he would label the Agendas when nonpublic appointments were scheduled.
Check Manifests
A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 5-2-06 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of April 25 – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 18 and April 25 – Tabled for discussion in nonpublic session.

Applications and Warrants

1. Discretionary Preservation Easement – Selectman Vien presented a report on discretionary preservation easements. Chairman Morse asked the Town Administrator to set up some dates with the Dodges for the Board to look at the property under consideration for a discretionary preservation easement. Selectwoman Keeley volunteered to write a letter to the paper on discretionary preservation easements.

2. Abatement – The Town Administrator stated that the abatement application filed by Wayne Akins was filed late. A motion was made to deny an abatement to Wayne and Autumn Akins by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to deny an abatement for Suncook Leathers, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Selectwoman Small explained why she felt that the abatement should be denied. She stated that the fact that the assessors were willing to grant the abatement was a flag that there was a problem. The Town Administrator requested that the abatement be tabled and stated that he would see about getting the assessors in to meet with the Board. Selectwoman Small stated that she would contact the Department of Revenue Administration about the abatement and she requested the Town Administrator provide her with information on the other abatements that she requested. The motion was withdrawn. Chairman Morse asked the Town Administrator to set a meeting with the assessors. The abatement was tabled.

3. Sewer Abatement – Tabled for more information.

4. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made to approve a Timber Tax Levy for Thomas Guyette for $382.80 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

5. Welfare Lien – A motion was made to approve a Welfare lien in the amount of $231.27 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

6. Pool Hires – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to hire Kara Porter as the Recreational Area Director and Kate Osborne, Tom Adams, and Travis Drolet as Lifeguards, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that Therrien Roofing was supposed to be over to look at the roof in the morning.

2. Held Check – The Town Administrator stated that Master Lease Agreement referred to in the lease paperwork was signed in 1998 and includes an Escape Clause. Selectwoman Small motioned to release the check for the cruiser and authorize Chairman Morse to sign the agreement, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Letter from the Water District – The Town Administrator was asked to send a letter stating that the Board had denied the request.

Other Business

1. Fred Hast stated that he had some issues with a Site Plan that was approved for Steve Aubertin and requested that the Board of Selectmen issue a Cease and Desist Order on the project because it had to go to Zoning. The public discussed the issue at length. The Board took no action on the request.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:43PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), and (c) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:09PM.

Selectwoman Keeley provided an update on the Lily Pond Island issue.

A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to hire Meggin Dale as a temporary part-time secretary for the Police Department until the full-time Police Department Administrative Assistant returns to work, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0 with Chairman Morse recusing himself.

Selectwoman Keeley stated that Tanya Emerson had been recognized as Officer of the Year by the Chichester Grange and that Rick Walter had been awarded the State DARE Officer of the Year.

Chairman Morse stated that he had heard that the DOT might delay the traffic light on Route 28. The Board directed the Town Administrator to call the State to try to prevent the traffic light from being delayed.

A motion was made by Chairman Morse to seal the nonpublic minutes of the May 2, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to accept a letter of resignation from Charley Mewkill as Building Inspector, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 10:22PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. The Board adjourned at 10:22PM.