May 24, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting May 24, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice-
Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Rich Hunsberger (RH), John Lenaerts (JL),
Selectman Ex Officio, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Members Absent: Paul Metcalf, Jr. (PM), Daniel Greene (DG), Peter
Newell (PN), Alternate, and Chris Conlon (CC), Alternate.
ITEM 3. A Public Hearing for application for a Site Plan Review for
proposed small machine shop for James and Jean Russell, 409 Parade Road,
Barnstead, NH 03218. The property is located at 90 Barnstead Road,
Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-15, Lot 26A) and owned by Daniel A.
Weldon, 66 Horace Greeley Road, Amherst, NH 03101. The property is
(EB) noted to applicant that they were entitled to a full Board and hearing
could be rescheduled to another time when a full Board was present.
However, there is enough members present to have a quorum and if you
choose, we can proceed. Applicant related that they would like to proceed
Prior to acceptance of application (BM) noted on checklist that “solid waste”
was checked as N/A (non-applicable). I have an issue with that.
(EB) related that Board would discuss this after applicant has discussed the
merits of his request. It is noted that all fees have been paid and certified
mail return cards have been returned. It is also noted that the Notice of
Hearing noted “small engine shop” rather than “small machine shop.”
(BM) Motion to accept application. (RH) Second. Carried 5-0.
Mr. Russell related that he would like to put in a small machine shop, not a
small engine shop, similar to the one he had in Manchester, which is now
going condo. He is looking to buy a place now relating that the mortgage
would cost less than renting or condo fees. He has decided to move his shop
closer to home. He related that there would be no toxic waste as all scraps
are sold.
(BM) related that he thought solid waste would be an issue. If it is a
machine shop there are chips and turns, which carry residual oils to cool the
machinery. How would this be stored, as they would contain oil? Mr.
Russell related the chips remain inside the machinery and drain back into
barrels, which are then recycled. (BM) what about floor drains and the oil
getting back into the storm drains? Mr. Russell related that no barrels will
be stored outside, all stored inside. He related that there would be pig
blankets on the floor. (BM) related then solid waste is applicable. (RH)
related that most chips/oil are recycled and this is not done on site. Mr.
Russell related that his shop is very clean. (BM) related that he is
questioning this for Mr. Russell’s protection as well as the future owners of
the property. The property presently houses a garage and trailer? Mr.
Russell related that as part of the sale, they are to be removed. (FH) Will the
house be part of the sale? Mr. Russell related that the house is a different lot
and his proposed lot is in the back. (FH) questioned the placement of the
driveway – between the house and lot? Board discussed driveway
placement and whether there was an easement agreement in place to go
around the house. There is not. (FH) questioned whether the same septic
and well would be used as the house. Mr. Russell related that they would
not be using the same septic and well and they had just gotten approval this
week for septic system.
(RH) Motion to approve application for Site Plan Review. (BM) Second.
Carried 5-0.
(EB) Application is approved. He noted to applicant that there is a 30-day
appeal process, which is mandatory per RSA’s and cannot be waived.
Planning Board does not have any flexibility where this is concerned.
(RH) noted to applicant that they could proceed at their own risk but if
someone should decide to submit notice of appeal any building they have
done would be at their own expense if they were not able to proceed. Mrs.
Russell wanted to know if Town could possibly appeal it. (EB) noted that
hypothetically, BOS could appeal as an abutter, however, it is not a
likelihood that they would and there is a low risk of appeal. Mrs. Russell
questioned whether they could get a Building Permit at this time. (BM)
related that there is a possibility they could get a conditional Building Permit
but they would have to check with Michael McLaughlin, Building Inspector,
in regard to this.
(EB) questioned whether Mr. Russell would be putting up a sign. Mr.
Russell noted that there would be a small sign in good taste. (EB) noted to
applicants that usually appeals are forthcoming quite quickly after decision
of Planning Board.
(RH) Motion to Adjourn. (BM) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Approved: July 5, 2007
________________________________ ___________________
Eric Bahr, Chairman Date