May 27, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Business meeting called to order at 6:06 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman after student presentations.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(LK) 92 Main Street; (LKe) Handouts for BOS.


5:00 P.M. High School Student Presentations to BOS Panel

See Separate Minutes dated May 27, 2008.

6:05 P.M. Scott Spradling, Property Acquisition & Operation

(LKe) noted that Scott Spradling will be addressing the BOS with a desire to make a major investment in Pittsfield.

Scott Spradling, The Spradling Group, Tony Giunta, Sarandis Karathanasis, and James Parker were present tonight to explain their proposal.

Mr. Karanthanasis explained the proposed plan, benefits for Pittsfield, and customer benefits for purchasing the former Tannery site for Amenico Headquarters for refining used vegetable oil for fuel to power vehicles, boilers, generators, and etc. Vehicles would be retrofitted to run on the product with a pumping station available for customers and clients. Inventory would be stored at the site and would include a sales area to offer alternative energy products and solutions for home/business needs. After necessary conversion, diesel powered engines would be able to utilize this product.

The intent would add new jobs, increase tax revenue, increase business activity downtown, include site beautification and hopefully, would make Pittsfield an environmental hub for alternative energy as well as producing clean, green, renewable, recycled technology with no hazardous waste by-product. It would offer an affordable energy alternative in a centralized location and include a pumping station, sales floor, and repairs/retrofitting area. After recycling, only residue would be compost materials.

Mr. Spradling explained a brief history of the product and supply chain. As a promising new option, he noted that they would need BOS support to educate public. To assist them in this endeavor, they would request the Town apply for Economic Development Zone Tax Credit and New Market Tax Zone. “We can collectively work together on this.” The timeframe includes site purchase sometime around July 1st, start refining process on or around August 1st and by early November 2008, they would be “ready to roll.”

(DM) questioned where the oil will be held, inside or outside? Also, what standards are to be used to govern this product? It was noted that the oil would be housed inside the building. Currently there are no regulations governing this type of operation because it technically is a food product.

(LKe) to research the Economic Development Zone Tax Credit and New Market Tax Zone Credit.

Appointment concluded at 7:00 P.M. Short Break. Board resumed at
7:05 P.M.


1. Class VI Road Building Permit – Leo & Sally McKinley

(LKe) noted that Leo & Sally McKinley had inquired what was necessary to get the road up to a Class VI road. They have now accomplished this and George Bachelder and Mike McLaughlin have looked at the road, and both agree that the road now looks better than it ever has in the past. The road is complete and they are now requesting a building permit.

(LK) noted that in the future, he would like to see a form completed which would include comments from the Highway Department, Fire Department, Police Department and Building Inspector together with a drawn diagram or picture included so that they would know that all departments had been notified and reviewed site.

(DM) Motion to grant Class VI Road Building Permit, Leo & Sally McKinley. (LS) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.


(EV) explained that they basically agree by signing Waiver not to hold Town responsible for maintenance, etc. and to keep road up for emergency vehicle use if necessary. (DM) The Building Inspector has looked at it? (LK) Yes. I would have liked the Fire Department to have looked at it also. (JL) They have gone ahead and done all this, but what would have happened if it was not approved by BOS. They should have been here a long time ago. (LK) Only the Fire Department has not seen the site but the McKinleys have signed the Waiver so we should probably not hold up the process. (LKe) noted that he would advise staff that they would need to advise applicant of process. In the future, the BOS will have a format put together as to how this process will work. It was suggested that request could be granted and then FD review, but it was determined since the Waiver has been executed to proceed with motion.

2. Application to Join NH Public Works Mutual Aid Program – Wastewater Member

(LKe) related Town already belongs to NH Public Works Mutual Aid Program, but the Wastewater is a separate entity. Cost would be $25.00 per year and would offer a network of resources should any problems result either man-made or otherwise. It is a relatively modest cost. (LS) noted she could see how something like this would benefit the Highway Department. What would happen if we were unable to assist? (LKe) noted that it would all be on a volunteer basis, and assistance would not be mandatory.
(LS) So, there would be no obligation if we were unable to assist. (LKe) “No, it would all be voluntary.”

(LS) Motion to approve application to join NH Public Works Mutual Aid Program for Wastewater. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LK) questioned whether the Motion for Class VI Road Building Permit should note that the Waiver has been executed by Leo & Sally McKinley? It was decided that since the Waiver is part of the file, it would not be necessary to include reference to it within the Motion.

3. Proposed Purchase of Replacement Columns – Dustin Park Gazebo

(LKe) As you will remember, last fall it was noted that is was decided that it would be mandatory to replace the columns at the Dustin Park Gazebo. Mike has searched the Internet for various companies and has found the best product at the lowest cost. He is going to try to arrange for volunteers to work on this some weekend in mid-August.

(LS) Motion to accept proposal of Worthington Columns. (JL) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.

(DM) related that her fear was that we are going to run way over budget. (LS) What kind of warranty is involved if volunteers put up the columns? Would that be a problem? (LKe) Hopefully, we would have some carpenter volunteers involved. (JL) What materials are the columns made of? (LKe) Plastic laminate. (LK) related, “We have to get those columns replaced. They will not survive another winter.”

4. Proposed Renewal of Mortgage Notification Agreement with Goulet Computer Consultants, Inc.

(LKe) related that this request has never been before Board in the past. This is a firm that Liz has used for some period of time to do research on mortgage notifications when dealing with mortgage firms – liens and title searches, which is their specialty, at a $15.00 per search fee. (EV) This is a pay as you go. (LS) We can get out of the agreement if we want.

(LS) Motion to approve renewal of Mortgage Notification Agreement with
Goulet Computer Consultants, Inc. upon the recommendation of Leon
Kennison. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Sewer Bill Abatement Request – Ronald Lekebusch

(LKe) related that this gentleman resides in Gilford but the property
in question is 34 Chestnut Street. His property manager for this property
noted that the relief valve stuck open and has been stuck for some period of
time with the water assumedly filtering through the dirt cellar and did not
enter the sewer system. He has paid the bill but is requesting a rebate.
Mike has taken a look at it and feels that is probably what has occurred. I
have taken an average of the past three years and used those figures to
compute abatement. (LS) What does Ron Vien say? I think we should get
his advice before we approve them. Without his input, I am not going to act
on it. (LKe) noted he would get Ron to take a look at it. (EV) wanted the
Board to know that he works for Gil Bleckmann and he is related to

92 Main Street

(LK) noted that a Variance was granted on March 18th. It was my
understanding that this was an allowed use for Zoning. Though the
Variance was granted, he has never gone before the Planning Board for Site
Plan Review. It is not allowed in the Commercial Zone. (LKe) Mike has
written a letter to the State explaining that he needs to go before the
Planning Board for a Site Plan Review. He wanted to be on tonight’s
Agenda, but I explained that he needs to go to the Planning Board first. He
was in and took the paperwork. (EV) He will have to go the Planning
Board and then BOS.


PD Arrest Log May 4th to May 10th

(EV) I notice there are some drug arrests.

PD Arrest Log May 11th to May 17th

For Board’s review.

PD DWI Patrol Grant Schedule

(EV) Question: The August 1st and 2nd DWI patrols will not hinder Balloon
Rally coverage? Chief explained that it seems logical that we would have
them on these days. (LS) questioned if they would have the June schedule
soon? Chief related, “Yes.”

PD Speed Enforcement Grant Schedule

For Board’s review.

DPW Summer Schedule

(LKe) noted it is more productive to work ten-hour days. (LS) As long as it
is beneficial to Town, I have no problem with this. This will happen until
Labor Day.

PD Memo Regarding Downtown Loitering

(LKe) noted that Board has memo from Chief regarding his observations and
how to manage. (LS) noted, “I do not want to encourage it. (LK)
“Where are we on the loitering ordinance?” (LS) noted that she has some
information and will make it available to Board members as did (LK). If
we want to promote the community and make it attractive, it makes it hard
when people are blocking storefronts. Chief Wharem noted they are on
private property. (LS) “I do not want to hear why it is okay, it is not good
for promoting our community.” (LK) This will be on the Agenda next
Land and Tax Appeals Board Letter – Suncook Leathers

(LKe) “Essentially, from info provided by owner, unable to make a
determination of value of property. Staff appraisers will be sent out, do
some research, and determine value.” (LS) The value isn’t what it is today
compared to April 1, 2000.


Teamsters Contract – Final Review – Signatures

(LKe) The correction has been made and the contract is ready for

(LS) Motion to accept revised Teamsters Contract 2007-2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Appointments to CNHRPC – Pending
Town Investment Policy Proposal – Pending
Capital Improvement Plan – Pending
Space Needs Study – Pending
WWTP Plan Status – Pending
Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status – Pending
Review of Goals & Objectives – Pending




(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-0. (LK) Abstain.


(LS) There is one with a statement rather than an invoice, Check #8778 in
the amount of $565.74. (LKe) explained the history of the payment
regarding generator service at Fire Department which was prior to the
service contract. (DM) questioned the final payment of D.L. King. (LKe)
noted that this will not be released until guarantee/warranty is received.
(EV) noted that for services WWTP, Town paid $30.00 for one-half hour of
travel time from Barnstead.


Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2008.
(JL) Second. A few minor corrections noted. Carried 5-0.

Non-Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.






(EV) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

APPROVED: June 3, 2008

_________________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date