May 27, 2008 Minutes Student Presentation

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Several students of Pittsfield Middle High School were present and offered research papers, website or video information on “What Can We Do To Make Our Town Better.”

Erin Weed and Eric Moore – How Can we Help Single Parents in Community

Students explained the number of single parents, living conditions, jobs, and Life Program at Kent State University. They displayed a graph comparing single parents as opposed to “married” families in relation to lower status of living, lower self-esteem and the likelihood of college non-attendance noting that only 17% of women marry the father of the child. There is also a higher death rate, higher dropout rate, drug involvement and increased suicide.

They related that perhaps a program bringing single parents and children together would aid in this endeavor.

Board member asked which was more important emotional or financial support? Student related that she felt emotional support was more beneficial. When asked how can Town help these families? Student response noted supporting parents by helping with financial aid and helping children with emotional aid such as in the Kent State Program. It was questioned what was the percentage of single parent families in Pittsfield. Student noted that unfortunately, there was no way to get an accurate count of this percentage, but noted that on a personal level, there was a need for it.

Curt Fisher – How the Town Can Help Teenage Citizens

Student Fisher offered a video program of various ways to assist teenagers within the Town of Pittsfield including improving Pittsfield Youth Workshop, helping teens get into after school activities such as maybe playing football on the small field at school, and adding an additional police officer to deal with teenage “crime.”

He noted that this would be good for the Town, help teens in school, encouraging the police officer to keep teens out of trouble, give Pittsfield a better “image”, and assist in improving individual school work.

Board member asked Mr. Fisher how he would suggest publicizing the good that happens as opposed to negative things that happen in Town. Mr. Fisher suggested trying to get kids to help other kids out. “People helping people.” He was also questioned as to any statistics he could offer as to how many youths attend PYW answering approximately 20-40. Board questioned whether he had made any attempts to contact the school in regard to after school activities such as the football. He noted that he had not yet done so, but would in the future. When questioned whether this would be a school sponsored function, Mr. Fisher noted that he did not think the school could do this due to insurance reasons. Mr. St. James asked if the police officer would be dedicated to assisting teens and offering resources? Mr. Fisher answered in the positive.

Stephanie Joyce – How Do We Keep Kids Off the Streets

Ms. Joyce also offered a video presentation noting that many 12-17 year olds are victims of violent crimes. They have to basically take care of themselves and that from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. is the most dangerous time for these individuals. She noted that they are unsupervised and get into alcohol, smoking, skipping school, become dropouts and are often arrested. We need to decrease juvenile crime.

Ways of doing this include the Pittsfield Youth Workshop, which offers, various after school activities, field trips and assistance with homework. She noted that she had surveyed approximately 15 attendees of the PYW and about 7 of the 15 attend 3-4 days a week. Of the approximately 20-40 who attend, they range from sixth to twelfth graders.

More financial support is necessary with new equipment to attract new and younger faces. They offer a summer music program but have older equipment (piano) and newer, additional supplies would help. Donations of office supplies, groceries and other equipment would benefit the PYW.
Board members asked how would you get kids to attend? Ms. Joyce indicated by helping acquiring increased donations and some other “governmental funding.” Does the PYW do fundraising? Ms. Joyce noted that they do some fundraising, but mostly it is for other causes rather than specifically for PYW.

Carl Perkins and Joe Symansky – How Does the Image of Pittsfield affect people.

Students related how schooling assists the image of Pittsfield as students can get out of school what they put into school and are affected by what is happening within the Town. It was noted that all look at the bad things that happen with “bad press,” but what about the scholarship program (Foss) that is huge and can help students who plan on attending college. You do not often hear about these things.

Samantha Gage – How Can We as a Community Decrease the Amount of Teenagers Getting into Trouble

Ms. Gage noted that this can be accomplished by getting teenagers involved in after school activities and keeping teens busy. School offers sports and drama but there should be other activities for those not involved in sports and those who specifically do not like drama. She noted that often it is the friends of teenagers as well as the family environment which contribute to this problem. After surveying ninth through twelfth graders, questioning what was the biggest problem in the community, the answer was “drugs!” We need more after school programs. Teens do things they do to get respect. She noted that she had been in a similar situation and learned from her experience. She noted that PYW is not really for the older teens but rather for the younger kids. My proposal includes spending more money to increase other activities for the older teens. Board member questioned, “How can we help these teens if we do not know who they are?” Ms. Gage noted it would be difficult to “snitch” on these individuals, but if it would help someone, it is something that could be encouraged or by helping them yourself. When asked if it was peer pressure that got her in trouble, she responded by noting that it was the people with her that were actually doing illegal things and she “could have left, but didn’t” and teenagers need to be educated in this regard.

All the students were commended by the Board members noting that all gave excellent presentations and offered something for them to think about.

Presentations completed at 6:00 P.M.

Approved: June 3, 2008

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Larry Konopka, Chairman Date