May 3, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting of May 3, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Eric Bahr, Chairman.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice-
Chairman, Paul Metcalf, Jr. (PM), Dan Greene (DG), Fred Hast (FH), Rich
Hunsberger (RH), John Lenaerts (JL), Selectman Ex-Officio, Peter Newell
(PN), Alternate, Chris Conlon (CC), Alternate, and Delores Fritz, Recording
Members Absent: None
(EB) welcomed new members Fred Hast and Chris Conlon.
ITEM 3. A Public Hearing for application for a proposed two-lot
commercial Minor Subdivision on High Street, Pittsfield, New Hampshire
03263 (Tax Map R-15, Lot 30). The property is owned by David Moore,
Trustee, Alm Partners Realty Trust, 1028 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH
03104. Property would be utilized by Pittsfield Self Storage, LLC. This
property is located in the COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Zone.
(EB) All fees have been paid and abutters notified.
(BM) Motion to accept application. (JL) Second.
(EB) related that there is a special exception, which was granted by Zoning
Board on February 23, 2006.
Jeff Lewis, Principal Engineer, presented plans and related that basically
Pittsfield Self Storage is seeking a two-lot subdivision of property, which is
currently 17 acres. One lot would be 7 acres and the other would be 10
acres. The lot would be subdivided and a building constructed on one of the
lots to house the storage units.
Motion carried 6-0 to accept application.
Mr. Lewis continued reiterating that access would be on High Street though
it would be somewhat visible from Route 28. He related that plans have
been submitted to all Department Heads and that they were anxious to move
(EB) wanted to know if a Site Plan Review application had been submitted.
Owner, who is now Pittsfield Self Storage, related that this was submitted at
same time as sub-division plans.
Public Input
Since there were several abutters in the audience, it was opened to the public
to address any questions concerning this subdivision.
Scott Ward questioned what area would be pavement and grade changes.
Mr. Lewis related the wetlands area on the map and discussed how building
would be constructed showing paved areas, grading areas and advised that
they would not be impacting the wetlands. He related that the land does
grade down and the buildings would be positioned with the shape of the
(JL) questioned why this area had to be paved. Pete and Mike,
representatives of proposed Pittsfield Self Storage, related that they do pave
certain areas to control the dust problem. They related that they would not
be paving the entire area and landscaping would be part of the property.
James Buatti had concerns regarding the cemetery across the street and
questioned in terms of commercial use whether the traffic flow would be
very low, or intense. He was advised that traffic is generally low and that
renters of storage unit would probably only be around approximately once a
year or perhaps, once a season depending on what is stored. Mr. Buatti
wanted to know what else could be done to hide the facility so that it does
not interfere with the view. Scott Ward indicated that the plan does not
reflect importance of screening while keeping in character of the area. Mr.
Lewis related that they could look at that further though landscaping
requirements have been met. It was suggested that more of a buffer could be
utilized for screening. Mr. Buatti related more is better.
Sue Walker related that she was concerned with the storm water run-off in
light of the storms that occurred last year as well as this year. Mr. Lewis
related that they did have a permit from the State and that this facility would
not increase run-off but would allow water to return to the well thus the
graded area. He related that should the other parcel be developed they would
have to go back to the State for another permit.
It was questioned whether hazardous materials would be stored in units.
Pete related that vehicles or boats could possibly be parked in units, and that
State does not mandate any concerns in this regard. He was willing to
provide a copy of their potential lease for renters.
Video monitors, types of lighting, septic system, erosion control plan, gate
area, noise and light problems for abutters was discussed. The types of
buildings to be utilized was questioned and it was noted that these would be
pre-fab buildings and the sizes would vary and could easily be adjusted by
petitioning off larger ones to make smaller ones.
Close Public Input
The Board further discussed detention pond positioning, number of units,
which would be approximately 220 depending on which sizes were
requested by renters as well as accessibility to Police and Fire Departments.
Mike related that they would be supplied with gate code. (DG) questioned
whether there would be any advertising for unit on Route 28. Mike related
that there would be a small sign on High Street with a marker depicting
driveway with a lighted sign, which would not be backlit, and would
probably be extinguished at night. He also related that he would like to
begin advertising on Route 28 for potential renters of the storage unit.
(EB) questioned whether in the event we are not able to approve project,
would they be sub-dividing land any way? It was noted by owners that this
is what they would like to do. (EB) explained the process of going forward
and the Louis Berger connection and how escrow would work.
(BM) questioned whether the opposite lot would be sold, as there is a
question of sub-division on that property. He noted that in actuality both
lots were capable of further sub-division. Owners of property were
explained the difference between minor and major subdivision. Since they
were unsure of the impact this would have on the storage unit and their
ability to sell the other lot, it was decided that the entire matter would be
continued to June 7th. (EB) related that Board would look at the entire
matter and relate their options. It was suggested that they contact Mike
McLaughlin for his input into their options. Pete related that there is a time
concern, as they would like to start advertising as soon as possible.
(BM) Motion to continue to June 7th when Site Plan Review will be on
agenda. (DG) Second. Unanimous 6-0.
Mr. Jim Russell displayed a conceptual plan of a business he would like to
build which is presently housed in Manchester. It was related that if
applicant could submit application at least ten days prior to May 24th, Board
would hold a special meeting to hear this matter.
ITEM 4. A continued Public Hearing for application for a Voluntary Lot
Line Revision (Minor Subdivision) at 10 and 12 Chestnut Street, Pittsfield,
NH 03263 (Tax Map U-5, Lots 24 and 25). The property is owned by
Daniel J. and James F. Kerivan, 10 and 12 Chestnut Street, Pittsfield, NH
03263 respectively. This property is located in the URBAN Zone.
(Applicants will not be present. Hearing is for administrative purposes
(EB) read to Board the Zoning Board of Adjustment Notice of Decision.
(DG) Motion to accept Voluntary Lot Line Revision as noted in the Zoning
Board Notice of Decision. (JL) Second. Unanimous 6-0.
Paul Metcalf recused himself and was seated in audience. Chris Conlon,
Alternate was seated on Board.
ITEM 5. Continued Public Hearing for review of proposed road and
sprinkler plans on Governors Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 for a proposed
eight-lot subdivision (Tax Map R-43, Lot 10). The property is owned by
Paul and Melissa Bicknell of 195 Governors Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263.
The firm subdividing the property is James Mullaney, DBA: Juniper Hills
Builders, 89 South State Street, Concord, NH 03301. The property is
located in the RURAL Zone.
Mr. Mullaney offered a brief synopsis of why this hearing was going
forward. He related that they had tried to get an easement for the pond that
was out there, but they were unsuccessful and have now agreed that
sprinkler systems will be utilized. (BM) related that he thought that this
would be a State law by June 1st anyway. Mr. Mullaney explained that there
had been a delay regarding the contract for Louis Berger, which has now
been resolved. It was noted that Tony Puntin had sent an E-Mail to the
Board with some concerns he had in regard to the road. Mr. Mullaney will
be forwarded a copy of this E-mail by (BM) for his engineer.
(DG) Motion to continue hearing to June 7, 2007. (BM) Second.
Unanimous 6-0.
Paul Metcalf returned to Board. Bill Miskoe recused himself. Chris Conlon
seated on Board.
ITEM 6. A non-binding conceptual hearing for a two-lot Minor
Subdivision for Theodore Troughton, 266 Thompson Road, Pittsfield, NH
03263 (Tax Map R-24, Lot 6A) and is represented by J. W. Miskoe, P.E.
The property is owned by Edith and Theodore Troughton, 266 Thompson
Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263.
Mr. Miskoe related that Mr. Troughton is a friend that owns 15 acres with
approximately 140 feet frontage. He noted that the biggest problem he sees
is that it would be a non-conforming lot and he would have to build a 225 ft.
long road. He asked Board if they would entertain that kind of sub-division
if he builds the road. He related that a Variance had previously been granted
for his daughter to allow construction of her home. It was thought that this
type of road could cost upwards of $35,000. Board voiced various concerns
about the road, frontage, non-conforming lot configuration and overall was
doubtful that it could be approved.
(BM) to discuss with applicant.
Bill Miskoe returned to Board and Chris Conlon resumed his seat in
ITEM 7. Selectman’s Report
(JL) related that BOS were discussing new roof, as well as the ongoing
interview process for Town Administrator.
ITEM 8. Members Concerns
(EB) related that May 17th is an upcoming Work Session for Board and they
will discuss new Chairman for Master Plan Committee.
He further encouraged members to think of the upcoming Traffic Count and
what roads they would suggest for this.
(EB) related that George had now signed off on the Prescott Road project
and escrow monies would be returned. Nothing will be done at the present
time in regard to Con-Lin-Ty escrow.
Chris Conlon related that he will be involved in summer camp from June
23rd to August 20th and would appreciate advance warning for any meetings
that he would have to attend during that period.
ITEM 9. Approval of Minutes of April 19, 2007.
Minutes were not available to members, and this is continued to May 17th.
ITEM 10. Adjournment
(DG) Motion to Adjourn meeting. (RH) Second. Unanimous.
Approved:_May 17, 2007
___________________________ ________________________
Eric Bahr, Chairman Date