May 3, 2011 Minutes (2 attachments at end)

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M.,


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard Leduc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Erika Pantis, Wildwood Drive related that she was present tonight because she thought there was to be a meeting addressing the paving of Wildwood Drive. She questioned as to why this was not to be accomplished this year noting that her husband and she have been a resident for six years and each year brings the promise from the Town that it will be paved. She related that she understood that this was part of a grant and did not understand why they would re-pave existing roads which seemed in good shape as opposed to Wildwood Drive, parts of which are flooding and washing away. “The taxes always go up but there are no improvements.” (EV) explained the budget concept in relation to what the Town has approved and the necessary cuts to allow the budget not to be over expended. He noted that this road will be paved but just not this year. (PS) explained to her that some funds have been “frozen” to allow other expenditures to be covered. Smaller projects would be completed but a major one such as this would have to be planned for well in advance of the event. It was explained that the Town never set aside any contingency funds for budget years that are now upon us. It was agreed that she should discuss this with George to get a better idea of the future schedule for paving in her area. (EV) also noted he would discuss with George.

Close Public Input


(FH) Town Deeds, Pennichuck Letter, Water Rates, Fire Department; (PS) EDC Expenditure Request , Highway Truck/State Auction, 7:10 P.M.: Welfare Department Schedule Proposal, Highway Safety Grant – Speed Control and Highway Safety Grant – DWI Department Inventory; (PR) Main Street and Depot Street, Mieko Langevin Estate and DOT – Signs Route 28; (EV) BCEP Appointments, Purchase/Sales Agreement – Liberty Trucks.


6:05 P.M.: Mark Wallace – Forest Management Plan Update (6:25 P.M.)

Mark Wallace, Chair, Conservation Committee presented an update on a Forest Management Plan with a schedule of management activities 2010 through 2032.
(See Attached.)

6:10 P.M.: Michael Bowes – Delinquent Taxes

Mr. Bowes noted he was “here to save my property.” The Town is taking my property by Deed and I do not want this to happen. What do I need to do? I have some money and I could make sizeable payments ($1500 approximately every three weeks). (DM) Were you informed about this last year? Mr. Bowes explained that his mailbox was gone and that he either never got some of the letters or he just threw away the paperwork. After discussion, he noted that he might possibly have a means by which he could get the funds to pay the entire amount of taxes. (EV) explained that the Town does not like to take people’s properties but everyone needs to pay their fair share of the taxes. (DM) I am disappointed that no efforts were made to pay any of these taxes since 2006. (GL) It has been 4-5 years since a payment has been made. I am concerned that there was no response and I would not change my vote on Deed. (PR) This is a hard decision to make and why has he not made any attempts to pay prior to this. (FH) I would highly recommend you refinance. If we tax deed the property, you can always buy it back.

(EV) The vote we took last meeting will stand. If you act quickly to pay all the taxes, we will be able to give it back you.

6:15 P.M.: Jeremy Yetton – Rotary

(EV) explained to Jeremy Yetton that the budgeted $3,000 for police details for Balloon Rally was cut and funds frozen. We did not want to have to do this but it was necessary. (GL) We had to make some hard decisions on everything and I did not want to have to do this. (FH) $3,000 is a cheap amount to put Pittsfield on the map for one weekend. (EV) We just want to make the Rotary aware of this.
(PS) Alternatively, the Board discussed if the Rotary would assume the $3,000 cost this year. If there are sufficient funds in the budget at the end of the year, Town would reimburse Rotary.

Steve Catalano questioned whether Rotary would be able to know the hours of the details and on which days? (PS) suggested he could meet with Chief Wharem for this determination. Board discussed with Rotary members the vendors, weather permitting situations and profits. Rotary agreed they would work with the Town and we will all do the best we can.

7:10 P.M.: Welfare Department Schedule Proposal

Diane O’Callaghan, Welfare Director: I have written a letter requesting BOS reconsider my schedule. Because of the increases in gas prices, it has become a financial burden with my two part-time jobs (20 hours in Allenstown and 20 hours in Pittsfield.) I would like to consolidate my hours and work two days, Tuesday 8:00 A.M. to 4:40 P.M. and Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. We could try this on a trial basis. I have discussed with Deputy Welfare Director and he would be open to this change. There would be nothing life threatening that could not wait one day and if anything comes up, I could make myself available. It was noted that Allenstown has agreed to this schedule. She noted that most Welfare recipients come in during the day as most do not work. I would be available on call for any crisis situation and the Deputy Welfare Director could also be available.

(FH) How many appointments do you usually have in a day? I have asked you to provide this information before. Diane O’Callaghan: I do not know. (PS) She has now produced a list of contacts. (DM) There are other parts to this than just the appointment.

(DM) Motion to approve Welfare hours be changed to Tuesday 8:00 A.M. to 4:40 P.M. and Thursday 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

(GL) read into Minutes E-Mail from Town Administrator in Allenstown, approving change to their Welfare hours. (DM) requested that she contact Website and Channel 24 to post new Welfare hours. Paper copies to be posted of Welfare hours and changes.

7:25 P.M. Break Resume 7:29 P.M.


1. Approval of Highway Safety Grant – Alcohol Traffic Safety

(FH) Motion to approve Highway Safety Grant – Alcohol Traffic Safety.
(GL) Second.

(FH) Amend Motion to include approval for Chairman to sign grant.
(GL) Amend Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Alternative Highway Projects for 2011 Submitted by Highway Supt.

(EV) I have discussed this with George Bachelder and he explained what he wanted to do; I suggested he put it in writing to the Board. (FH) The lady that was here earlier had a valid point; we should have been doing this years ago. (PR) noted that the houses in the Wildwood area have been assessed for a high amount and they are paying good taxes and this road should have been paved.

(PS) George gave me a schedule of designated projects which can be accomplished with the budget. He suggested Clark Street, Baldwin Lane and Ingalls Road (apron area) for a total of $104,117. George is attempting to accomplish something this year with the budget he has and Wildwood Drive will cost Town thousands of dollars. Endeavors such as this, need to be planned for in advance due to the expense of the project.

(GL) Motion to approve highway projects as submitted by Highway Superintendent for Clark Street, Baldwin Land and Ingalls Road. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (PR) What about Wildwood Drive? The road is washing out and there is a water problem up there, water on both sides of the road and big ruts. I do not know if it is because of the culverts. (PS) to check with George.

(PS) noted that at the end of the year, the Board can encumber as much funds as possible and dedicate them to the Wildwood Drive project for next year and then will not need as much to finish the project.

3. Request to Waive Portion of Building Permit – Jesse Pacheco

(PS) Jesse Pacheco has sent a letter asking Board to consider paying 50% of the Building Permit fees to rebuild his burned house.

(EV) I cannot remember the Board ever having done this before. The only time we waived a Building Permit fee was when Town was involved in the “habitat-type” rebuild of a house. We would have to research that before we can make a decision. (FH) In the past, when there has been a fire, we always cut the Building Permit fee down. (EV) Since I have been on the Board, it has not been done.

(PR) Motion to table this request from Jesse Pacheco regarding Building Permit fees until research can be accomplished. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Appointment to CNHRPC Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

(PS) Board needs to make appointments to the Board and to TAC. Ted Mitchell would like to be appointed to the Transportation Advisory Committee but two additional individuals still need to be appointed to the Board.

(DM) Motion to approve Ted Mitchell to CNHRPC Transportation Advisory Committee. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Main Street and Depot Street

(PR) What about the sites on Main Street and Depot Street? These are public danger sites with the kids playing in there all the time. (EV) The Board has been through this with the property owners and the conditions of the property have been updated and revised. (PR) For what period of time is this good for? (FH) Volpe (Main Street) is moving forward on his project. He got an extension on the Building Permit (not known from whom and it is being researched). (PR) What about Depot Street. (PS) The Planning Board should be following up on this.

6. EDC Expenditure Request (Submitted by Ed Vien and Gerard LeDuc)

(PS) The EDC is requesting the BOS authorize the EDC to spend $1,000 from its fund for the purpose of creating signage on Route 28 to promote local businesses. The sign will be located on the Dunkin Donuts property with individual signs posted on this larger sign for several businesses on a rotating basis. (See Attached for details.) (DM) What is a definition of a business? Who would be the overseer and give approval for the signs?
(FH) What would the costs be? (EV) noted that some of these matters have not yet been decided. He offered to have EDC draw up a contract for BOS review addressing these issues.

(FH) Motion to approve $1,000 from EDC fund to be expended for creating signage on Route 28 to promote local businesses after review of the proposed contract by Board. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Highway Truck – State Auction

(PS) George would like to bring the highway truck to State auction as he feels a better price would be offered. Board agreed.

8. Highway Safety Grant – Speed Control
9. Highway Safety Grant – DWI

(FH) Motion to approve Highway Safety Grant – Speed Control and Highway Safety Grant – DWI and authorize Chair to sign. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Deeds

(FH) Paul, how is the Deed processing going? (PS) I communicated with Cara, who notarized the Deeds a while ago, if this was still okay. She has agreed that this is okay. I have communicated with Liz Hast and gone over the list of Deeds with her to which two additional Deeds have been added. Cara said she would file the Deeds with the Registry.

(FH) Paul, why have you waited two weeks before doing these Deeds? Cara is out for awhile. You have been in the business for forty years and you should be able to do this and now you are turning it over to Cara. (PS) Cara notarized these Deeds and I have no control over the notarization and wanted to make sure this was not out of step due to the time factor. She was comfortable with them as dated, which was done about two months ago. (FH) Everything we ask you to do, about 99% of which falls on Cara’s or Dee’s desk. (PS) This is not true. (EV) If the Town Administrator deems it necessary to delegate tasks to someone else, it would be their job to do what he deems necessary. You are losing the fact that the Town Administrator can delegate those tasks which he deems necessary. Why are you against that? (FH) In the past, we have had the good fortune to have administration that did their jobs fully.
11. Mieko Langevin Estate – 41 Chestnut Street

(PR) I am the real estate agent involved in the sale of this property. Can I sell this property – “Yes,” but for a lower price. The Executrix of the estate, Dorothy Langevin, has paid about $3,500 to have the house “cleaned up.” (EV) The school had wanted this property for parking. Board discussed possibility of taking Deed, having structure torn down, and utilizing for school parking or selling of property. (EV) I see no reason why Town should give up the lien. (FH) suggested allowing sixty days for sale of property.

(GL) Motion to approve allowing sixty days for sale of property 41 Chestnut Street with all taxes on property being paid to Town; after this time, if property not sold, Town will Deed. (DM) Second. Carried 3-1 (FH). (PR) Abstain.

12. Pennichuck Rates

(PS) Laura Spector has E-mailed regarding the pending rate filing increase to the hydrant rental fees. The impact of approval by PUC would mean we would have to pay the amount in arrears. The payment increase would be about $1800, effective date is unknown. When the final information is in, I will pass it on. The hydrant fees have gone up and down.

Also, we have received a letter from the Mayor of Nashua looking for people to sit on their Board of Directors, if anyone is interested.

I will keep Board informed.

13. Fire Department

(FH) I would like the Fire Chief and members of the Fire Department to come in to discuss a few things regarding the department and what was said a couple of months ago about me. (DM) You are talking about the complaint letter against you? (FH) Yes. We could have them come in next month. We are paying that department every time we turn around. (PS) to schedule.

14. DOT – Sign Route 28

(PR) I will be finding out the information regarding the signs pertaining to churches on Route 28. Only blue signs are allowed on Route 28. (TM) We could contact property owners in that vicinity to see if they would be willing to have signs on their property.

15. BCEP Appointments

(EV) The BCEP would like to have their appointment papers. (PS) to do.

16. Purchase/Sales Agreement – Liberty

(EV) I would still like to see the Purchase/Sales Agreement regarding the new highway truck. (PS) We do not have a copy of this and we would have to contact Liberty for a duplicate. (PS) to do.

17. Department Inventory

(PS) At the recent Department Heads meeting, I have discussed this and suggested they check for any other items they would like to eliminate from their inventory. (PR) It should be anything they would like to get rid of. (PS) to check again.




1. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation

(FH) I am still working on this.


1. Elderly Exemption Application Tax Map R41, Lot 6

(FH) Motion to deny elderly exemption application Tax Map R41, Lot 6.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of April 19, 2011

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 19, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 19, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 19, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.




(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and
all agree.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:47 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:59 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of May 3, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


(PS) will schedule appointment with Cross Country Assessors to come before Board for information on assessed properties and abatements.

(PS) noted that he has checked with Building Inspector and there is no violation of any health laws by replacing partitions in bathroom. (PS) I will also get together with Building Inspector to make a list of materials needed and scope of work.

Liz Hast and Cara have requested closing of Town Hall for one day to clean and update files on third floor. (DM) There should be a Records Retention Committee for this to determine what can/cannot be purged.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.

Approved: May 17, 2011

__________________________ __________________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on May 3, 2011, transcribed and public posted on May 5, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes

Attachment 1
Attachment 2