May 5, 2008 Minutes

MONDAY, MAY 5, 2008
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire

Present – Ch. Elkins, VCh. Hast, Mr. Provencher, Mr. Wolfe, HSA Board, were present. Mr. Elliott (Planning Board), Fred Okrent, HSA Administrator, was also present.
Public Present:
Walt Purtell
Steve Aubertin
Deborah Magliozzo
Dan Schroth
Tom Przybyla
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM at the Town Hall by Ch. Elkins.

1. D. Magliozzo: Ch. Elkins explained why Ms. Magliozzo had been called to the hearing. She replied that it had been sent to a different address, then corrected herself saying “this time”. She also explained that her daughter had gotten into an accident and therefore she hadn’t picked it up but had called to find out the contents. The administrator related that the property had been unlicensed since 2002 due to unpaid and/or partially paid fees, fines, and a failed inspection after an electrical fire. The chair stated that the units could have been removed from the rolls. Ms. Magliozzo stated that insurance payments did not cover the damage, no one was living there and she would be resubmitting her insurance claims. Mr. Wolfe inquired whether anyone was living there and Ms Hast inquired how long it had been empty. The answer was that it had been empty since September. The question arose as to when the last inspection was done. Doug Cheney had inspected in ’05 and Mr. Okrent had done it after the fire in ’07. Chairman Elkins then read off some of the chronology. Ms. Magliozzo stated that she was living there, on the 1st floor in order to stave off foreclosure while the second floor was empty and indeed, had no electricity. Mr. Wolfe suggested that it be removed from the rolls and classified single family, owner occupied to negate the need for inspections. The Chair then explained the procedure for removing the property from the rental rolls and reinstating it later. A general discussion of being aware of what was going on being part of a landlord’s responsibility ensued. A question was raised regarding previous non-payment of fees and it was stated that the answer was lost in history. A discussion of payment programs was started. Steve Aubertin then started a discussion of whether or not licenses were revoked. The board then entered into a discussion of how much had been paid and what the vote at Town Meeting had been. Mr. Wolfe then made a motion that with Ms. Magliozzo’s assent, and written request removing the building from the rolls, and promise to request an inspection and licensing when the work was done, the balance of the amounts owed would be abated and set to zero. 2nd by Mr. Provencher. Motion passed, 5-0.

2. M. Fleury: Landlord did not show up. After some discussion, Mr. Provencher made a motion that any existing licenses be revoked, a Cease & Desist Order be issued, the fine process begun, and Court proceedings be initiated if the terms of the C&D were not met. 2nd by Mr. Wolfe, Motion passed 4-0.

2) Meeting Minutes;
Mr. Elliott made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of 4/7/08 be accepted as presented. 2nd by Mr. Provencher. Motion passed 4-0.
3) Old Business: None.
4) New Business:
a. Progress Reports
b. Discussion on new rentals found.
c. Discussion on heating requirements for apartments.
d. Question on 20 Berry Ave. Unit is empty, will be put up for sale.
5) Public Input:
6) Motion to adjourn: Mr. Wolfe, 2nd by Mr. Elliott. Motion passed 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred M. Okrent