May 6, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
May 6, 2013

The Committee met at Town Hall
Carole opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Ted, Nancy, Carol, Nicole, Paula, Gail

Members Absent: Ida, Jason, Theresa, Dawn

Election of Officers: Officers from 2012 were re-elected to serve in 2013.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the April 15, 2013 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

The current balance and recent donations were reviewed. Nancy distributed the donation boxes to Bell Brothers, Jack’s Pizza, Danis, Dominick’s and Jitters. She will pick up the donations on a regular basis.

Old Business:

Nicole and Ted reported on their Earth Day experiences with the freshman class of PHS. Nicole reported that Dan Schroth has looked at the rocks that Gail Nickerson was willing to donate for the Washington House lot, but he does not need them to complete the project. On Saturday May 11th Joe Darrah and Tom Chayer will be bringing the final stone pieces to the Lot. Nicole will provide the crew with lunch which the Committee will reimburse her for. Nicole submitted her receipts for the pansies and tulip early spring plantings she did with Gail. When our new flowers arrive for planting, Nicole will remove the tulip bulbs and re-plant them in the fall. Carole called Debbie Boyce twice concerning the Cub Scouts willingness to help out the Committee. Her calls have not been returned.

New Business:

There was extensive discussion concerning the Town Wide Yard Sale that now includes all of the towns that border Rte 28. It was unknown as to whether permits would be needed and whether or not maps would be printed. Carol said she would get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce and get the information, she would then email all Committee members with an update.

Carol requested that she be allowed to bring many gardening related items that she has for a personal yard sale to the Aranosian Lot. She would keep her tables and tent separate from the Committee’s and she would donate 50% of her proceeds to the Beautification Committee. It was agreed that she could do this. Ted will check with Paul at Jitters to see if we can borrow his tent. Paula and Nicole will also bring tents.

Besides the plants that Nicole saved from the Washington House Lot as well as plant donations from Committee members Nicole will purchase plants from Pleasant View. Members should plan on being at the Aranosian lot from 7 am for set up, the yard sale will probably wind down around 1 pm.

Nicole spoke to Dave Osborne and will see him in a couple of weeks to see what he has for our self-watering planters. It was decided that we use other plants in addition to petunias this year. Nicole will be sending out the sponsorship agreements. She also discussed her design ideas for the Tilton, Crescent and Rite Aid lots. It was agreed that we should also put in some new annuals at the Aranosian Lot.

Paula suggested using Mill Fudge Factory products around the holidays for a fund raiser. It would involve pre-buying boxes of fudge. We will discuss it more at the October meeting.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Our next meeting will be in Monday June 3rd at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall. The meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.