May 7, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
May 7, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS) , Susan
Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB) and Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC
Also attending Linda Small (LS), and John Kidder (JK).

3. Minutes from April 23, 2008 accepted.

4. WiFi-Veronica Francis
A. Received 4 proposals
B. B. First one C2 Systems – cost $56,000 plus $6,000 annually
C. Fusion Connect – came to Pittsfield and met Town Administrator
1. Recommended putting antennae in several buildings (give access to those in the building)
2. Cost $9,394 plus $110.00 monthly
D. QuatreD
1. Based in Pembroke and use Motorola equipment
2. Wants to set up equipment on light (electric wire) poles
E. Single Digits
1. Leading Wi-Fi installer in NH-Peterborough, Portsmouth, Mt Washington
2. Uses blocking software
3. Can create a mesh- main equipment at Library and amplifier at Union Block
4. Can add other amplifiers at a later date (if town or businesses request it)
5. Repeaters can be installed at businesses at cost of $400.00 each (to bring Wi-Fi into building)
6. Cost $6,240.00 plus $1,800.00 annual fee.
F. Use Metrocast for the internet service at $99.00 per month
G. A motion was made to have Veronica negotiate a proposal with Single Digits to install Wi-Fi in
the downtown area, using the figures from the reworked budget.
1. Proposal was seconded and voted on. Unanimous “Yes”.

5. RSA 79E
A. Reviewed the packet that MM provided
B. Several adjustments made to the press release
C. A map will be sent to the Select Board to identify the Pittsfield downtown area

6.Other items
A. We would like to get updates from Steve Heavener (CRDC) every few weeks
B. Discussion about EDC meeting every other week instead of every week.
C. HS will check on getting reduced transaction fees for Wi-Fi – when people use more than free time
1. Metrocast charges 7%
2. charges 2.54%
D. EV will not be here next week-DJ will serve as Vice Chair.

9. Next meeting Wednesday May 14, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

10. Meeting closed at 7:00 P.M.

Submitted by ____________________________________
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary