May 7, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
May 7, 2012

The Committee met at the home of Theresa Riel.
Carole opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Theresa, Nancy, Carol, Paula, Ted

Members Absent: Ida, Gail, Nicole, Jason

Treasurer’s Report:

Donations were received from Globe, Women of Rotary and Bartons, who are all continuing their garden sponsorships this year.
Collection boxes in town yielded $56.50 in donations.
The Clothes Closet gave a generous donation.
Some members of the Committee made donations for flowers for specific gardens.

Tina will send thank you letters to all donors.

Old Business:

Ted said that due to lack of support by the Town Selectmen, Pittsfield has pulled out of the Suncook River Nomination Committee’s effort to add the river to the State’s Rivers Management and Protection Program. Both he and Carol had attended the information meeting and were dismayed at the misinformation and politicalization of the program. Carole distributed a letter she had written on behalf of the Committee supporting the project. Ted said that he would try again next year.

Ted has not yet had the chance to speak with Linda Small concerning cleaning up a triangular piece of property owned by Amenico, across from the bridge at the dam.

Nicole was unable to attend the meeting and she will be out of town for the month of May. She had the opportunity to suggest to Carole about planting pansies in the garden lots.

New Business:

Carole read a letter from Judith regretfully resigning from the Committee since she now lives over one hour away. Judith was a great asset to the Committee and she will be greatly missed.

The Committee was unaware that updates (such as minutes) from the Pittsfield Beautification Committee were being featured on the Town Website. Nicole has been receiving and responding to inquiries. The Committee decided that it would be more appropriate for Carole, as president, to handle all inquiries. She will let Nicole know and get in touch with Clayton Wood to make the changes to the website.

Carole has been searching for an organization to take over the Flag responsibilities. The only volunteers were the Cub Scouts. Although she is concerned about the age group, she will coordinate with them for this year.

Garden sponsorship signs will be put out on the 19th.

There was discussion that with Nicole being gone during the month of May it was important that the Committee be able to move forward on our projects and responsibilities be more widely distributed. The Committee decided on the following:

· Nancy will meet with Dan Schroth to get a written estimate for the stone work for the Washington House Lot;

· Tina will pick up the hanging plants from Osbornes (pink, purple, white combinations);

· Committee members will meet at 9:00 am Saturday, May 19th at the Aronosian lot to prepare the lot for planting. We will then tour and do the same for the other lots. We can also assess as to what is needed for weed suppression. Those that have gardening tools should bring them and Carol will bring trash bags;

· Carole will contact Nicole for an update on the flower/plant choices and their subsequent purchase;

· We will decide on a watering schedule at the next meeting.

Theresa volunteered her home for any special meetings that might be called.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

The next scheduled meeting will be held at Theresa’s house on Monday June 4th at 7:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.