May 7, 2013 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:15 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman,
Linda Small (LS), Al Douglas (AD), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Gerard LeDuc (GL) – arrival at 8:35 P.M.


Adam Gauthier: He questioned who maintains signs in Town. (PS) Town is in charge. Adam Gauthier: There is a sign being obscured by shrubbery on Leavitt Road. (PS) We will try to get the property owner to cut back the shrubbery.
Adam Gauthier: Also, there were several cars parked on the sidewalk at the PSNH facility on Catamount. The sidewalk is not a parking lot. (LK) We will let PD know.

Close Public Input (5:17 P.M.)


1. 5:20 P.M.: Peter Tennant – Library Architect

(LK) Please explain your proposal.

Peter Tennant: I have met with Eric Nilsson and Jesse Pacheco, BI and toured the Library. The problem is with the downstairs area to allow second means of egress from the downstairs rooms. I have noted location of old stairwell. He discussed the necessity of discussing with Fire Marshal, structural engineering, open stairwell as opposed to enclosed stairwell for safety issues and his availability for all phases of the construction.

(EN) noted that the other concern would the outside granite foundation and the possibility of sealing it with gunite. Mr. Tennant: He explained the various means by which this might be accomplished dependent upon the condition of the foundation. (LK) So you could include this in the estimate. Mr. Tennant: Yes, as long as it does not involve any complications. (LK) Could you please put this in writing? It was agreed he would respond via E-Mail. Board and Mr. Tennant also discussed paving the walkway at the end of the addition. (LK) We would like to fix everything at once. Mr. Tennant offered some suggestions and noted the timeframe as to when drawings would be available for review and project could be completed.

Mr. Tennant left meeting at 5:35 P.M.

(LK) The information presented by Mr. Richardson at the last meeting, has this been forwarded to Fire Department. (PS) noted that he had forwarded the information to Acting Fire Chief Nick Abell and he had responded to Mr. Richardson. (LK) requested a copy of Fire Chief Abell’s response to Mr. Richardson. (PS) to do.

2. 5:45 P.M.: Rob Freese – Emergency Management Director

Rob Freese, Emergency Management Director and Chief Wharem, Deputy Emergency Management Director were present.

Mr. Freese indicated that he was present tonight to bring Board up-to-date on the Emergency Management Program. He included discussion of Pandemic Response and Planning (which will be now be part of the EOP), utilizing Cara in the capacity of administrative support, updating the Emergency Operations Plan and having Lee Kimball contracted for this purpose. He noted that their action list included Code Red Program (reverse 911), grants, contractor selection, updating the EOP, affected stakeholders, public shelter, funding for reserve power, dam emergency action plans, NIMS training, WebEOC personnel, flood plain mapping, hazard response plan with maps, and printed current data.

(LS) noted that she wanted to thank Mr. Freese for his willingness to serve as Emergency Management Director.

3. 6:10 P.M.: Michael J. Dugas – NHDOT Bureau of Highway Design – Routes 28 and 107

Michael Dugas, Project Manager and Peter Crouch, Traffic Bureau were present.

Mr. Dugas explained to Board the projected plans for the intersection of Routes 28 and 107 which included adjusting left turn lanes with green arrow and flashing yellow arrow to make road “more consistent for driver.” He estimated the cost would be about $200,000 which includes the signals, markings and changing roadway. He noted that hopefully this could be accomplished in 2013 or possibly early 2014. He related that he would return to address Board on this when more details are available. (LK) noted that Town would like to see it happen as soon as possible.

Mr. Dugas and Mr. Crouch left meeting at 6:05 P.M.


(EN) Update on Bill Smith Garage Construction; (LS) Fireworks, Administrative Enforcement of Town Ordinances; (PS) Appointment Rob Freese, Emergency Management Director, Discussion of Adoption of Parameters for Agenda Item – Public Input, E-Mail Re: Engineer’s Estimate for Smith Snow Level, E-Mail Re: Attorney Mayer Question of AHG Legal Costs, and Information Items: Cheticamp Spreadsheet, Fire Department Proposed Warrant Article, LGC Opinion Re: Local Management of Sidewalks.


(LK) Because the meeting started earlier than normally, is there anyone that has any Public Input?

Ammy Ramsey: The Pittsfield Elementary School is sponsoring a Soup/Chili Cook-off as a fundraiser on May 16th, Thursday, from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. and we are requesting that a Board member act as one of the judges. (LK) to do.

Close Public Input


1. Draft Waiver Application to the Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance
(PS) This is the revised Application for Waiver to the Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance for Board to consider. If Board would like, this can be continued so Board can review. (EN) noted that he was agreeable with the first page, but noted that document should be sent to all Department Heads for comments/sign off. (AD) I would also anticipate they would comment on their reasons. (LK) This can be revised to include this.

Chief Wharem: Is there going to be an expiration date of the Waiver? Board discussed an annual, two and three year expiration or Waiver being in effect as long as property owner remains the same, insurance is up-to-date on an annual basis, and nothing “changes” that would effect this Waiver and the best way to make this a user friendly issue for the business.

3. Draft Bicycle and Skate Board Ordinance (Submitted by Chief Robert Wharem)

Chief Wharem: I have been discussing with various individuals about the near accidents that they have had with skateboarders. This particular ordinance is the one used by the Town of Exeter (which houses the Exeter Phillips Academy) and would apply in Pittsfield in the “business district.” This is mainly about keeping people safe. The Board can consider it in keeping the downtown area safe. I like to see the kids bicycling but it has to be so that individuals are safeguarded. This would be for the downtown area skateboarders. (PS) George and I looked at the Skate Board Park and concluded that it does require some repairs and I believe that this has now been accomplished. Chief Wharem: There is no Skate Board Committee to oversee it and maintain it. That would be a great project. (PS) noted that he had contacted John Freeman concerning this since it is on school property. (LS) This ordinance was originally to protect the business owners and it was with good intentions but it is not being enforced. We need a balance here. Chief Wharem: We need a clear vision as to where we are going on this. (LS) I agree. We could send to Town counsel and have the key players involved. (EN) We should make sure that it covers everybody (including children) and need to find the right safety factor for everyone.

Ammy Ramsey: Could age be considered as a factor or speed or even “reasonable actions?”

(EN) On another note, it was been observed people parking on sidewalk at PSNH facility. Also, parking for Kentek has also become an issue again. Chief Wharem noted he would look into these matters.

Chief Wharem left meeting at 6:35 P.M.

6. Set Public Hearing Date for Receipt of Gift from Pittsfield Fire Fighters

Nick Abell, Acting Fire Chief was present.

(PS) The Firefighters Association would like to donate several items to the Town.

Type I Barricade, Orange/White (6) $299.70
Public Safety Reflective Vest (9) at $29.95 each 269.55
Traffic Sign (2) 499.90
Traffic Cones (25) 498.75
Inflatable Light Tower (1) TBD

(LS) Motion to approve Public Hearing on June 4, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to accept items from Firefighters Association (as listed above.) (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

10. Draft Special Meeting Warrant

(LK) Would like to have Town Counsel review it, have Fire Department review it, hold a special meeting and then set Public Hearing.

Article 1 – A “yes” vote will enact the immediate (as soon as practical) hiring of a full-time Fire Chief rescinding all previous votes regarding this topic. A “no” vote will affirm the vote made at the 2013 town meeting affirming the appointment of a part-time Fire Chief.

(LK) I would like to see a term reflected in the Warrant Article. Board discussed the possibility of either two or three years and agreed on two years.

19. Fireworks (Added Item)

(LS) On May 4th there was a fireworks display and the Town paid an on-call firefighter for three hours. Can we bill this back to the fireworks organizer?

Adam Gauthier: Why would you as Fire Chief allow fireworks to happen when State has a no burn in effect because of fire danger?

Fire Chief Nick Abell: The State cannot dictate to Town regarding this matter. Where it happened was an “okay” area and there was no incident. There have been several complaints. (LK) Could you stop it because of fire danger? Fire Chief Nick Abell: There was no reason not to issue a Fireworks Permit under the RSA’s. He had to have Fire and Police Chief approval. There are other fireworks displays scheduled for July 13 and August 13.

Fire Chief Nick Abell: At this point, we have no fee schedule in place to cover any of these permits. There is nothing in writing for these.

Jesse Pacheco, BI: This individual has a fireworks storage container which was originally just for storage not for use of fireworks. Anything that is “explosive” is governed by State Police. Where does the Town allow fireworks to be used? (LK) You would have to talk to Fire Chief about that and work something out. Fire Chief: Our files do not indicate storage?

Break 6:55 P.M. Resume 7:01 P.M.

4. Upton & Hatfield Engagement Letter

(PS) We have received a letter from Upton & Hatfield asking how we would like to receive bills and correspondence, either by E-Mail or via postal service or both and if E-Mail to who should correspondence be addressed? Board agreed all matters should be addressed to Town Administrator with cc to Chair Larry Konopka. (PS) to contact them.

(EN) Motion to engage Upton & Hatfield to represent Town of Pittsfield as proposed. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. E-Mail Re: Planning Board Inquiry – Legal Services

(PS) We have received an E-Mail from Clayton Wood, Chair Planning Board concerning several questions pertaining to use of Town Counsel. (LK) Is there anything in the budget for Planning Board use of counsel? (PS) No, nothing. (EN) Everything should go through Town Administrator. (LK) If possible, they should use LGC, otherwise go through Paul. It was noted that this had been discussed with Clayton via a previous letter and (PS) will send another copy to Clayton as well as notify Clayton accordingly.

6. Request to Waive Building Permit Fee: 105 Webster Mills Road

We have a letter from Pope Housing requesting waiving Building Permit fees for placement of temporary mobile home at 105 Webster Mills Road. This company provides homes to families that have lost the use of their permanent home due to a disaster.

Jesse Pacheco, BI: There are no inspections necessary. I am okay with this.

(EN) Motion to approve waiving Building Permit fees to Pope Housing for 12 x 44, Shamrock home – 528 sq. feet for ($105.60) and when temporary certificate of occupancy permit is issued for the permanent home, Pope Housing will remove the mobile home. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EN) I would like to set something up for those experiencing a loss in Town to charge half the fees. (LK) This can be on the next Agenda.

7. Electronic Payment Policy

(PS) I have received from Town Clerk, two policies for adoption for electronic payments and Pre-Payment Policy for Property Taxes. It is noted that this is adopted from RSA 80:52 c.

(LS) Motion to accept Electronic Payment Policy as adopted from RSA 80:52 c. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (EN) This would involve no charges to Town? (PS) There would be no charges to the Town.

8. Pre-Payment Policy for Property Taxes

(PS) The second policy (RSA 80:52-a) notes:

Taxpayers shall be allowed to prepay taxes no more than two (2) years in advance of the due date of the taxes. No interest shall accrue to the taxpayer
on any prepayment, nor shall any interest be paid to the taxpayer on any prepayment which is later subject to rebate or refund.

(LS) Motion to accept Pre-Payment Policy for Property Taxes. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) explained that this policy allows people to prepay but no interest is due on this prepayment due to rebates or refunds.

9. Capitol Alarm Quote: Reconfiguration of Basement Security

(PS) Selectman Nilsson requested obtaining a quote on the basement.

(EN) Board wanted to look into separating downstairs from upstairs via the door at the bottom of the stairwell. He explained how the system would work along with the placement of the keypads, key holders, and entrance availability.

(LS) Motion to approve proposal of Capitol Alarm Systems for security system lower level partition ($595.) (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

10. Draft Special Meeting Warrant

(LS) Board will meet on Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00 P.M.

11. Pole License Petition

(PS) This has been reviewed and approved by George.

(LS) Motion to approve PSNH Petition and Pole License No. 65-0507 as recommended by Highway Department. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

12. AFT-NH Intention to Negotiate

(PS) We have received an E-Mail from AFT-NH of Notice of Intent to Bargain Successor Contract. I will inform Terry Donovan that Linda Small and Al Douglas are the representatives from Board of Selectmen.

13. Request by Barnstead Board of Selectmen to meet with Pittsfield Board of Selectmen

(PS) I have received a call from representative of Barnstead Board to come to their Board of Selectmen meeting and discuss any matters, issues or functions that we can do collectively at a more efficient cost. They meet on Tuesdays from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. I can schedule it for Tuesday May 28th at 6:00 P.M. Board agreed. (PS) to schedule and post as meeting.

14. 2012 Encumbrance Reversal

(EN) Motion to approve reversing encumbrance of $7,786.60 (Account 01-4210-6-190 – Special Details) to 2012. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

15. Transfer of $160.54 from Bailey Drive Escrow Account to the General Fund

(EN) Motion to approve transfer of $160.54 from Bailey Drive Escrow Account to General Fund. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

16. Elderly Tax Deferral Release Tax Map R35, Lot 32

(PS) It was brought to Town’s attention that Town has received full payment in 2003 for elderly tax deferral and Town did not release lien.

(LS) Motion to release Elderly Tax Deferral for Tax Map R35, Lot 32,
156 Leavitt Road ($3,998.99) (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

17. Replacement of Basement Door Adjacent to the Welfare Office

(LK) I am sure you are all aware of the door in the Welfare area in the basement. Replacement was reviewed with Fire Chief Nick Abell who made recommendations and Doug Rye has submitted an estimate for labor/materials/door/etc. for $990 and is awaiting a price on the door closure. Entire cost would be about $1,200 or less.

Jesse Pacheco, BI: I have a commercial door closure that I would like to donate. The cost is usually around $200-$250.

(LS) Motion to approve replacing Welfare back door at a cost of no more than $1,200. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

18. Review of Kentek RSA 79:E Request for Property Tax Relief

(PS) There is a spreadsheet for Board to better understand the revised improvement list which went to the assessors and was noted that the improvements such as $50,000 for land beautification are incorporated into the general market value of the company. After reviewing the number, it is concluded that it would be better if applicant was offered a fixed dollar amount for tax relief each year. I have E-Mailed this to Mr. McMullen and he seems amenable to this.

Board needs to discuss and approve how much tax relief will be over proposed number of years as well as clean-up the covenants. (LS) The fixed number would be the way to go. (LK) $3,750 for three years. (PS) Agreement needs to be finalized and since Mitchell Group has done all the preliminary work, it is probably advisable that they complete it. (PS) will notify them and it will be on the Agenda for May 21st.

20. Discussion of Adoption of Parameters for Agenda Item: Public Input

(PS) I was requested to put together statement from Board as to purpose of Public Input. Enclosed is a DRAFT for your consideration. (LK) When an individual asks to participate in Public Input and asks a question on an issue Board does not often have the information readily available. Should an individual like to ask a question on a matter that is not on the Agenda, an appointment will be scheduled for a subsequent meeting that meets the availability of the public member to speak on the issue with the anticipation that any questions be provided one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. There will basically be no change in Public Input.

(EN) Motion to approve adopting purpose of Public Input to be part of the Agenda each week. (LS) Second. After Brief Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (AD) Is it possible to add verbiage that questions or information should not be of a personal nature in relation to Board members? Board agreed.

21. E-Mail Re: Engineer’s Estimate for Smith Snow Load

(EN) Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector will explain.

Jesse Pacheco, BI: Concerning Bill Smith’s garage, we now have the stamped and signed drawings along with the calculations. I can accept these. There is a notation that he would like the Town to pay the $450 fee for completion of these plans which I do not feel the Town should pay. He is all set to go and I will give him the permits he needs. (LK) There is no action that the Board needs to take.

22. E-Mail Re: Attorney Mayer Question of AHG Legal Costs

(PS) The Board requested that the amount of current legal costs be reviewed pertaining to AHG and what can be charged to escrow account. Atty. Spector-Morgan has sent all the billings but we now would have to “guess” which are legitimate to AHG. I have not discussed these bills with Laura. (LK) The current legal fees are $5,400. We need to request that Laura give us a more “detailed” billing. (PS) to do.


3. Cheticamp Spread Sheet: See No. 18 above.

4. Fire Department Proposed Warrant Article: See No. 10 above.

5. LGC Opinion Re: Local Management of Sidewalks

(PS) Town cannot tell businesses what to do on sidewalks that the Town does not own. It is speculated that there should be some agreement somewhere that someone is authorized to take care of the State owned sidewalks such as on
Route 28. I have discussed this with George and it is guessed that somewhere in the DOT archives this information would be available. Board needs to make a decision as to how to address the sidewalk issue. (LK) Per George, it is the Town’s responsibility to maintain the sidewalks.

(LS) In May of 2008, we approved an Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance, I would like to see counsel take a look at it as to what we are trying to accomplish and give us a working document. This is not to give business owners a hard time, but the document is being used against us and we need to fix it. It is hindering businesses. I would like to see a loitering ordinance and keep loitering, bicyclists, and skateboarders off the sidewalks. Paul, do you have a suggestion as to what we can do with this?

(EN) It is a workable document but needs to be revised. (LK) We could talk to Barton (Upton & Hatfield) on this. (LS) Perhaps Paul and I can review the two ordinances to see if we can come up with one that will be helpful to the Town. (LS) and (PS) to do.

1. Report from Selectmen’s Representative to the Planning Board

(EN) The last meeting of the Planning Board went very well. The owner of Bailey Park has suggested giving the open land to the Conservation Committee. He has offered to give it to the Town so no one can build on it and it will be done. (PS) As long as it is understood that as open space it would be for the entire Town.

2. Report from Selectmen Representative to the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association

Gerard LeDuc is not present tonight.

6. Administrative Enforcement of Ordinances

(LS) reviewed with Board who enforces Ordinances per RSA 31:29 c.


1. Policy for Recruitment & Employment – Revised Pending
2. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending
3. Amendment to the Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks
Ordinances – See Information Items No. 5


1. Sewer Warrant 1st Quarter 2013/Affirmation of Approval

(EN) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant 1st Quarter ($95,870.)
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit – Tax Map R46, Lot 14

(PS) Applicant qualifies

(EN) Motion to approve Veterans’ Tax Credit Tax Map R46, Lot 14.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R5, Lot 2

(EN) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R5, Lot 2 ($1,545.81). (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Intent to Cut, Tax Map R5, Lot 2

(LS) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R5, Lot 2.
(EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Intent to Cut Tax Map R5, Lot 2

(LS) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R5, Lot 2.
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(AD) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.

(LS) The only question is the one for fireworks coverage.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(EN) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of April 16, 2013

(EN) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 16, 2013.
(AD) Second. Carried 2-0. (LS) and (LK) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 16, 2013

(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 16, 2013.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.




Jesse Pacheco: Speaking as a taxpayer on AHG, instead of costing the Town more money, give the questions to AHG let them pay for the counsel.

The tax relief that you are giving to Kentek, I understand why this is in play to encourage businesses to come to Town but he has an already established business which is making money, why do we offer a tax relief? Over the course of the years I have been in Town, I have paid from $150-$160,000 in taxes. I do not get any tax relief. Kentek is making money and we are giving them a tax relief. I had a fire two years ago and since I have re-built, my taxes have gone up $3,000. I still had to pay for Building Permits. Anyone who has had a fire and wants to re-build should not have to pay any building permit fees. People are struggling; at least cut the fees in half. What about those people who need tax relief? There are those that are upgrading their homes and we charge them more. The public pays taxes in Town and they need the money not businesses that are making money.

We are not getting any relief. We should be giving the people who really need it the tax relief. How much do businesses actually pay? Most of the people working at Kentek are already hired.

(LS) I appreciate what you are saying. The purpose of 79E is to encourage businesses. This whole Town is mostly residential. The long range goal is to have them pay taxes and increase the tax base and we are trying to help stimulate that tax base. That is what we are trying to do.

Jesse Pacheco: That business is here in Town already. He is purchasing a bigger building. The problem is that businesses will not come to this Town. Because of the apartments, people do not want to come here. The property taxes are too high. Properties are selling low because they do not want to pay the high taxes.

(Selectman LeDuc arrived at 8:35 P.M.)

(LS) We are trying to turn residential into business use. Jesse Pacheco: We should not just focus on businesses that are making money but focus on the people who are losing their homes. Other communities are growing but we are not.

(LK) We are still getting the tax revenue and after the three years of tax relief, we will be getting the full taxes. You have to spend a little to get a little bit more. (LS) It is up to new businesses to come to us to ask for the tax relief. Jesse Pacheco: You are missing my point. What incentives do we have to help home owners? I have been here for 32 years and the Town has gone down and has not grown. (LS) There are people working hard to make that happen. Jesse Pacheco: I am not against Kentek but I am thinking about the people.

Adam Gauthier: While Board was on a break I was looking at the foreclosures and the property I was addressing earlier is up for foreclosure.

The Dowboro Road problem, has that been cleared up? (PS) Yes.

What is happening with 36 Loudon Road? (PS) The Town Clerk has had to issue another corrected Deed which requires a time limit and there are several other steps which we need to follow which also come with a time limit. Then property will be able to go up for sale.

Adam Gauthier: What about the other properties in Town? Are you going to be listing those also? (PS) That has to be discussed with Board.

Adam Gauthier: What about Safe Routes to School? (PS) The Town has retained an engineering firm for the process and is discussing fees with the DOT. Once that has been concluded, we will be moving forward with the project. Adam Gauthier: What streets are involved? (PS) It is all on Catamount Road.

Adam Gauthier: The delivery trucks at K-2 Market back up on the sidewalk to make deliveries, which obstructs sidewalks/ (LK) We will pass this on to PD.
Adam Gauthier: I agree with Linda about the Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance, it would not be necessary if we had a loitering ordinance. Bikes are supposed to be in the streets anyway. The Skate Board Park is on the wrong side of Town.

Gary Mullen: On the loitering, no matter what you do pro or con it is going to be a problem. When people meet each other, they congregate and talk, after church or after a meal, they tend to stand around and talk.

(LK) Merrill Vaughan has sent an invitation for the Board to attend Memorial Day Services beginning with church attendance early in the day and then a service at 1:00 P.M. in Dustin Park. (GL) Memorial Day is observed on May 26th.
(LK), (LS) and (GL) noted that they would be in attendance.


(PS) The application of Gary Mullins for the Conservation Committee has been forwarded to the Moderator.

(GL) The Suncook Valley Regional Town Association has asked for vendors which Town utilizes for all departments and this will be reviewed at the next meeting which is May 15th.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:54 P.M.

Approved: May 14, 2013

___________________________ ________________________
Lawence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on May 7, 2013, transcribed and publicly posted on May 9, 2013.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes -No Attachments