May 8, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV),
John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman.
Scott Palmer related that he was appointed a couple of weeks ago to the Park
and Recreation Committee and has been unable to be sworn in. (PS) to
Susan Muenzinger questioned if the Board would be sending some sort of
appreciation letter to past Board members and those that have been reappointed.
(PS) to do.
Fred Hast related that he had been part of the citizens’ panel for Town
Administrator, which met for quite a few hours, and wanted to know if a
Town Administrator had been selected. (LK) related that Board was still in
the interviewing process and they should know more by June 1st. Mr. Hast
related that he thought this was a delay tactic and Town ends up keeping
MRI on for another month. Board could move faster. As I was told, Town
lost a couple of the applicants because of the time issue.
Mike Brewster related he has been a part of the Town for a long period of
time. He wanted Board to know that he has reviewed the financial report of
the State and noted that there is a great deal of money that the State cannot
account for.
6:10 P.M. – Judith MacLellan
Mr. Al MacLellan reported to Board the damage the recent storm did to
White’s Pond. He related water did not go over the road this time, but went
the other way. He related that there was quite a bit of damage to the dam –
several holes, potholes through it, and that there might even be more
extensive damage which is hard to determine at this point. These have been
repaired by Homeowners Association. He related that the bigger issue is the
continuing problem with the dam not meeting the l00 year floor requirement
and the methods that are necessary to correct this. The DES engineers
estimate the cost would be about $19,500 to raise dam to required flood
levels. Since this is partially owned by the Town of Pittsfield, the
Homeowners Association wanted to know if there were some grants that
could be applied for to offset the costs. (LK) noted that this appointment
was scheduled not knowing the subject of this request. Chief Wharem
related that at the Hazardous Mitigation meeting it was noted that FEMA
might possibly assist homeowners with this type of repair, and he will be
receiving paperwork regarding this in the next couple of days. (LK) noted
that Board should be updated when information on this is received and also
the FEMA letter.
6:15 P.M. – Sharon Wason – Central NH Planning – EDC
Ms. Wason noted that she is very pleased with the progress committee has
made and noted that they have accomplished a lot of work. She related that
they are down to the last 100 hours of the contract. She related that updating
the Site Plan Regs and Marketing Plan Strategy remains and her thoughts
were that it was time to pursue grants for the Town. She related that she
would do as Town requests. Eric Bahr, Chairman, Economic Development
Committee related that he disagrees. “Let us do what we know how to do
and hire experts for what we do not know how to do.” Ms. Wason related
that a first draft of the Site Plan Regs should be accomplished by June 30th
and should be able to offer a first draft of the Marketing Plan Strategy to
work with. She related that they have grant experience and could tailor
blueprints of which grants to apply for. Mr. Bahr related that committee has
now figured out what to do and we are now working on it. Mr. Bahr
discussed the priorities of the EDC and that they should work on things that
matter this year realizing that they could use all the help they could get.
(EV) wanted to know if we could not get it all done. (EV) and (LS) both
agreed that they would like to have both. Mr. Bahr related that he did not
want to start spending money on Site Plan Regs as they are not ready for it
yet and does not feel they need to do it twice. He related the Planning Board
has other things to do first and still has the money to do it. He related that he
does not yet have the Brownsfield Inventory. He related that committee still
needs to know about the water and sewer on Route 28, specifically thinking
of Loudon Road, as they need to know what’s involved in doing that. Mr.
Lester Firstenberger related that Board requested they use their judgment on
this and that Board should let them do their job. (LS) agreed that the Site
Plan Reg are important and agrees that the Site Plan Regs will have an
impact on matters but would like CNHRP putting together an estimate of
what EDC is looking to accomplish. She suggested putting the remainder of
contract on hold. Ms. Wason related that she would provide a letter to
Board two weeks from tonight.
Mr. Bahr also related that the Economic Development Committee has a
large membership and a rather large inactive membership. It is difficult to
get a quorum due to the fact that there are many members who do not attend
on a regular basis. Mr. Bahr requested the membership be reduced to seven
members with two alternates. He related that all the members are valuable
members but attendance varies from meeting to meeting. Ways and means
to achieve this goal were discussed and it was decided to disband the current
committee as it presently stands and re-appoint it accordingly.
(LK) suggested that Board write letter to nine member committee to see if
any one would wish to be an alternate or else wait on these decisions until
next month and let the new Town Administrator get involved.
(EV) Motion to disband the EDC Committee because of quorum issue. (LS)
Second. Carried 3-0. (PS) to send letters to all members.
(LS) Motion to form Economic Development Committee to include Eric
Bahr, Lester Firstenberger, Karen VanderPol, Ed Vien, Jim H, Merrill
Vaughan and alternates Pat H. and Darren. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
7:00 P.M. – Glen Amnot, Ethics Committee
Mr. Amnot related he was present tonight to deliver more formal findings
regarding Dan Schroth’s application to the Ethics Committee regarding
Donna Keeley. Mr. Schroth related that Mrs. Keeley recused herself during
one meeting and did not recuse herself at a subsequent meeting regarding
Dan Greene’s appointment to the Planning Board in October 2006 and
February 2007 which was in reference to the same matter. The Board
determined that these are two separate distinct matters and the code that Mr.
Schroth cited does not apply. Mrs. Keeley responded to this and we are
comfortable with that.
Added to the Agenda: (LS) Town Hall Roof, Assessing Software, Website
Committee, and Committee Applications. (LK) Mark Turner Letter,
Pittsfield Fire Department Letter, Appreciation Letter to Citizens and
Employees Panel, Troy Merwin Letter. (PS) added Non-Public Session
91:A:3 II: b – Employee.
Action Items
1. Highway Garage Exhaust Issue
To be discussed during presentation of Clean Aire Technology, Inc.
2. Pittsfield Skate Park Raffle
(LS) Motion to approve raffle. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Knights of Columbus Raffle
(EV) Motion to approve raffle. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
4. Mark Turner Letter
(LK) related off Tilton Hill Road on School Road, Mr. Turner related that
there is a large pothole in the road. George was notified and the pothole was
filled and matter turned over to the Highway Department.
Mike McLaughlin (MM) related that he and George had checked it out and it
was due to drainage on property that in the past had a garage constructed on
it and BOS had given permission to the individual to position drainage
toward the road. Each winter there is an ice problem there as water runs
down to the road and freezes each year. George and Mike to research to
determine when and if Board had given approval for this. Will update BOS.
5. Town Hall Roof
Board discussed the presentations and estimates of the interlocking and
aluminum shingles as well as the asphalt shingles. After discussion it was
determined that another quote for asphalt shingles would be obtained and
determination for either bids or waiver for particular product will take place.
6. Assessing Software
(LS) related that all Board members had received two memos from Cara in
reference to new assessing software at this time. She related that this is not
what the Board decided. Board decided that pick-ups would be done with
what we have presently. (PS) to advise Cara.
7. Website Committee
(LS) was trying to determine if ad for Website Committee had been placed
in paper? (PS) related that Bill was to draft ad, finalize and place in paper.
(PS) to check with him.
8. Committee Applications
(LS) exhibited a sample copy of a standard application for committee
members. She related that it is consistent and professional. Check with Bill
for inclusion on Website.
Break at 7:25 P.M. Resume at 7:29 P.M.
Appointment 7:30 P.M. – Clean Aire Technology, Inc.
Clean Aire Technology, Inc. – Jim McCormick and Tom Ballin, Engineer.
Mr. McCormick explained a little about the company and what company
products are available. He related that there are really two ways to deal with
the problem at the garage – source captive duct systems or a proper
ventilation system.
Mr. Ballin, Engineer, explained how company would achieve proper
ventilation so that employees would have clean air in the garage as well as
the offices. He explained in detail the flame retardant ducts, diffusers,
sizing, air flow, and air exchange rate. (LK) questioned whether there would
be any guarantee that this system would bring the air quality in the garage up
to State standards. Mr. McCormick related that the system meets BOCA
codes and exceeds it. He related that he thought this was the best available
technology short of source capture, which would not really work in the
garage area. He also related that a portable source capture unit for George’s
welding area would also be beneficial for clean air in that particular area
since it is not part of the garage itself. Estimate of product installation
would be about $23,263, which does not include electrical, which Mike is
still looking into. Board advised that they would advise them of their
(EV) related that he had hoped that George would be present tonight and
questioned why is all the Town equipment in one building? and whether this
was a good thing. He related that in case of fire, all equipment could
essentially be destroyed. (LS) questioned how Town would pay for system.
(LK) General Account. (LS) stated that it should be more specific. (PS) to
check. Board agreed to first review how to pay for and then review again.
NEW BUSINESS – Action Items Continued
9. Pittsfield Fire Department
(LK) discussed memo received from Fire Chief Johnson outlining timeframe
to replace personnel on ambulance. Board agreed that timeframe is
10. Town Administrator Panel Letter
(PS) questioned how/kind of letters to be sent to citizens and employee
panels. It was determined that citizens would each be sent a thank you letter
and employees would be sent an all-inclusive letter.
11. Troy Merwin Letter
(LS) advised Board that Mr. Merwin is an abutter to her property but was
just bringing his request to Board. She related that he has property, which
he rents, and renters park on right hand side in an area, which he does not
own. She related that she believed the Town owns it but was unsure. Mr.
Merwin would like to “beautify” that area by putting some crushed stones
down. Board decided to have George look into it – (PS) to advise George.
(She related that individuals actually park in front rather than the right.)
12. Public Service Letter (Attached)
Board decided to send letter to Chamber of Commerce as it was in reference
to placement of banners, flags, etc. (Chief Wharem related that if Chamber is
unable to do this, it can be turned over to his department.) (PS) to fill out
application and submit to Board for approval.
1. Department of Labor Report 1999
Board requested report generated by Department of Labor, which actually is
from 1998, in regard to their inspection of various town facilities. Report
provided by Chief Wharem. He related that the Town is about 90% in
compliance and there were only two areas that were not in compliance, and
still are not in compliance with: Hazardous Storage Containers and
carpeting at Fire Department. Fire Chief Johnson related that the carpet
really needs to be removed as it does not meet OSHA standards but was
hesitant to have this done as unknown floors exist beneath carpeting and
whether they can be painted needs to be determined. (EV) to check on costs
of these containers. (LK) noted carpet could be removed at Chief’s
discretion. Chief to advise.
2. Unemployment Compensation Insurance Premium
Board discussed payment of individual unemployment compensation to
employees as opposed to obtaining insurance policy that would cover this.
Premium with Primex would run about $l,942 and be effective July 1, 2007.
(LS) related that she believes after several years this premium would
decrease due to an experience rate.
(LS) Motion to change unemployment compensation insurance procedure by
changing over to Primex Corporation as opposed to current system. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-0.
(PS) was unsure whether current claim would be included in new policy.
1. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption – Tabled from 4/17/07
No new information has been received as yet.
1. Abatement Applications
The abatement applications which were approved at May 1, 2007 Board of
Selectman meeting will be signed tonight.
2. Elderly Exemptions
(PS) related that Cara is putting together the elderly exemption applications
for processing. When they are returned, they will be reviewed and Board
will act upon them at that time.
(EV) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending May 12, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Accounts Payable for week ending May 12, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) questioned check issued for $60,000, #6743 – Invoice not signed. (LK)
Paul to confirm check is payable and then can process.
(LS) Motion to accept Minutes from May 1, 2007. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(PS) Addendum to Minutes of April 24, 2007: (LS) Motion to release nonpublic
Minutes of April 10, 2007. (JL) Second. Carried 3-1 (LK).
Public session adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
(EV) Motion to go into non-public session 91 A:3 II b & a. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0. Board polled – unanimous.
APPROVED: May 15, 2007
_______________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Vice-Chairmen Date