May 8, 2007 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting


The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:35 on May 8, 2007, in the children’s room of the library.

In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace

Acceptance of Minutes: Mary said that the thank you letter from Bob Lemer about the going away gift should be mentioned in the minutes. Bill said he would include them. The minutes for March 22, 2007 were accepted with the revision.

Old Business:

A discussion about use of the library for meetings by other organizations was held. The question was brought up on whether we should have a policy for library use in place before such requests take place. A copy of the policy from Troy library, as well as an application for library use from Somersworth was reviewed. A lengthy discussion was held about allowing other organizations to use the library after hours, and what it might involve. It was decided to table this issue and think about it until our next meeting.

Leslie hasn’t heard from the select board about the roofing job. They are working on it. Bill said he’d try to talk to Mike to find out what’s going on.

Bill went to Pella to ask about window replacement. They said they’d come out and give us a better estimate. It is safe to assume we’ll be going over $25,000, and getting into another category.


Leslie presented the Director’s Report. The Open House/Poetry Workshop went well. It was busier than usual and people enjoyed it.

ACE Plumbing and Air Conditioning came.

They proposed putting units over the stairwell rather than outside on the roof. AGS from Henniker is coming on the 23rd and will hopefully offer a quote. We’ll then have two rough quotes. (To determine the size of the system, they will assume we will have new windows.)

The motion was made and seconded to accept the Director’s Report. Two if favor, one abstinence.

The Monthly Financial Report was presented and discussed. Mary motioned to accept the report, it was seconded and approved.

Mary presented an update from Friends of the Library. Here is a list of things they have done:

– Recognition of longevity in employees, Carol Grainger and Millie Becker, with a tea to celebrate and plaques for each of them.

– Window treatments to protect from the sun and cold on the 4 windows in the 2 front rooms of the Library. Further work will be done on 9 tall windows in the back area of the first floor.

– Placement of 2 planters and flowers in front of the Library

– Purchase of bookcases for the children’s room and the large rug

– Purchase of window candles for the front windows of the Library for the Christmas season

– Petitioning the Rotary for a donation and then use of the monies received this year for the purchase of board books for the town’s newborns with bookplates in each one, stating that they are from the Library with a donation of money from the Rotary.

– New projects are being considered for the fall: Repair or replacement of the sign in the front of the Library, giving the hours of the Library.

New Business:

Mary brought up the hill in front of the library, where the grass won’t grow. Bill said he’d ask Dana Sansom to take a look at it and see if she could offer any suggestions as to what we might plant there that would grow and hold the soil. The retaining wall was also discussed. The job was botched when they built it and is now in need of costly repair. Bill recommended Leslie ask the custodian buy some sealer and seal the cracks for now.

Budget discussion on new business was tabled until next meeting.


Leslie reminded that minimum wage is going up. She would like permission to advertise the high school position for $6.75 in the fall.

Mary said the Friend’s of the Library said that the library was viewed positively by the townspeople.

Bill said there should be something about the Friend’s of the Library in the town website. Leslie will ask Paula B. to give something to put on the town website.

The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on June 12, at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sylvia Wallace, secretary