MAY 19, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.












Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.




Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Larry Konopka (LK)








(PS)  Several Non-Public and Abatements; (EV) Letter of Resignation.




          6:05 P.M. – Conservation Easement Steering Committee (Non-Public Session for Discussion of Land Purchase)


(EV)  Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (d). 

(DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.  Members of the Board were polled and all agreed.


Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:03 P.M.


Board returned to Public Session at 6:22 P.M.

(DM)  Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of May 19, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.



          ACTION ITEMS


          1.       Lifeguard/Gate Keeper Appointments


(PS)  Board now has the list of lifeguard/gate keeper appointments along with an E-Mail from Chief Wharem regarding reference checks. Minnie Plante noted that she has one more name to add to the list, Chris Ward, who has worked as a lifeguard in the past for the Town of Pittsfield.  Board and Ms. Plante agreed that these individuals would be at the Board meeting on June 2nd at 6:00 P.M. to meet the Board.  Ethics training will be provided to these new employees, Minnie Plante, and Kathy Boudreau prior to the pool opening at the pool site, which will be conducted by Don Chase, Chairman of Ethics Committee at his discretion.  Pool will be opening June 19th and this will occur prior to that time.


          4.       LG Opinion Re:  Planning Board Membership


(PS)  We now have an opinion from LGC regarding the 5 or 7 member Planning Board.  I do not know if the members of the Planning Board have discussed this yet.  Mr. Pritchard, member of the Planning Board, noted that the Board had not discussed this.  (LS)  We should wait to hear from the Planning Board.  (EV)  After some research and decision of Planning Board, we can give to Town counsel for review.  This should be clarified as soon as possible before someone comes in with an application.  Mr. Pritchard noted that this should be addressed expeditiously.  (FH) suggested that perhaps we should contact the Secretary of State for his opinion.  (PS) to send letter to Gerard Leduc, Chairman, noting that there should be no delay in finalizing this matter.


(DM)  Motion to authorize Town Administrator to send letter to Planning Board to review information from LGC and get back to Board of Selectman as soon as possible.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


(LS)  Thank you, Mr. Pritchard, for your input.







          2.       Police Details


Board and Chief Wharem reviewed the Policy on Details and the proposed Contract for request of details by vendors.  Board and Chief discussed how cancellations would be dealt with, payment, late fees, non-payment penalty fees of 15% annually, pre-payment, and individuals not required to pre-pay.


(PS) and Chief Wharem to finalize these documents and address at next BOS meeting.


          3.       Generator Grants


Chief Wharem noted that there are several potential grants available that are 50/50 matching grants as well as possibly an 80/20 grant which would probably be for either designated Emergency Management Center or shelter associated with this. Chief Wharem requested Board designate which buildings this would encompass and whether a 50/50 grant would be feasible at this time.  (PS)  I believe that Chief would like some direction as to which buildings are priority so that an estimate can be acquired.  Chief noted that this would also be dependent upon the severity of the emergency occurring.  He also noted whether it would need to be a “self-starter” equipped generator.  Board discussed whether it should encompass the Elementary School, since this is also kitchen equipped and agreed that this would probably be the best choice.  Chief Wharem noted he would pursue the information on grants further and advise Board accordingly.


          5.       Pittsfield Players Re:  Sidewalk Ordinance


(PS) related that a letter from the Pittsfield Players had been received requesting clarification from the Board as to whether the audience congregating outside the building during intermission is in violation of the Loitering Ordinance?  (FH)  I think they should use their judgment on this.  (EV)  There are no complaints at this time and if one happens to come through, they can re-address the BOS at that time.  (PS) to handle.


          6.       Amenico Memorandum of Agreement


(PS) related that he had revised the Memorandum of Agreement.  Board members noted that they liked the revised Memorandum of Agreement.  (PS) noted he would forward a copy to Amenico representative for their comments and that it will be re-addressed next BOS meeting.  (DM)  We will still see their applications for grants?  (EV) “Yes.”


          7.       DPW Response to Handicap Parking Area Designation


(PS)  Board has a request from Frank Volpe, George’s recommendation as well as my recommendation as to a handicapped parking spot.  (EV)  I do not see a need for this.  (PS)  George is just saying that one could be put in that area.  (DM)  What would be the cost?  (PS)  This would be at Town’s expense and George would provide the time, labor, and initial job of what is entailed to “install” this parking area.  (FH)  We would lose two parking places.  (LS)  I do not see the need for it. 


(FH)  Motion to not approve this handicapped parking area designation at this time.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          8.       DOT Request for Flowage Release from Town of Pittsfield


(Aerial Photo in Separate Folder for BOS review and George’s review of this request which notes he has no objection.)


(PS)  George agrees with the installation noting that it is hazardous during the winter.


(EV)  Motion to approve the request for flowage release to the State of New Hampshire and authorize Chairman to sign release.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


It is noted that this will be at no expense to Town.


          9.       Clarification of Website Cable Connection


(PS) related that at the last BOS meeting, clarification was requested regarding the Metrocast cable connection for Bill Provencher.  After discussion with Bill Provencher and Cara, the question remains as to whom Board would request pay this bill – Town or Bill Provencher.  (FH)  Is Bill willing to pay for this?  (PS)  I believe so.  (EV) noted that Bill has done a lot of work concerning the Website and continues to do so.  It is noted that Bill Provencher will continue to be provided Metrocast cable connection at his own expense.


(EV)  Motion to pay this last Website cable connection bill to Metrocast in the amount of $37.67.  (DM)  Second.  Vote:  2-2 (DM) & (LS).  Motion dies because of lack of majority vote. 


Board further discussed who should be responsible for this bill and agreed that it should be re-motioned.


(EV)  Motion to pay this last Website cable connection bill to Metrocast in the amount of $37.67.  (FH)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          10.     Request for FMLA


(PS)  The request by Ambulance employee addressing accumulation of vacation time while on FMLA notes that under the current contract, “employee is not entitled to seniority or benefit accrual during the period of unpaid leave…” She further noted that it does not address accrual during that period if you are receiving compensation through use of earned vacation time.  “The application of FMLA should not deprive me of benefits that I would normally receive while taking leave under the contract provision covering vacation use.”  She has requested clarification of interpretation of the contract provisions and past practices. 


Board discussed health coverage during this period, which would be paid.  (DM)  The others on leave, did they accrue the time?  (PS)  I am not sure.  The others on FMLA did not utilize sick time.  (FH)  She has eight weeks accrued now and then she would get another 44 hours.  If she is out more than ten weeks, she is subject to paying her own health insurance.  (PS)  I suggest we table this for now until I can get further clarification.


(EV)  Motion to approve FMLA as submitted using available sick time and vacation time with verification on open question forthcoming.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          11.     Letter of Resignation – Zoning Board


(EV)  Motion to accept letter of resignation from David Rushford, as Alternate, Zoning Board.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


(EV)  We have no alternates at the present time.  Paul, have you talked to Ted Mitchell regarding being an alternate on the Zoning Board.  (PS)  No, not yet.  Board requested that Dee contact him to determine his willingness to serve as Alternate on Zoning Board.




          1.       Police Department Badge Numbers as of 5/6/09

          2.       Police Department Shift Schedule – May 2009

          3.       Fire Department Monthly Report – April 2009

          4.       Fire/Ambulance Shift Schedule – May 2009

          5.       Letter date 5/6/09 to Kyle Parker Re: CNHRPC  – Offer of Service



For Board review, no discussions ensued.


          6.       Abatements


(PS) noted that 95-98% of the abatements have been accomplished and are ready for review by Board.  This will be on the Agenda for May 26th.  He noted that there is one individual who probably will be addressing Board on one of the abatements.


(EV) left at 7:39 P.M.  Returned at 7:42 P.M.




(EV)  Motion to approve Sewer Warrant in the amount of $8,379.27. 

(FH)  Second.  Carried 4-0.




(DM)  Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


(DM)  Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.




          1.       Non-Public Session Minutes of April 21, 2009


(LS)  A motion to approve these Minutes was made by (EV) and seconded by (DM) on May 5, 2009.  Board did not vote on approving these Minutes.


Vote:  3-0 (FH) Abstain.


          2.       Public Session Minutes of May 5, 2009.


(EV)  Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 5, 2009.  (FH)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          3.       Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2009


(EV)  Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2009.  (DM)  Second.  Carried 3-0 (FH) Abstain.

          4.       Non-Public Session Minutes of May 5, 2009


(DM)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 5, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          5.       Non-Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2009


(DM)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 13, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Carried 3-0 (FH) Abstain.




(PS)  There is a memo from George notifying Board that Public Works will begin their four-day workweek.  (LS)  This is their choice and it should be noted that they would be getting no special benefits for working this schedule.  We are accommodating them.


(EV)  Motion to allow Highway Department to work four ten-hour days effective May 18, 2009 though this should not be construed as precedent setting. 

(FH)  Second.  Carried 4-0.








(DM)  Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a).  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.  Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.


Board went into Non-Public session at 7:48 P.M.


Board returned to Public Session at 8:15 P.M.


(DM)  Motion to seal Non-Public Session of May 19, 2009.  (EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.




(PS)  As a reminder, the Board will be meeting at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 26th to conduct interviews for Welfare Director.  Ron Vien will be here at 6:00 P.M. to meet with the Board and at 6:30 P.M. students from the Pittsfield Middle/High School will be making a presentation to the Board.


(EV)  Motion to adjourn.  (DM) Second.  Carried 4-0.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.



Approved:  May 26, 2009






_______________________________               ________________________

Linda Small, Chairman                                                           Date





II Tapes