September 2, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
September 2, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EB),
Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan (MM) representing CNHRPC, Scott Spradling (SS)
from the Spradling Group LLC, Brenda Butterfield (BB) and Ted Mitchell (TM) from the
Pittsfield Planning Board.

3. Minutes from August 19, 2009 approved with a correction as follows: on topic 4 include
“deadline for the surveys will be September 4”

4. RSA 162N Update
A. MM received a call from DRED-need addresses for all the locations in the specified
B. In the downtown area we had to cut out the residential then submitted to DRED

5. Web Site Update
A. SS met with Clayton.
B. He is willing to make changes to the web site-likes the Claremont site
C. Any suggestions we have should be as specific as possible
D. What 4 boxes makes the most sense? (can be the same as Claremont)
1. Town History, Town Offices, Economic Development, and (?)
2. Can have a 5th button for special events like the Balloon Rally
E. January 2010 would be a good date to have it updated
F. Put forms on the web site so businesses can download them and fill them out
1. Businesses can download them and fill them out
2. Would it be possible to request a meeting for the zoning board through the
web site?

6. Surveys
A. A lot of them came back
B.Some will be picked up within the next week
C. Some complaints about the police dept-try to foster a better alliance between
Pittsfield PD and local businesses

7. Parcel Availability
A. BB did a lot of research on this
B. Do we list all locations on line?
C. How often do we update the list: Monthly? Quarterly?
D. MM has maps showing potential lots but may not be listed “for sale”

E. Rt 28 locations
1. Curb cuts were decided in 1971-only a certain amount allowed
2. Some lots are listed as LI-C/Suburban-
a. We can ask the owners how they would like to be considered

8. Next meeting Wednesday September 9, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:55 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary