November 1, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
November 1, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairperson
Mary Paradise
Chris Ward
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent
Peter Roche, Business Administrator
Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Tobi Chassie, Director of Student Services
Chairperson Brown called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.
Mr. Colby added information about Drake Field. Dr. Compton confirmed the need
for a non-public session for legal matters. Ms. Chassie added a resignation from
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the minutes of the first meeting on October 18, 2007, as
written. On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board
voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the second meeting on October 18,
2007, as written.
Pittsfield School Board 1 November 1, 2007
A. Halloween Parade
Dr. Freeman assured the Board that the Halloween Parade was well attended.
The music teacher from PES, Ms. Grady, collaborated with the music teacher
from PMHS, Ms. Hipkiss, to provide marching music for the parade.
B. Fire Prevention Week
Dr. Freeman commented on the fire safety presentations that were provided by
the Pittsfield Firefighters to all grade levels. Chief Johnson joined the crew to
observe a fire drill, at which a record-setting sixty-five second evacuation time
was documented.
A. Termination
Ms. Chassie recommended that the Board approve the termination of Nicole
Nilsson from the position of educational assistant. On a motion made by Ms.
Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board unanimously voted to approve
the termination of Nicole Nilsson.
B. Resignation
Ms. Chassie recommended that the Board accept the resignation of Susan
Nelson. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the
Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Nelson.
A. Dental Program
Dr. Compton provided the Board with the answers to questions that had been
raised by members at a previous meeting. He reported the result of his
conversation with a principal of a school that participates in the program. On a
motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the Concord Dental Sealant Coalition
B. Maternity Leave
Dr. Compton recommended the approval of a maternity leave requested by
Amy Gardner-Booth, World Language Teacher at PMHS, for early March. On a
Pittsfield School Board 2 November 1, 2007
motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the maternity leave for Ms. Garner -Booth.
C. Board Packet Distribution
Dr. Compton described the occasional inconsistencies with the mailing of the
Board members’ packets. There was consensus among Board members to
continue with the current process of mailing the packet. When the packets are
delayed, other alternatives will be employed to be sure of a timely distribution.
D. Facility Projects
Mr. Roche reported that the windows for PES are on order. The shades for
PMHS are almost entirely installed. The stairs next to the Industrial Arts Annex
have been completed. Bids for the repair of the roof at PMHS will be going out.
The lights in the gymnasium have been installed and are a great improvement.
Replacement of the kitchen hood fire suppression system is still being
investigated. The cost of the security camera equipment has increased since
the first bidding process. Mr. Roche recommended that the work be completed
in stages, with the first phase including a new security camera in the front office
and the installation of two outside cameras.
Mr. Brown asked the Board to consider whether the expenditure of $4,000 is a
priority at this time. Ms. Erlandson reported that there have been minor issues,
but that on the whole, student behavior has improved this year. Having said
that, she stated that a security system helps to keep the premises safe and
feels that the expenditure would be worthwhile in maintaining the monitoring of
the environment. In response to Mr. Ward’s question, Mr. Roche explained that
the camera would offer a twenty-four hour video surveillance. Mr. Roche stated
that the system is one in which expansion can occur, if necessary in the future.
Discussion ensued regarding the money that had bee n earmarked for the
gymnasium floor. On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Colby,
the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation to spend $8,200
for the upgrading of the security system at PMHS.
E. Economic Development Committee
Mr. Ed Vien was present at the meeting to discuss the work that is being done
within the committees and boards in Pittsfield. He read a letter that was recently
published in the Suncook Valley Sun regarding one particular committee. The
purpose of the Economic Development Committee is to improve the economic
quality of life for the citizens of Pittsfield. The Economic Development
Committee is promoting Pittsfield as a place where folks would like to do
business. Mr. Vien explained that a matching grant has bee n given to provide
wireless Internet connections in the downtown area. He explained several
other initiatives that have been explored to promote business in Pittsfield. Mr.
Pittsfield School Board 3 November 1, 2007
Vien asked for suggestions of names of people, connected to the schools, that
might be interested in sitting on the Economic Development Committee. The
Committee is accomplishing important work and they would like additional
members to join the group to continue making the connections and doing the
work necessary. Mr. Brown suggested that a flier be put in staff mailboxes and
an invitation be included in the PES Newsletter. Board members will use their
connections to promote participation on the Economic Development Committee.
F. FY2009 Budget
Mr. Roche reviewed the 2008-2009 budget proposal. He stated that at this
early stage, there is a 7.8% increase. He explained that salaries for teachers
reflect the negotiated, contractual increases. Salaries for support staff have
been moved one step up on the current salary schedule. He further explained
that health and dental insurance rates are included in the budget proposal.
Current litigation may influence the budget. New positions include an
Occupational Therapist and a special education teacher at PMHS. A
permanent substitute being reinstated at PES is not currently in the budget
Mr. Brown suggested that the budget process continue to refine the requests in
relationship to the reorganization of the SAU. Ms. Vogt suggested that a
discussion take place around the issue of the support salary scale to account
for the pending increase in minimum wage. Discussion ensued regarding the
2006-2007 Support Staff Salary Schedule that has remained in place for 2007-
2008. Mr. Brown asked that the scale be reconsidered by the Administration in
relationship to the minimum wage increase to $7.75 by September of 2008.
Dr. Freeman conducted a brief review of the PES proposed budget. He asked
for the Board’s consideration of an increase for the stipend for the instrumental
music program. Also, he asked for the consideration of reinstatin g the
permanent substitute position and explained the role that the person plays in
maintaining quality level of instruction. He asked for the consideration of raising
the per diem rate for substitute teachers. Finally, he stated that facility requests
were inadvertently left out of the proposed budget and should be adjusted.
Ms. Chassie briefly reviewed the PES/PMHS Student Services portion of the
budget proposal. She notified the Board that the occupational therapist position
has been budgeted as a full-time position across the elementary, middle, and
high school levels at a rate comparable to what is currently being paid. Ms.
Chassie asked for the Board’s consideration of a special education teacher for
the high school, as the caseload for one teacher has become significantly
overwhelming and therefore, less effective. She also asked the Board to
consider an expansion of the mentoring program for PMHS that has
successfully been implemented at PES. Ms. Chassie explained that some
general movement has occurred from one account to another in order to
Pittsfield School Board 4 November 1, 2007
maintain consistency between the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Ms. Paradise suggested that notes be added to explain these changes. Finally,
Ms. Chassie suggested that the occupational therapy and speech and language
pathologist positions be considered for the district-wide budget, to be aligned
strategically for future vacancies and reasonable recruitment efforts.
Mr. Brown suggested the Administrative Team work collectively to review the
issues that can be considered in the reorganization of the SAU.
Discussion ensued regarding potential liability issues relative to the Drake Field
summer program. The discussion included the concept of the program being a
drop-in program, not requiring students to sign in and sign out from the program
on a given day. Dr. Compton agreed to explore the issue with the insurance
Mr. Brown clarified the per diem substitute teacher issue by stating that it would
be done district-wide. He asked Mr. Roche to make calculations for the Board
to consider. Mr. Brown asked that Mr. Roche confer with Dr. Freeman
regarding facility projects. He suggested that the money for the increase in the
instrumental teacher stipend be added. Discussion ensued regarding the
benefits of the permanent substitute teacher.
Discussion ensued regarding the proposed changes in the athletic budget and
in building maintenance projects at the high school level. The Board explained
to Mr. Roche their practice of stipulating a list of items that would need to be cut
to maintain the budget at a 5% increase.
A work session was scheduled for November 27 and 28, 2007 at 4:00 at the
SAU for Board members. Final plans for these potential meetings will be made
at the next meeting of the Board.
A. Drake Field
Mr. Colby explained that when the Alison Roberts was appointed as Athletic
Director, she met with all coaches. There were discussions about adding a
softball field at Drake Field. It would be done with volunteer labor and would
cost approximately $4,000. It would require moving the swing set and
relocating half of the basketball court to the tennis court. Mr. Colby presented a
visual representation of the proposed field. Discussion ensued regarding the
benefits and challenges of moving forward with this project. Mr. Brown
suggested that the decision-making process proceed with a meeting with the
Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association to discuss their plans for the field on Tilton
Hill Road. The possibility of using the field between the two schools for softball
practices was discussed. Mr. Colby will discuss the process with Ms. Roberts
at the winter coaches meeting scheduled for November 2, 2007.
Pittsfield School Board 5 November 1, 2007
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 5:30 at the
Pittsfield Middle High School.
X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)
At 8:02 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded Mr. Colby, to
enter into non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to
enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c) [Legal
A motion was made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward to come out of the
non-public session. The Board was polled and voted to come out of the non -public
session at 8:31 p.m.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the superintendent contract for Dr. John Freeman,
effective July 1, 2008.
On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Chassie
Recording Secretary
Pittsfield School Board 6 November 1, 2007