November 1, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Maurice Wells: Have you given any second thought about the Police Chief working part-time in Northwood. (EV) Not anything more than what the conversation last week – no. Maurice Wells: I do not think it is a good idea.
(FH) Did you talk to him, Paul? (PS) No, I did not. I would like some clarification as to what you would like me to discuss with the Chief. What is the issue? Maurice Wells: He is supposed to be working full-time here. He works three days at the Stratham Fair. (FH) He takes vacation time for that. Maurice Wells: We hired him as full-time Police Chief. He is ripping off the taxpayers because they are not getting the full benefit of his being here. (FH) He is salaried for forty hours. Maurice Wells: He should be on call 24/7. (PS) What is the issue? Maurice Wells: The issue is the Police Chief should not be working for any other employee than the Town of Pittsfield. That is my position. (PS) So, the Chief should not work for any other employee? As I understand Maurice’s issue, what should be accomplished? Maurice Wells: They should not have hired him in Northwood. (PS) We have nothing to do with Northwood. I am struggling with what the issue is here. Maurice Wells: He should not work anywhere else but Pittsfield. Let me talk to Chief. (PS) agreed. Maurice Wells: He works for us. You people are supposed to be in charge and have not been in charge for ten years. (EV) Other patrolmen work full-time for other towns and part-time for Pittsfield. (PR) Has he made arrangements for his role within the Town to be covered if needed? (DM) We can call him if necessary any time. Maurice Wells: He has a Deputy Chief.

Close Public Input


(PS) Transfer from Ambulance Fund to General Fund in the amount of $84,334.55, Transfer from General Fund to Various Capital Reserve in the amount of $88,000, Transfer from General Fund to Municipal Building Expendable Trust in the amount of $25,000, Quote for Pump Replacement at Pump Station, Tax Rate 2012; (EV) Denise Morin’s vote on Warrant Articles (3) Board Recommended Last Week; Final Changes in Insurance for Year.


6:10 P.M.: Larry Konopka/Deputy Welfare Director – Consideration of

(EV) It has come to the Board’s attention that Larry Konopka might be interested in position as Deputy Welfare Director.

Larry Konopka: I am willing to help. With the holidays coming, I know things are going to be busy and Diane has requested a few times if I could come back. I would like to come back and help for the winter. (FH) What made you leave in the first place? Larry Konopka: Welfare takes the burden of the economy and I would not like to get into the past.

(EV) What would the Board like to do? (DM) As a volunteer you would not be paid but as an employee you should be paid. Mr. Konopka: I would rather do it for free. I would like to do Welfare and Health Inspector. I am not here for the money as long as Town covers the insurance. (DM) You can’t volunteer and work for the Town at the same time. Mr. Konopka: Paul, would it be the same coverage as an employee? (PS) No, employee coverage is more comprehensive. (DM) Are you to be considered as an employee or a volunteer? Are you paying Mr. Konopka? Mr. Konopka: It could be per year. (EV) It is noted that we approve of this. Mr. Konopka. Make it to May 1, 2012 – then if someone takes position after that it will be covered till then. Health Officer goes with the Deputy Welfare Director position, otherwise it ties my hands. (EV), (PS) and (GL) noted that it was wise for that to be included. (FH) If it is an apartment, Fred Okrent has the power to have it cleaned up. Mr. Konopka: Health issues go a lot of different ways.

(PR) Motion to approve Larry Konopka as Deputy Welfare Director and Deputy Health Officer until May 1, 2012 or when new Board comes in at a salary of $50.
(GL) Second. Carried 3-1 (FH). (DM) Abstain.

Mr. Konopka: Is the Town’s car still running? I would also need the key to downstairs. (PS) The car has been used less frequently these days and has a water leakage problem into the front floor. Cara would have the keys that you need.

(PS) The Deputy Health Officer is appointed by the State. I will submit the forms and the State should confirm the appointment.


1. Highway Garage Door Quotes

(PS) The Board requested that George Bachelder get some quotes to fix the last of the five garage doors. He was only able to obtain two quotes. One was $3,200 – Overhead Door Company of Concord and the second $3,050 – Central Garage Door Company. (EV) Does George have a preference? (PS) Both services are identical but probably the Central Garage Door Company. (PR) I think it should be someone local instead of in Concord. (EV) We will have to waive the bid process first. My question is: Will the doors be able to be opened without electricity? (FH) Yes, the doors can be physically picked up and opened. That was explained the last time. (GL) There is really no more time. Let’s get the bid process done.

(GL) Motion to approve waiving the bid process for Highway Department garage doors after receiving only two quotes. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Will this come out of the Public Works budget or the Municipal
Building Expendable Trust budget? (PS) It will first be charged to the Public Works budget and then transferred to the Municipal Building Expendable Trust line.

2. E-Mail: Re: Disposal of Fire Chief Vehicle

(PS) As you will note by the E-Mail in your packet of information, it was requested that staff obtain information on disposal of the vehicle. It is noted that Jim Snedeker will pay $350 and Roy’s Auto Salvage will pay $325.

(PR) Motion to approve disposal of Fire Chief Vehicle with Jim Snedeker for $350. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) We should bid the pumps out, too. (PS) We already did.
(DM) We should keep the pumps and get rid of the mower.

(PR) Motion to approve Jim Snedeker taking mower and provide Town with 50% of value of scrap metal. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) agreed he would look at pumps and evaluate.

3. Safe Route to School Grant Agreement

(PS) The Town has been awarded Safe Routes to School Grant in the amount of $260,668. The signature page requires that the document be signed by me.

(DM) Motion to approve Safe Routes to School Grant in the amount of $260,668 and authorize Paul Skowron, Town Administrator to sign. (PR) Second.
Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

4. Driveway Permit Application R33-12-1

(PS) The reason this is on the Agenda is because Mr. Bergeron talked to Cara after he discussed with George Bachelder about this Driveway Permit. Apparently, this has a “history.” Mr. Bergeron left with the impression that George was willing to sign the attached draft letter to Board of Selectmen to allow DOT to curb cut. As of today, Mr. Bachelder is not prepared to sign. (PR) Why isn’t George here to discuss? (PS) He has no jurisdiction and is not inclined to sign the letter to DOT. If he does not recommend this, then we should not go there with it. (PR) Why not put it on a future Agenda? (GL) A State road is a State problem. (PS) Due to the history of the property, under DOT Regulations he has been allowed the maximum number of driveway permits and they are not prepared to offer a curb cut.
(GL) We need to look at the original subdivision. (EV) Without George’s recommendation, I would not approve. We should take no action on this without a recommendation from the Highway Department. George has not signed this letter (draft).

(DM) Motion to take no action on this Driveway Permit due to lack of recommendation from Public Works. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Transfer from Ambulance Fund to General Fund – $84,334.55

(PS) This is the time of the year that we make the transfers already acknowledged in the budget to offset expenses in the Ambulance Department.

(DM) Motion to approve transfer from Ambulance R & E Fund to General Fund in the amount of $84,334.55. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Transfer from General Fund to Various Capital Reserves – $88,000.

(DM) Motion to approve transfer from General Fund and disperse to NHPDIP
PW Loader – $10,000, Sidewalk Tractor – $10,000, Fire & Rescue – $30,000,
PW Dump Truck – $28,000 and PW Grader – $10,000 = Total: $88,000.
(FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Transfer from General Fund to Municipal Building Expendable Trust – $25,000

(DM) Motion to approve transfer from General Fund to Municipal Building Expendable Trust in the amount of $25,000. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Quote for Pump Replacement at Pump Station

(EV) This is a quote for pump replacement as requested by Ron Vien.
(DM) Only one quote? (PS) This is the sole source and the like pumps should be the same product. (EV) The old pump in March 1999 cost $6,308 and the new one will cost $7,293.60. (PS) This purchase item was brought to Board’s attention by Ron Vien and is not included in the budget. He thought that it might be necessary to replace this either this year or next. This requires no action at this time but is for informational purposes.

9. Warrant Articles 14, 15, and 16

(EV) Selectman Morin was not here at the time the Board approved these Warrant Articles and we wanted to give her the opportunity to vote on these if she would like to.

(DM) I would like to note that I am in favor of all three Warrant Articles 14, 15, and 16 as presented on October 18, 2011regarding positions in the Police Department, Highway Department and Ambulance. I would like to recommend all three Warrant Articles.

(GL) The reason that I posed the motions the way I did was because I wanted the Board to be unanimous on those Warrant Articles giving the public the option to vote on it.

Warrant Articles 14, 15 and 16 will read:


10. Budget Recap Dated November 1, 2011

(PS) This is an affirmation of Pages 1-29 of the proposed Budget and is a recap containing all changes received. It also allows for minor changes and includes new health insurance numbers. (GL) The final health insurance numbers are in?
(PS) Yes, and you will all get a complete copy of the proposed Budget and YTD Expended as of October 31, 2011. (EV) Insurance is included? (PS) Yes, 10.2% increase (about $25,000.) I would like Board approval of the Budget Recap by Department Pages 1-29.

(FH) There is about $800,000 off the budget. (PS) Yes, a large portion was the Fire Department replacement engine which was not approved. WWTP is down by 11.2% and total General Fund is down by 6.22%. (See Attached.)

(FH) The hydrant fees are going up. (PS) They should not exceed what we have budgeted.

(DM) Motion to approve Budget Recap by Departments Pages 1-29 dated November 1, 2011. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Welfare Fair Hearing Board

(DM) Paul, where are we on the Welfare Fair Hearing Board? (PS) It is in the process. (EV) Could we have a date certain? (PS) Yes, November 4, 2011.


See below.




(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register except for Check #14416 ($820.99). PR Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DM) Is this the final bill? It does not indicate whether it is or not. (PS) This is the Pittsfield portion for review of the forthcoming cable contract. I did ask Clayton Wood to come in and sign off on this (apparently he did not) and I will ask again. (EV) What caught my eye was that it indicates it is the bill through September 3rd and does not say final bill. This concerns me. (DM) If it comes through as the final bill, then okay send it. (PS) If it is not the final bill, then further explanation would be necessary. (EV) We agreed on a set amount.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 25, 2011

Prior to approving Public Session Minutes of October 25, 2011 Board noted:

(PR) Motion to rescind Motion to delete Line 446, Page 5 (Last Line on Page). (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 25, 2011 with corrections as noted. (PR) Second. After Discussion of Corrections: Carried 5-0.


Page 4, Paragraph 9 should read: Discussion: (DM) I would like to maybe have school people………..

Page 5, Paragraph 5 should read: Discussion: …….. We pay yearly for WiFi about $1,200 plus $110 a month besides.

(EV) I have discussed with EDC and they are willing to reduce the price. I will get back to the Board with a report.

No Non-Public Minutes for October 25, 2011.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011

(FH) I have re-read the Non-Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011 and am prepared to accept as written.

(FH) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 18, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


1. Announcement of Tax Rate

(PS) The formal tax rate has been received from DRA and the Town’s tax rate is $30.66 – identical to last year. I will provide you with the individual numbers. The Town is down and the School is up but the total rate is the same.

(PS) I am planning to develop a Warrant Article and bills will get out the week of November 14th.

(DM), (EV) and I have had a discussion and would like to request to the School Board and SAU that any excess in their budget be returned to the General Fund and not used for extra projects. (EV) I would like to see the school’s excess budget be returned to the General Fund. (GL) I would like to see a letter drafted to that effect. (EV) I do not think it has been done before. (FH) noted that it had been done before. (GL) It is time we tried again. (EV) So is the Board okay with asking (PS) to do this. (DM) I think it is a great idea. Last year their surplus was used for building maintenance.

(FH) The county tax is that down? (PS) related that he thought it was down some. (DM) Everything but the school.


1. Abandoned House on Park Street

(PR) There is an abandoned house on Park Street which is a bank foreclosure. People are getting in. Can the Fire Chief secure the property? (PS) to advise Chief.

2. Langevin Property

(PR) The Langevin Property – I have spoken to the attorney regarding the possibility of a sale for $25,000. He has agreed that he would settle for $5,000. I am the listing agent for the property but I am not receiving anything for the sale. (Board suggested that Selectman Rogers might like to recuse himself on this matter, but he ultimately noted that he was just delivering the information and is not yet involved in the actual sale.) “I am making nothing on this sale.” (PS) Paul and I had a conversation regarding this matter and agreed he is just presenting the information to the Board. (PR) Attorney Perkins noted he would accept $5,000. The property is not listed any more. I came to the conclusion that I would call the other investors and try and get this off our books. Attorney Perkins bill is currently around $11,000. (DM) We should get something in writing from Attorney Perkins so we and he understands everything. (GL) I would feel better about this if it was in writing.

(FH) Has the attorney considered that Town could take property for taxes? We should cut his share to $2,500. (PR) Back taxes, I believe are about $26,000. (GL) requested Board be given an itemization of facts and figures to date for reference. (PS) to request from Liz.

3. Parade Permits

(PR) Last week, Police Chief asked if the School was going to have their annual Halloween Parade because he had not received a signed copy of approval. I advised that Board had signed the Parade Permit and that it was definite. (FH) School should give a copy to the Police Department to sign off and then give it to us. (PS) This was signed and put in PD box.

4. Budget Committee Letter

(PR) I think we have done our due diligence regarding apology.

(PS) Because the Budget Committee received no paperwork previously; only the BOS received the proposed budget. (PR) Why didn’t we forward them the first twenty pages that we worked on and stayed here till 11:00 P.M. to complete?
(PS) I have been reserving the process to insure that we got the insurance rates. (PR) So they would not get it until the entire Budget was done? It has been suggested by the Budget Committee that the Board of Selectman have not done their job so the Budget Committee cannot do their job. (PS) So much transpires during the last quarter and to offer the budget in August is a waste of a lot of paper due to many changes. I think this is a better way to do it. (PR) Why didn’t they get a copy when we got everything done? (PS) Due to staff on leave, this could not be accomplished. (FH) The Budget Committee has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow night but is going to need a week to digest all the information.


Paul Richardson: I take it from the ad in the paper that we do not have a candidate for Building Inspector. Is anyone watching over things going on in Town? There is a structure on my road that they have done extensive renovations. They did some plumbing and maybe even some electrical. There is no stack vent and maybe they are tying into old system. The house is for sale.

On Leavitt Road there is a house under construction and I hope someone is watching that. (FH) Leavitt Road is being watched. Paul Richardson: Also, the commercial building – I hope that is being watched over. They have an outside disconnect and kids can throw it. If they put a padlock on it can the Fire Department cut it off? (FH) They can or they can be presented a key. Paul Richardson: The previous building there had a sprinkler system. (FH) Yes, they are using the same water main. Anything under 10,000 sq. feet does not require a sprinkler system; over 10,000 sq. feet does. The BI is supposed to be watching this.

(FH) Where on Tilton Hill Road is the construction? Mr. Richardson explained where the construction was being accomplished. “I never saw a permit. I can’t believe that they did all those renovations and did not expand the wiring. Plumbing – yes. (FH) I will make a note for Kyle.

(PR) The property on Leavitt Road, they took down the building. Can’t they replace only with a building in kind? (EV) No, as long as they meet the setbacks, etc.

Close Public Input (7:30 P.M.)


(PR) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c) and (a) – Personnel and Union Negotiations Update. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) You will note that we no longer post (a), (b), (c), or (d) on the Non-Public Session Agenda. At a previous meeting Carol Richardson noted that it should be noted what exactly Board was going into Non-Public Session for. I think it was her assumption that we would be addressing each letter matter listed but actually it was only on the Agenda as a reference.

Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:25 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:48 P.M.

(PR) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of November 1, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Approved: November 15, 2011

____________________________ _______________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on November 1, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on November 3, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes