November 10, 2005 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Zoning.

Pittsfield Zoning Board of Adjustment
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting & Hearing
November 10, 2005
Chairman Lincoln called to the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.
Members in Attendance:
Roll Call was taken. Robert Lincoln (BL) Chair, Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Paul Metcalf (PM), and Alternate Carole Dodge (CD), were present.
Robert Elliott (BE) Vice Chair, and Alternate Jesse Pacheco (JP), was absent.
Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator was present.
Anne Taylor, PB/ZBA secretary was present.
Item 3. Approval of minutes of the October 13, 2005 meeting and October 18, 2005 meeting minutes
(SM) October 13 minutes, page five, fifth line from the bottom: I said I would feel more comfortable NOT discussing this now. Spelling correction also for the word meeting.
Alternate Carole Dodge steps up
(SM) Motion to approve October 13, 2005 minutes as amended
(PM) Seconds motion
5-0 Motion Carries
(SM) October 18, 2005 minutes, I would like a paragraph added stating that much discussion and review of submittals from the ZBA members agreed to the following as a response. I would like the record to show more attention to an accurate response.
(EV) Motion to accept October 18, 2005 minutes as amended.
(PM) Seconds motion
5-0 Motion Carries
Item 4. Consideration of a request to revoke an Area Variance from the Frontage Requirement in the Rural Zone filed by James Donini, Sr. of 186 Webster Mills Road Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-53 Lot 16B) for a Variance granted to that lot. 1
(RL) I have a letter from Mr. Donini relinquishing the variance (EX. A) Reads letter to public.
Any comments?
(SM) Motion to revoke the variance for Mr. James Donini for Tax Map R-53 Lot 16B
Craig Shonyo, abutter: So the 9.7 acres is still the same?
(EV) He is right back to where he started. It is now revoked.
Item 5. AHG Discussion
(SM) The two parties have come to a mutual decision after discussion with Tim Bates. I agree to digest that statement and findings of fact so the court would understand why substantial justice would not be done. When I am finished with the document, it will be sent to the Town Attorney for review and then it will be sent back to us. The attorneys have thirty days to comment on our findings. We do not have a time limit. It requires a vote.
Brief discussion on Mr. Elliott’s signature
J. Lamson: The only signatures needed were just the three that voted against it.
(RL) Requests that this be checked over by Town Attorney.
Item 6.Public Input
Jim Pritchard: I am confused. I do not remember any preliminary statements. People are confused where you are in this process.
(SM) We concluded that we would take statements from the submittals and refine them. It was too wordy for the court. It will be put out for the ZBA to review and adopt.
J. Pritchard: Are the attorneys aware of that?
(SM) I would say they were. I believe the attorneys got together and discussed it.
J. Pritchard: I am not aware that they have.
(SM) I will ask Attny. Bates. We were not changing the content, just condensing it on advice from Attny. Bates.
Item 7. Member’s Concerns
(SM) Reads Laurel Collier’s letter in regards to a derogatory atmosphere and mistreatment of the Town Administrator.
She is not here tonight to comment more about her concerns. It should be addressed by the Select Board. When that occurs, I hope that the parties involved will be in attendance.
(RL) I spoke sharply to Mr. Lamson at one point and for the record, I did apologize.
Item Eight: Adjournment
(EV) Motion to adjourn, seconded by (SM). Motion passed 5 – 0. Adjourned at 7:45PM.
Respectfully Submitted by Anne Taylor, Board Secretary
Chair____________________________ Date__________________________