November 10, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition (PDAC)

Meeting Minutes 10 Nov 08
Present; Dan Ward, Zach Powers, Denise Morin, Jim Maestranzi, James Theador

Updates/Old Business:

Funds for AA; No further update on this item. This item closed at this time. Should funding become available that info will be passed along (Closed)

Sgt Athena Petrin is working on the PDAC logo. She is away on military duty and will brief PDAC with her ideas for the logo upon her return from military training in December. (Open)

Police Officer Webber was asked to get any minutes that he has been keeping for the PDAC updated/posted on the web site. For several months minutes were not kept, as the PDAC primary focus was to assist in the four community forums. PDAC is now getting back to the specific business at hand of the coalition and agendas and minutes will now be posted in a timely manner. (Open)

State Rep Porter e-mailed Dan and said that she is interested in what PDAC is doing and will be glad to attend future meetings

New Business:

Mr. Clayton Wood (Chairman of the Pittsfield Town Web Site) will add the question(s) to the blog that the coalition choose at the 24 Nov 08 meeting.

Dan Ward briefed the coalition on the seven steps to Forming the Coalition. The seven steps include;

1. Define problem and its impact on Pittsfield 2. Identify Key Stakeholders 3. Convene a Meeting 4. Share Perspective 5. Discuss the current reality and ideal 6. Create a vision for Pittsfield 7. Determine the next step

The following Step 1 (Define problem and its impact on Pittsfield) items were identified as risk factors in Pittsfield:
Prescription drugs sold and used by youth, Parenting issues to include parents that allow their children to use and those parents that use substances with their children, Boredom, Low Expectations, Physical set-up of the town e.g. density of rental properties, A small town with Big City issues, Seven outlets that alcohol can be bought at in Pittsfield to include the State liquor store

Zach Powers asked Dan to check with Shannon Swett to see what recent surveys indicate what Pittsfield’s readiness factor is. Dan will ask Shannon about this.

Decide what question(s) will be added to the blog to check Pittsfield’s awareness/readiness level.

PDAC meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Pittsfield Youth Work Shop (PYW) the public is cordially invited and encouraged to attend.

Next Meeting; 24 November 2008 7:00 pm Pittsfield Youth Work Shop (PYW)
Topic, 7 Steps to Forming the Coalition Step 2. Identify Key Stake Holders
What will be the first question(s) posted on the new PDAC blog?

Minutes submitted by; Dan Ward