November 10, 2009 Minutes

Minutes of Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
November 10, 2009

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:40 p.m. on November 10, 2009, in the children’s room of the library.
Present: Chair Sylvia Wallace
Treasurer Mary Schelble
Director Roza Benoit

Dana Sansom, Secretary, absent with notification.

Acceptance of the Minutes .The minutes of October 13, 2009 meeting were accepted as written with one correction (substitute restroom for Women’s room).
• Director’s Report

Postponement of Community Coffee Outreach for November but will resume in December, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 2-6 pm.

Preschool Story Hour to be re-evaluated due to low attendance.

Attic insulation completed but furnace has not been cleaned.

Computer glitches continue to happen with resolution by Harry Pike, IT expert.

Books are being weeded and patrons can see what books are being culled and can take them out to read if they find them interesting and then the book will be kept for another year. This is for the books of fiction.

• Treasurer’s Report

A lengthy explanation and discussion ensued regarding the interest monies of the trust funds being applied to the accounts for the year 2009 as budgeted.

The Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report were accepted.

Old Business:

-Sylvia said she would contact the Town Administrator regarding the furnace cleaning. She will also contact the window restorer man she asked to give us a quotation on re-working the windows of the Library so we can have one ready for the Budget Committee and Select board for the Warrant Article we hope to submit. She also hopes to get a second quotation.

-The Director reviewed some thoughts she had regarding the coming year that might impact the Personnel Policies being worked on. Together the Director and Sylvia will review the policies being considered and present them at the December meeting for approval by all.

-Mary reported on the Friends Meeting on November 9, 2009 when the slate of officers was chosen for the coming year: Paula Belliveau, President, Sheila Fries, Vice-President, Ruth Krall, Secretary and Al MacLellan, Treasurer.

-The Friends other items of interest: The poinsettias will be delivered December 3, 2009. The Library will be decorated for Christmas November 30th. A sign is being purchased that will post the Library’s hours and have three slots for additional information for special events, listing the date, time and event. Monies will be given to the Director for purchasing a Coffee Maker for the Community Coffee Outreach. A printer and trash can were purchased by the Friends and are already in use.

-The Trustees and Director will be attending the December 5th Budget Committee meeting with presentation of the power point explanation of the budget for the year 2010.

The Trustee meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm

Next Meeting: December 8, 2009 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Terese Schelble
(In Secretary’s absence)