November 13, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MEETING MINUTES OF November 13, 2007
Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Arrival at 8:00 P.M., Leon
Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording
John Lenaerts (JL) Arrival at 8:00 P.M. for regular Agenda.
Waste Water Treatment (4326)
Ron Vien presented the proposed budget to the Board. He noted that the
some items would remain the same as last year such as trash removal,
telephone, automotive, ground maintenance/repair, insurance coverage, parts
and supplies, billing postage, lab chemicals, plant maintenance, equipment
rental, Carroll Street electricity/maintenance, South Street electricity/
maintenance, Upper Winant Road electricity/maintenance, Lower Winant
Road telephone and maintenance, Baldwin Lane maintenance, and land
purchase. He noted that there were increases in test calibrations, some
telephone, fuel and oil, lab equipment, health and safety, some electricity at
various locations and lagoon maintenance.
He questioned whether the recent sewer upgrades where manhole covers
were raised should actually be part of this budget but rather highway
department. He noted that an unexpected and unbudgeted bill was received
for $6,600, which he was not prepared for. He also noted that not all the
controllers have yet been connected. (AM) questioned the septage income
as applied to the cost. Ron Vien noted that though they are currently making
money, not a significant amount. There is an increase in the budget overall
of 15%.
Fire Department (4215 – 4220)
Fire Chief Gary Johnson noted that his budget addressed those items which
he felt were important to the Town. This included increased salaries due to
higher levels of certification, heating, secretarial, paid on-call officer
compensation as opposed to stipend, and health maintenance. He further
discussed purchase of a used ladder truck, alarm system – which he would
like to dismantle and sell off equipment and which would be replaced with
digital dialers as well as ambulance replacement, which is on a ten -year
cycle. (LK) noted that there would be an overall increase of 6% in the
budget. “What about the impact on the tax rate?” Fire Chief noted that the
truck purchase would not impact the tax rate. He further noted that
Emergency Management would remain the same.
Building Inspector (4240)
Mike McLaughlin noted that he had discussed this with (LKe) and has
decided that he would like to leave the position as it is presently, partly for
personal reasons. He proposed to leave it as it currently stands – 37 hours,
$47,022.56. (LKe) noted that after listening to the Board’s discussion and
their reluctance to go forward with a full time position, that this would seem
to be a viable conclusion. (AM) questioned the component of what was to
happen when he becomes part-time police officer? (LKe) noted that he had
spoken with the LGC and until they receive something in writing from Town
on this, they would not venture to form an opinion.
Mike and BOS reviewed the proposed budget once again.
Break 6:37 P.M. Resume 6:42 P.M.
Police Department (4210)
Police Chief Wharem noted that he had adjusted the budget and cut about
$43,000. He noted that he had cut the servicing maintenance contract, salary
increases for corporal and detective, overtime hours, on call hours, health
maintenance and radio. Some items were contractual and therefore, were
non-negotiable. He noted there is an overall increase of 9.5% from last year.
Board discussed with Chief Wharem the computer servicing maintenance
contract, and also questioned whether it would be better to have a full -time
or part-time officer. Chief Wharem noted that a full-time officer would be
better for continuity though he is requesting a part-time officer for now.
Regarding the Capital Reserves, he noted that there were three capital
outlays that he was concerned with. Namely, he has withdrawn his request
for full-time officer. He had thought about a six-camera video system but
noted that now that Fire Chief is asking to eliminate the old alarm system,
this probably would not be viable. However, he is requesting a four -radio
system at a cost of $20,892.66, which would offer an increased signal
because of “dead spots” within the community. The current system would
be presented to Town Hall to improve communications when necessary. He
also noted the need for two police vehicles. One of these vehicles would be
for the drug officer and one would be for the Emergency Response Team
member’s use, which would contain all his response equipment. He
currently utilizes his personal vehicle, which does not contain radio
communication, lights, or decals, etc. Board and Chief discussed the
possibility of replacing one of the current cruisers for this purpose and
purchasing a new cruiser for Town use.
Waste Water Treatment Plant (4326)
(LS) Motion to increase fuel oil to $4610 per (LKe) estimate. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve budget as presented except noted change to fuel/oil
line and the salary lines, which will remain the same as last year for now.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
Fire Department (4215)
Board discussed in detail the question of approval of on-call officer
compensation as opposed to a stipend. Chief Johnson returned to explain
in detail how this system would work, the costs – $8.50, $9.52 or $10.52 per
hour depending upon certification though maximum still would be $600,
responsibility for tracking, and how it would be administered. Chief Johnson
noted that this system is being utilized by various fire departments across the
country, as it is increasingly more difficult to solicit volunteers. He noted
that this offers volunteers incentive to participate and becomes a more joblike
position. (LK) noted he would be undecided on how to vote for this and
before approving/denying, he would like to do some research on this matter.
(LS) Motion to change line 411, heating oil/maintenance to $6,037.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
Break 7:40 P.M. Resume 7:46 P.M.
(EV) questioned the possibility and what would happen if it were a busy
year such as last year. Chief noted that if there were a disaster situation that
some of their expenses would be recouped.
John Lenaerts (JL) arrived at 7:59 P.M. and was seated on Board.
(LS) Motion to approve Fire Department budget as proposed. Motion dies
for lack of Second.
After further discussion:
(LS) Motion to approve budget as proposed. (EV) Second.
Discussion ensued again with (LK) still being reluctant to vote on motion
because he still thought further research would be warranted.
(LS) Withdraw Motion. (EV) Withdraw second.
(AM) noted that this can always be changed again later.
(LS) Motion to approve Fire Department budget as proposed except for Fire
Chief salary and on-call officer compensation. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-0 (JL) Abstain.
(LS) Information on Building(s) on Barnstead Road and BOS Meeting Next
Tuesday. (LS) noted she would only be here till 6:00 P.M. on November
20th. (EV) CRDC Member Appointment. (LKe) Police Department Arrest
Log and Parking Lot Rental Proposal.
Concerning Agenda Review, it was agreed that (LKe) would review
applications for Planning Board member interest prior to presenting to BOS.
1. Barnstead Selectmen Letter Regarding BCEP Hours of Operation
(LKe) noted that a letter had been received from Barnstead Selectmen
regarding evening hours for BCEP. (EV) noted that the BCEP Board had
not discussed this. (AM) noted that he would not support evening hours but
rather would prefer if dump were open on the Tuesday following a Monday
holiday. It was agreed that a decision on this would be deferred until after
BCEP had an opportunity to meet/discuss.
2. Merrill Vaughan Letter of Resignation from Economic
Development Committee
(LK) Motion to accept letter of resignation of Merrill Vaughan from
Economic Development Committee with thank you letter for past services.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (LKe) to send letter of thank you.
3. Delegation of Deposit Authority
(LKe) Clerk would like to advise BOS of new Statute which allows for a
delegate to make deposits in lieu of Treasurer, which would have to be done
on a daily basis if in excess of $500. Cindy is unable to make these daily
deposits. (LS) noted that the Town Clerk is bonded and questioned whether
there was a Deputy Town Clerk? “Can it be done by an office assistant? If
they are bonded it is one thing, but if they are not bonded it is different.” It
was suggested that (LKe) also be authorized for this.
(LS) Motion to approve Delegation of Deposit Authority as written.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Septic Disposal Solutions Request for a Meeting
(AM) suggested that BOS be given some background information on this
prior to the actual meeting. It was agreed that Ron Vien and (LKe) would
review and offer Board current information. It will be on the Agenda early
in December.
5. Proposed Purchase of Avitar Assessing System Software
(LKe) noted if the Town deals directly with Avitar that we become the
(LS) Motion to approve purchase and installation of Avitar Assessing
System Software. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0
6. CRDC Member Appointment
(EV) related that there are approximately four meetings a year for this. If
appointed to a sub-committee, there would also be additional meetings. He
noted that he had discussed the possibility with Cedric Dustin, III of being a
member of this committee who noted that he would have some interest in
this regard.
(EV) Motion to nominate Cedric Dustin, III for position of CRDC Member.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Notice of Tax Bills Sent
(LKe) noted that tax bills were sent out a week ago.
2. Timeline for Traditional Town Meeting Dates
(LKe) noted that this is sent to Town yearly as reminder of timelines.
(LS) Motion to set Town Meeting Business Day on March 15, 2007 at
10:00 A.M. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(JL) suggested that this information be published in newspaper for Town
residents. (EV) suggested posting on Website also.
3. Building(s) on Barnstead Road
(LS) noted that there is an old trailer and house on the property where
Liberty Machine is currently located. (AM) noted that the house wa s okay
but that the trailer had probably been moved without Town consent. (LKe)
to research and get back to Board on this.
4. Police Department Arrest Report
(LKe) For review by BOS.
1. Propane Fuel Quotes for DPW Garage
(LKe) noted that Mike had gone back and got a quote from Amerigas for
fixed propane prices with conditions, as well as from Rhymes.
(LK) Motion to accept quote from Rhymes for fixed rate at $2.2259.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Parking Lot Rental
(LK) Motion to accept Paul Metcalf proposal of $700 for four parking
spaces. (JL) Second. Carried 3-1 (LS).
(LS) noted that this should not be negotiable. (AM) related that Town had
tried in the past unsuccessfully to rent these spaces. (EV) related that
parking spaces should indicate private parking and all others towed and
should be enforced.
1. Intent to Cut, Map R-43, Lot 10
(LK) Motion to accept Intent to Cut, Map R-43, Lot 10. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Timber Tax Levy, Joseph Parent
(LS) Motion to accept Timber Tax Levy, Joseph Parent, Tax Map R -57,
Lot 1. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Sewer User Billing, Third Quarter 2007
(LS) Motion to accept Third Quarter 2007 Sewer User Billing.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 4 -0.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll and Direct Deposit. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
1. Public Session Minutes of November 6, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of November 6, 2007 with
corrections. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0. (JL) Abstain.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 6, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of November 6, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0. (JL) Abstain.
3. Public Session Minutes (Continued) of November 6, 2007.
(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes (Continued) of
November 6, 2007. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0. (JL) Abstain.
(AM) requested that (LKe) look into the various secretarial position rate of
pay for individuals within Town to see if this could be on a more level basis
rather than address one at a time. There may be reasons why they are
different. (LKe) to evaluate.
(LKe) noted the Flex Benefits Plan sign-up time of year is upon us. Benefits
for those participating would be $1,000. “Unless the idea is to remove this
as an employee benefit, the Board should approve it.”
(LS) Motion to approve Flex Benefits Plan. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) noted that the Boy Scouts Food Drive is this Saturday and will benefit
local food pantries. He noted that the Food Pantry is now open three days
per week and is doing well. Some Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets will
be offered.
(AM) The BOS meeting for November 20, 2007 will be at 5:00 P.M. to
review Budgets. Regular BOS meeting will be at 6:00 P.M. (LS) noted that
she will be here only until 6:00 P.M.
(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a).
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0. Members of the Board were polled individually
and all agreed.
Public session adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Approved: November 20, 2007
___________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date