November 14, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 11/14/07
1) Meeting called to order at 510 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Karen O’Connell (KO), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), and Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC.
Also attending: Leon Kenison (LK), Linda Small (LS), and Susan Muenzinger (SM) .
2) Minutes from 11/07/07 reviewed and accepted. Correction on 8r: “tax relief available for
improving any existing structure.”
3) CRDC (Capital Region Development Corp).
a. Peter Phipps, our original contact left.
b. A new person will be heading it in December and he will be coming around to different
towns to meet with their economic development committees.
c. LK will arrange a meeting with him and the EDC and Select Board.
d. Cedric Dustin III has been nominated by the Select Board to sit on the CRDC board
4) Kentec
a. MM was not able to check the parcel inventories yet to see what might suit them
b. There are several lots in town that might be suitable, but they would have to build a new
c. There may be a few buildings that could be used after being renovated.
5) LDC (Local Development Corp)
a. SNH does charge a consulting fee for setting up LDC paperwork-about $10,000.00.
b. We should have a project in mind before contacting them (if we do)
c. LK will check to see if we can get the Bow paperwork electronically so we don’t have to
retype everything.
d. LS will coordinate making changes for Pittsfield.
6) CATCH (Concord Area Trust for Community Housing) Program
a. MM brought information from the Catch Housing web site
b. They help renovate homes so people can actually buy them (not for condos)
c. We would like to have them make a presentation so we can ask questions and explain our
7) Wi-Fi
a. We would like Veronica talk to us to see how it actually works and how businesses
advertise on it
b. When she comes to do preliminary work have her meet with us then (so she doesn’t
make two trips)
8) Waste Water Treatment discussion tabled until a future meeting.
9) Meeting was adjourned at 6:03 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso