November 16, 2006 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board

November 16, 2006

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman

Mary Paradise

Christopher Ward

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Others Present: William Compton, Superintendent of Schools

Toby Eaton, Business Administrator

Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS

Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS

John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES

Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Due to the scheduled Sports Banquet, the meeting will be abbreviated.


Ms. Erlandson added to the agenda, the prom, recommendation for winter coaches, and recommendation for filling the Athletic Director vacancy. Mr. Jarvis added a resignation and a nomination.


On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2006 meeting, as written.


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A. Resignation

Dr. Freeman asked the Board for action on a release from a contract from Paula Cote, a grade one teacher at PES. Dr. Compton and Dr. Freeman recommended that the Board accept the resignation. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation.

B. Teacher Workshop Day

Dr. Freeman highlighted the benefits of the recent teacher workshop day and thanked the Board for their willingness to afford PES staff the opportunity.


A. Prom

Ms. Erlandson requested that the Board consider allowing the Prom to be held at Pat’s Peak on May 12, 2006. Ms. Erlandson explained that last year the participants were required to either take a limousine or a coach provided by the school. Dr. Compton encouraged that the same requirements be imposed this year. Ms. Erlandson will inform the Board of final decisions. The Board reached a consensus that the location of the prom was acceptable for future planning.

B. Coaches

Ms. Erlandson recommended the following coaches: Varsity girls’ basketball – Gary Colby; JV girls’ basketball – TBA, middle school girls’ basketball – Carin Plante; Varsity boys’ basketball – Jason Darrah; JV boys’ basketball – Derek Hamilton; middle school basketball – Matthew Kamarck; Spirit squad – Jeannie Bova; middle school spirit squad – TBA. Dr. Compton supported Ms. Erlandson’s recommendation. On a motion made by Chris Ward and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted to accept the recommendation with Ms. Paradise, Mr. Ward, Ms. Vogt, and Mr. Brown voting in the affirmative and Mr. Colby abstaining from the vote.

C. Resignation

Mr. Jarvis recommended that the Board accept the resignation of Jeannie Bova from her position as educational assistant. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Bova.

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D. Nomination

Mr. Jarvis recommended that the Board hire Tonjia McMaster for the position of educational assistant. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. McMaster.

E. Honor Roll

Mr. Jarvis distributed the list for this quarter’s honor roll and senior early release. He entertained questions relative to the PHS Discipline Report that was included in the Board’s packet.

F. Athletic Director

Dr. Compton proposed a plan for the administrative structure to be reorganized to make the necessary accommodations for the recent dismissal of the Athletic Director. Dr. Compton recommended Jeff DeLois’ responsibilities be restructured in order to assume the responsibilities of the Athletic Director. Responsibilities were outlined for Mr. Jarvis and Mr. DeLois. Dr. Compton explained that this proposal would manage the situation for the remainder of the year. Mr. Brown and Ms. Paradise stated their concern for making this change at this time. They are in full support of Mr. DeLois but are cautious of the budget ramifications that the change would create. A motion was made by Ms. Paradise to restructure the administrative duties of the Athletic Director to our current part-time administrator, Jeff DeLois, which Mr. Ward seconded. The Board voted to approve the motion with Ms. Vogt, Mr. Brown, Ms. Paradise, and Mr. Ward voting in the affirmative and Mr. Colby abstaining from the vote.



Dr. Compton explained that Ms. Erlandson, Mr. Brown and Dr. Compton met with the NHIAA to discuss the events that occurred at the final game of the boys’ soccer team. They explained to the Director and Associate Director of the NHIAA that it would be disadvantageous for the students in Pittsfield to be kept from participating in sports for the remainder of this year. Dr. Compton stated that the goal of the administration was to maintain the opportunity for students to continue with a sports program.

B. Fund Balance

Mr. Eaton provided the Board with a review of the School District Capital Reserves Account.

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C. Special Education

Mr. Eaton explained that it has become necessary to make an out-of-district placement and hire four educational assistants at PES.

D. 2006-2007 Budget

Dr. Compton informed the Board that he has authorized a temporary freeze of the Pittsfield School District budget in regards to any discretionary spending. He explained that critical situations may arise that will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

E. 2006-2007 PMHS Professional Assignments

Mr. Eaton distributed a document that provided information relative to staff assignments at PMHS.

F. 2007-2008 Budget

Mr. Eaton distributed a copy of and explained a draft of the budget being proposed for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The Administration will be meeting to work in further detail on the budget. Mr. Eaton provided cost figures for scenarios including a reduction in force. Mr. Brown requested that the administration continue to work on the draft and that the Board meet on November 27, 2006 at 4:00 at PMHS with the administration to review the work completed.

G. Administrative Assistant

Christine Blouin, the newly hired administrative assistant, began working this week. Dr. Compton publicly thanked Robin Pulo, the temporary administrative assistant, who has been working in the interim. Everyone agreed that she had done a great job during her short stay.


A. Negotiations

A meeting has been scheduled for November 21, 2006 @ 3:30 at SAU.


The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for December 7, 2006.

X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)

A member of the public, who did not identify himself, asked how the termination of

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the Athletic Director and coach of the boys’ soccer team would affect the students. Mr. Brown responded by saying that coaching assignments have been made and that the program will run as scheduled. The gentleman asked if the District would have their budget in so that the taxes could be calculated by the Town. Mr. Brown explained that the documentation necessary for the tax rate to be set was being turned in to the Town on Friday, November 17, 2006.


On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Ms. Paradise, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.


Pittsfield School Board

November 2, 2006

Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman

Mary Paradise, Vice Chairman

Christopher Ward

Gary Colby

Leslie Vogt

Others Present: William Compton, Superintendent of Schools

Toby Eaton, Business Administrator

Karen Erlandson, Principal, PMHS

Mark Jarvis, Director of Student Services, PMHS

Jeff DeLois, Administrator, PMHS

John Freeman, Principal, PES

Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services, PES

Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Dr. Freeman distributed Section 8B of the assessment report, to be added to the Assessment Portfolio. Chris Ward added an informational item.


On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2006 meeting as written.


Penny Taylor, member of the Pittsfield Taxpayers Alliance, asked if exit interviews are completed by the Board when teachers leave employment. Mr. Brown stated that interviews are not given by the Board and that due to changes in SAU administration, it is unlikely that interviews have been given at that level. Ms.

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Taylor asked if the Board might consider doing so. Mr. Brown explained that letters of resignation are written by people leaving, which usually include a reason. Ms. Mr. Brown stated that because the Board members have children in the school and the community is so small, that the reason is usually apparent.


A. Halloween Parade

Dr. Freeman stated that the Halloween took place this week. The band did an admirable job leading the parade. Dr. Freeman explained that the music teacher has expanded the time that students receive lessons by enlisting the assistance from parents for transportation after school hours. He thanked the Board for their support of increasing the stipend, which has resulted in improvements in the program. Dr. Freeman explained that in deference to the Wellness policy, there were changes made in the celebration after the parade, which proved to be successful.

B. Assessment Team

The Assessment Team will be present at the next meeting. They will be highlighting several grade levels with the statistics available. Dr. Freeman encouraged Board members to call in the interim if there are questions.

C. Principal’s Roundtable

Mr. Brown asked if the Roundtable was open to the public, to which Dr. Freeman responded in the affirmative. He explained that there is opportunity for topics to be added for discussion. Mr. Brown stated that the Board is interested in addressing the public throughout the next several months and would like to be informed of potential opportunities to do so. Dr. Freeman stated that at any of the evening meetings, the Board would be welcome to attend. Mr. Brown suggested that the members of the Board share responsibility for attending the meetings.


A. Brown Center

The Brown Center report will be available at the next meeting. Jeff Martel is working to incorporate students’ perspective into the final report. The day was extremely successful, according to Ms. Erlandson. The training provided the students with an opportunity to practice leadership skills.

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B. Safety Alert

A safety alert (lock-down) was executed on October 31, 2006. According to Mr. Jarvis it was very successful. Students reacted appropriately and did an extraordinary job of following established procedures.


Students will be taking the PSAT’s. There are fifteen juniors and nine sophomores signed up to take the test.

D. Leadership Training

Mr. Jarvis has organized training with Mr. Webber to do a session with high school student leaders and a session with middle school student leaders.

E. Boys Soccer Team Update

Ms. Erlandson reported that the boy’s soccer team would be playing in the semi-finals on November 3, 2006. The finals are scheduled for November 5, 2006 at Merrimack Valley High School.

F. CSR Survey

Ms. Erlandson will share the survey at the next meeting, per Ms. Vogt’s request.


A. Capital Improvement Plan

Mr. Eaton explained that four projects have been prioritized for the Capital Improvement Plan Committee: 1) PES field and parking lot; 2) PES window replacement; 3) PMHS gym roof replacement; 4) PMHS gym floor replacement. Mr. Brown explained that the Capital Improvement Plan Committee will work to space out large projects within the town but do not have final approval of when the Board presents the projects for financial consideration. Mr. Ward asked if it would make sense to prioritize the window replacement over the parking lot since it would have immediate cost savings from the perspective of energy conservation. Mr. Brown stated that he had observed the severe disrepair of the pavement. Mr. Eaton explained that the repair of sidewalks would be prioritized but in the District budget this year, as it would not be a capital improvement project and is an urgent need. Mr. Brown suggested that the field and parking lot be separated into two projects, as PES has currently been able to manage the parking situation. Mr. Brown stated that due to the constraints of the present budget planning, the Board would postpone consideration of large capital improvement projects unless presented as a separate warrant article. Discussion ensued regarding the capital improvement reserve fund and its

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relationship to these proposed projects. The Board came to the consensus that the PES window replacement should take precedence over the field and parking lot. Ms. Paradise asked how long the gym floor could go without replacement, to which Mr. Eaton stated that it can be sanded one more time, which will give it another six years of life. Mr. Colby asked if there was a plan to have the lights replaced at PMHS, as was done at PES. Mr. Eaton explained that PMHS is in line to have the change occur with PSNH in their next cycle. The Board finalized the prioritization as follows: PES window replacement – 2007; PES parking lot – 2008; PMHS roof – 2010; PMHS gym floor – 2012. Mr. Brown acknowledged that the capital reserve fund would need to be bolstered according to this plan.

B. Transfer of Funds

Mr. Eaton presented and explained budget transfer requests. Discussion ensued regarding savings that has been realized in the area of worker’s compensation. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to approve the budget transfer request as requested.

C. Snow Removal

Mr. Eaton presented the bids for snow removal and recommended going with the low bid offered by K & B Excavation, LLC for $8,200. Mr. Eaton will confirm that the company will make some improvements in sidewalk treatment at PES. On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to approve the hiring of K & B Excavation, LLC for snow removal. Mr. Eaton will request the removal be done by 6:30 A.M. to avoid conflict with staff parking.

D. Draft of FY2008

Mr. Eaton presented a draft budget comparison of the proposed 2007-2008 for the Pittsfield School District. Dr. Compton explained that this is a proposed budget and still requires the final review of the administration and further scrutiny before finalization. Mr. Eaton will also review the draft with Ms. Paradise. A budget work session was scheduled for November 9, 2006. Dr. Compton invited suggestions from the Board on how the budget process proceeds and how the budget is presented.

E. Expenditure Report

Mr. Eaton presented the expenditure report. Issues of note include health insurance and energy. Discussion ensued regarding the cost of heating fuel.

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F. Accidents

Dr. Compton presented the facts surrounding the bus accident on October 26, 2006. There were no injuries. Mrs. Marston will be submitting a report to the SAU.

Dr. Compton updated the Board on the incident involving a PES student cutting his finger on a gate at PMHS. Mr. Jarvis reported that the student’s grandmother came to PMHS to thank the staff for their immediate attention. The gate has since been modified.

G. Security System

Mr. Eaton presented a proposal for a security system update for PMHS, which included six different possible scenarios. He recommended that the Board consider the scenario that will include a four channel DVR and a nineteen inch LCD flat screen monitor, which will take up much less room in the office and will leave inputs for six additional cameras. Electronic Security Protection Company would complete the work. Mr. Jarvis suggested planning for a capacity of sixteen cameras, which would accommodate the current needs in the building. Ms. Paradise suggested that the needs of PES be taken into consideration so that a bid could be sought for both buildings, which may solicit a better price. The consensus of the Board was to further investigate possible options for both PMHS and PES, in order not to spend money unnecessarily.

H. Superintendent Goals

Dr. Compton stated that he would move forward with his work on the Superintendent’s goals and objectives, having heard nothing to the contrary from members of the Board.

I. Administration Assistant Position

Dr. Compton reported that there were many applicants and that five were interviewed. He presented the resume of the finalist, Christine Blouin, who will begin November 15, 2006 as the SAU administrative assistant.


A. Drake Field & Facilities

According to Mr. Colby, the drainage system at Drake Field has been taken addressed.

B. SAU Planning

Mr. Brown reported that the SAU has received a report from the Barnstead

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School Board indicating their intent to request withdrawal from the SAU. The Pittsfield SAU Planning Committee will be working on a budget plan if Pittsfield is the only member of the SAU. A copy of the report will be provided to Harry Vogt, Chairperson of the SAU Planning Committee. Barnstead present the proposal to the NH Department of Education and will seek a vote in March. They will need 60% approval for the action to be taken. The plan would take effect, if passed, in July of 2008.

C. Negotiating Team

A letter was received from the Education Association of Pittsfield, asking the Board to reopen negotiations. Ms. Paradise and Mr. Brown volunteered to continue as the Board’s representatives on the Negotiating Team. Dr. Compton will schedule the first meeting.

Mr. Brown and Ms. Paradise distributed two letters that they would propose for publication in the Suncook Valley Sun. The letters were signed with approval by each member of the Board.


A budget work session is scheduled for November 9, 2006 at 5:00 at PMHS. The next meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2006 at 6:00 at PMHS. The agenda will include budget discussion. The Assessment Team will be postponed, with the apologies of the Board, until December 7, 2006.

X. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – Ms. Patterson stated that it would be helpful for the public to attend meetings to be fully informed of school issues.


On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (c), Personnel, Student, and Legal Matters. The Board entered the non-public session at 8:21 P.M.

On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to come out of the non-public session at 8:31 P.M.


On a motion made by Ms. Paradise and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 P.M.