November 16, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission
16 November 2009

Call to order – 7 PM

Attendance Mark Wallace(MW), Nancy Chistie(NC), Paul Metcalf(PM), al#1. Jon
Greenwood(JG); seat – open ;
Absent: Nancy Bates(NB)excused

Minutes: Read and unanimously accepted
Treasure’s report: Read and unanimously accepted

Public input: None

Old business:

1. Gates – PM – The gates are about to be positioned

2. Signs – MW – The routed Dustin-Barker Town Forest signs will be made by Dave McGhee for $50 plus materials. PCC has to paint and plant them. They will be ready by the end of the year.

3. Tornado damage recovery – The agreement with Mr. Moreno was discussed and it was agree he go forward. A contract was signed to be sent him.

4. Moreno contract: The check to CM for work done on the town forests has been submitted.

5. Pittsfield Storage Units – The lack of effort by this business needs to be strongly addressed. A letter will be sent to the Building Inspector for vigorous action.

6. Kimball property lines – Johnson Bros. Farm easement inspection completion of the back lands will wait until January due the wetlands involved.

7. Library – bags: PCC is unanimously in ordering more for book bags in the library.
This is a leg of their Community Education/Awareness program.

8. PSNH and printed new trail guides for the Sergeant Town Forest
Thank you PSNH and Donna Keeley

New business:

1. Five Rivers Conservation Trust (5RCT) – Bill Miskoe property with Chuck Know, Ex. Dir 5RCT
PCC, 5RCT and Bill Miskoe had a productive/informative exchange of ideas. 5RCT will be welcome to do business in Pittsfield. Their conservation easements will improve the future quality of life of our community..

2. Belknap Range Conservation Coalition(BRCC) – membership
The Belknap Mountains are the headwaters of the Suncook River watershed which runs the length of Pittsfield. In consideration of the river’s community impact the PCC feels supporting the BRCT is good business in maintaining the long term quality of life in Pittsfield. PCC is unanimous in being a BRCC member.

3. PCC members unanimously voted a sum which may be applied to the potential purchase of land around Berry Pond.

4. Alternate #2 position – An application has forwarded for administrative action.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Wallace