Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 17, 2010
The regular meeting of the Pittsfield Budget Committee was called to order at 7:05 pm on November 17, 2010 in Town Hall large meeting room by John Kidder.
Louis Houle, Dan Ward, Bill Abbott, Dick Munn, Mark Riel, John Kidder, Stan Bailey, David Menard, Lee Adams, Joan Osborne, Fred Hast, Bill Miskoe, Helen Schiff, Paul Skowron Town Administrator.
A. Approval of Minutes
None at this time.
B. Open Issues
Last weeks questions.
John Kidder has requested from the selectmen three lines of funding as follows: training $ 320.00 8 people, mailing $ 300.00, mileage $ 100.00 for a total of $ 720.00.
Question about software maintenance agreement, amount seems high.
Question about oil rate that we pay, should we shop it out.
C. New Business
4215-4220 Ambulance & Fire Dept Cont.
4215-Increases we see are not raises. Fuel oil changes account for differences. Page 11 2009 expenditures were $ 370,705 yet we budgeted $ 400,000 and so far we only spent $ 337,509 and now we are budgeting $ 409,000. Concern about spending improperly or accounting for it incorrectly.
4219 – Discussion
4220 – Discussion about officer compensation being split up to pay other lines.
4240-4241 Page 14 building inspector conversation. Conversation on Housing standards position.
D. Agenda for Next Meeting
4290 Emergency Mgmt – Forestry
4550 Library
4520 Parks and Recreation
4583 Patriotic Purposes
4311-4319 Public Works
4324 B.C.E.P.
4339 Hydrants and Dams
4326 Wastewater Administration
4711-4723 Principal Interest & TAN
4901-4903 Capital Outlay
4915 Capital Reserves
Review of Town Budgets
Review of Town Revenues
Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm by John Kidder. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on December 1, 2010 in Town Hall meeting room.
Minutes submitted by: David M. Menard
Approved by: