November 18, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Ed Vien (EV)




(LS) Budget; CIP, Encumbrances;(LK) BOS Meeting, 6:05 P.M. Appointment – Chief Robert Wharem, Donna Keeley Thank You Letter, Suggestion Box Letter; (PS) Employee of the Month, Transfer of Monies Ambulance Capital Reserve, Safety Committee and Non-Public – Legal Matter and Employee Resignation.


6:05 P.M. – Chief Robert Wharem

Chief Wharem presented the DWI Grant for Board approval, which is in conjunction with the Highway Safety Committee and which he felt was a high priority and worth pursuing. The forms need to be signed and returned as soon as possible. He explained the dates and proposed times, shifts, and administrative costs involved.

(LS) Motion to approve application for Grant and authorize Chairman to sign DWI Grant. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

It is noted that Chief has made application for several other grants as well.

Chief Wharem also noted that Police Department has been participating in the “work detail” program at the House of Corrections. He noted that new office furniture has been acquired, at no cost, and he would like Board’s approval to dispose at Belliveau’s the “old office equipment” at public auction. He noted that these acquisitions are at no cost to the Town and are available to municipalities, school districts and other non-profit organizations.

(DM) Motion to approve disposal of excess furniture from Police Department at public auction. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

Chief Wharem also noted that Clint Cassavaugh graduated from the Academy and has been offered a full scholarship. “He is the first police officer from Pittsfield that has been offered this type of scholarship.” (PS) to send letter of congratulations.


1. LGC Health Trust Renewal 2009

(PS) This is an annual renewal. Board needs to execute document and authorize Chairman to sign.

(LS) Motion to accept and approve LGC Health Trust Renewal for 2009 and authorize Chairman to sign. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

2. Benefit Strategies Renewal 2009

(PS) This also is an annual renewal of flexible benefit plan and is the same as last year.

(DM) Motion to approve Benefit Strategies Renewal for 2009 and authorize Chairman to sign. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

3. PYBA Request for Building Permit Fee Waiver

(PS) PYBA is asking for Building Permit fee waiver to add on to the concession stand and bathrooms.

(DM) Motion to approve Building Permit fee waiver for PYBA. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) We have done this for other non-profit organizations in the past. (PS) This is only for the fee. (PS) to send letter.

4. Cross Country Appraisal Abatement Recommendation Map 20, Lot 7,
Sub 4, 5, and 6.

(PS) This is an abatement recommendation letter from Cross Country Appraisal. A number of lots are owned by the same individual. They are recommending that abatement be denied on Lots R20, 7-4 and 7-6 and be granted on R20, Lot 7-5 resulting in a land use change tax of $370.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement on R20, Lot 7-5 and deny abatement on R20, Lots 7-4 and 7-6. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

5. Board of Selectman Tax Rate Acceptance and Appraisal Oath

(PS) There are two documents, which need to be acted upon and signed. One is the Oath and the other is the Tax Rate Acceptance.

(LS) Motion to authorize signing of the Oath and Tax Rate Acceptance of $26.37 for 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

6. Parking Space Renewal Request – Paul Metcalf

(PS) Mr. Metcalf has sent a check in the amount of $700 for renewal of four parking spaces in the Oak Street Parking Lot. I believe that these will now be for a calendar year. (LS) It was originally $300 per space and renters were advised that at the end of the year these would go back to the original costs. It was noted that a letter to this effect was sent to several renters but it is unknown as to whether Mr. Metcalf was advised of this. Board agreed to table this matter to next week to determine if Mr. Metcalf did/did not receive a copy of this letter.

7. PSNH Pole License Request

(PS) PSNH has submitted a pole license request. George has gone out and reviewed the site and approved the location. Board needs to approve and sign request.

(LS) Motion to approve PSNH Pole License Request (41-0226). (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

8. Waste Management Contract Renewal

(PS) Town has requested a 12-month extension of this contract and they have agreed. Service agreements have been provided previously and this will be going out to bid in the late Spring/early Summer.

(DM) Motion to approve Waste Management Contract Renewal and authorize Chairman to sign. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

9. CRDC Contract Renewal 2009

(PS) A letter from Steve Heavener regarding a proposal for 120 hours at $75 per hour for a total of $9,000. Board agreed to table this matter until next week when (EV) will be present to address.

10. Highway Safety Grant DWI Patrols

See Appointment above.

11. Board of Selectman Meetings

(LK) suggested Board could try and meet every other week and have Work Session on the opposite week. We could do this on a trial basis to see how it works out. Board will address next week when (EV) will be present.

12. Donna Keeley Thank You Letter

Board agreed that a letter of thank you be sent to Donna Keeley.

13. Budget

(LS) noted that Budget needs to be finalized tonight. Board will address later in meeting tonight.

14. Employee of the Month

(DM) noted that we are now two months behind (September and October).

September Employee of the Month Cara Marston – Town Hall
October Employee of the Month Brian Eldredge – Public Works

They will be invited to attend next week’s Board of Selectman meeting.

15. Transfer of Funds

(PS) This is a request for transfer of funds from the Ambulance Capital Reserve for hours over 40, Paramedic Intercepts and Overtime.

(LS) Motion to approve transfer of funds from the Ambulance Capital Reserve for hours over 40, paramedic intercepts and overtime. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.


6. Fire Department Furnace Repair/Request for Payment

Fire Chief Gary Johnson noted because the cleaning and repairs exceeded normal maintenance, the repair cost was $1,400.77. Chief requested that these costs be through the fund established for “building issues” Warrant Article during the 2008 Town Meeting. (LS) suggested the Building General Repairs – Furnaces. Chief indicated that there were sufficient funds in other categories that he could utilize but it would postpone the purchase of other equipment. (PS) noted that the same individual is now working on the furnace at the Town Hall. (LS) requested (PS) take a look at the budget and would feel comfortable with whatever he suggested. (PS) agreed to look at the accounts. (LK) noted that this will be taken care of.

7. Safety Committee

(PS) noted that Chief Johnson is the Chair of the Safety Committee. This committee has not risen to the level which it should be with safety reviews of employee and public use of facilities and confined space training. This Committee would be responsible for this training and get them back on track. I will contact Chair and we can set up date and members names after Thanksgiving. (LS) noted that she has had extensive conversations regarding this matter. (DM) questioned whether BOS member is part of Committee? She noted that she would be very interested in being a Committee member.

(LS) Motion to approve (DM) as BOS liaison for Safety Committee.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) noted that she was quite concerned hearing about all these issues – Joint Loss Management Committee.

1. Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance/Loitering Ordinance

(DM) I have finalized this ordinance and just added RSA information, penalty amounts and signature lines. (LK) We need to now set a date for Public Hearing on this matter. Public Hearing was scheduled for December 9, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. (LK) suggested asking Police Chief to be present that night to answer any questions posed.

2. Proposed Contract Extension with SDS for Solids Management

(PS) noted that Denise, Ron and I have had several meetings on this. Bill Gosse and Paul and Darlene Johnson are here tonight to discuss.

Mr. Gosse noted that he has discussed this contract with Ron Vien and is in agreement with the contract though he would like it to be noted that Ron would be his direct contact. (PS) “I see no reasons why SDS cannot work with Ron Vien as before. It is noted on Page 3, 4E of contract that it denotes “Town” and Ron Vien would be the representative for the Town.

Mr. Gosse noted that the cold weather is upon us and SDS is working on a “short string” because of frozen ground. (PS) related that if Board approves, I will finalize the contract and send it to Mr. Gosse. I think SDS should understand that what happens after one year and what relationship Town and SDS will have is a decision of the BOS. Mr. Gosse will have DES contact us, as there are still some unanswered questions. Mr. Gosse briefly noted what plans SDS has in mind for the future.

(LS) Motion to approve proposed Contract with SDS for solids management after finalization by Paul Skowron and agreement of SDS. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) This will allow SDS to start the process. (PS) suggested dropping the plans off here at Town Hall and discuss with Kyle Parker, Building Inspector.

Break 7:05 P.M. Board returned at 7:12 P.M.

3. Memorandum from Building Inspector RE: Library Energy Audit

(PS) Kyle has acquired a copy of the Library energy audit/assessment report and has checked out the work and evaluation. He has noted that the installation of insulation is reasonable but cannot speak to the cost effectiveness. He noted that installation of new windows is reasonable though he does not agree with the install and finds that the cost is excessive. The rest of the items have less of an impact. Do you choose to get an estimate for the insulation? Board agreed that three quotes should be obtained. (PS) to check on installation of reflective insulation panels behind existing radiators.

4. Board of Selectman Monthly Meeting Schedule

See above.

5. NH Route 28 Corridor Safety Study Re: Appointment Requests

(PS) A letter has been received from the Lakes Region Planning Commission noting a coordinated effort with the DOT to create a safety study along the
Route 28 corridor from Alton Circle to Epsom Circle. They are requesting representation on the committee for the development of this study.

(DM) Motion to appoint Ed Vien to Project Advisory Committee. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

6. Fire Department Furnace Repair/Request for Payment

See above.

7. Suggestion Box Letter

(LK) There is a congratulatory letter noting how well run the recent election was conducted.

8. CIP

(LS) Has the Planning Board adopted the CIP’s yet? (LK) No. He noted that he would follow-up with Planning Board on this.

9. Encumbrances

(PS) I have sent a Memo to all Departments to look at their budget, meet with Cara if necessary and have this information available by December 12th.

10. Bi-Monthly Payroll

(DM) Is there any information on utilizing a bi-monthly payroll? (PS) noted that he has not yet fully discussed with Sparky but will in the near future.


1. Town Hall Improvements – Life Safety Codes

(PS) Fire Chief has updated this report and will be sending out to all Board members.

2. Management Analysis for GASB 34

(PS) I am waiting for Auditor to respond regarding the draft that was presented.

3. Space Needs Study

(LK) Donna Keeley is working on this.

4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan

(DM) noted that in a recent report from the CNHRPC it was noted that they assisted in writing a grant for sidewalks. I would like to know who actually wrote the grant and for what Town. This was the Safe Route to School Grant. This will be researched further.

5. Library Attic Insulation

See above.

6. Cost of Broadcasting Selectmen, Planning and Zoning Board Meetings

See above.


1. Notice of Intent to Cut Timber, Tax Map R2, Lot 2

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Timber Tax Map R2, Lot 2. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

2. Application for Veterans Tax Credit Tax Map U6, Lot 32

(DM) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit for Conrad Chapman, Tax Map U6, Lot 32 for $300. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Check Manifests. (DM) Second.
Carried 3-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) Would like to discuss legal question in Non-Public Session.


1. Public Session Minutes of October 28, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 28, 208.
(DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 28, 2008

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 28, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 3-0.


The following Line Items were approved:

Motion (LS) and Second (DM). All Motions Carried 3-0.

Line Item Description Selectman’s Request

01-4130-2-111 Office Ass’t (BOS) $ 7,535.
01-4130-2-210 Health Insurance 11,648.
01-4140-1-111 Office Assistant 29,060.
01-4140-1-130 Town Clerk 21,688.
01-4140-1-210 Health Insurance 7,074.
01-4140-1-230 Retirement 2,541.
01-4150-1-210 Health Insurance (Accounting) 15,724.
01-4150-230 Retirement 3,712.
01-4155-2-220 FICA 61,445.
01-4155-2-225 Medicare 20,820.
01-4191-1-120 Planning/Zoning Secretary 7,535.
01-4191-1-356 Master Plan 350.
01-4194-1-120 Custodial Salary Part-Time 3,537.
01-4210-1-121 Health Insurance 121,544.
01-4210-1-230 Retirement Group II 57,363.
01-4215-1-210 Health Insurance 48,096.
01-4215-1-230 Retirement Group I 20,322.
01-4220-1-110 Fire Chief 58,595.
01-420-3-120 Building Inspector Salary 39,750.
01-4240-2-120 HSA Inspector 9,250.
01-4290-2-800 Grant Expenses 1.
01-4311-1210 Health Insurance 74,543.
01-4311-1-230 Retirement 21,048
01-4414-1-120 Animal Control Comp. 7,685.

02-4326-1-210 Health Insurance 31,447.
01-4326-1-220 FICA 8,273.
02-4326-1-225 Medicare 1,935.
02-4326-1-230 Retirement 7,130.
02-4326-4-910 Sewer Fund 15% of Budget 37,501.

(LS) Motion to approve Consulting Services, Line Item # 01-4651-1-310. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (PS) noted that he would recommend approving for $15,000 which would be representation for two contracts, one with CNHRPC and the other with Capital Regional District. (LS) This would not be for the actual contracts but just for budget purposes. No specific contracts would be involved.

(LS) Motion- Total Operating Budget is $3,233,338. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Last year it was $3,257,245, which makes 2009 about $24,000 below 2008.

(LS) Motion – Capital Outlay $92,453. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

This is about 86% below what it was for 2008.

(LS) Motion – Capital Reserve $197,845. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) This is an increase of 3%.

Board briefly discussed proposed Warrant Article, which includes $15,000 contingency fund.


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a), (c) and (e). (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:01 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of November 18, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) Motion to accept resignation of Police Officer Ralph Kent Booth as of November 19, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(PS) to send thank you letter.

(LS) requested (PS) address Budget Committee in support of the BOS suggested budget. It was agreed that he would speak at the Public Hearing.


(LS) Motion to Adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

APPROVED: November 25, 2008

__________________________________ ____________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date

II Tapes