November 18, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
November 18, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:32.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Ellen Barbasso (EB),
Linda Small (LS), Paul Skowron (PS), and Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group

3. Minutes from November 4, 2009 accepted and approved.

4. Website Discussion
A. URL will be (dash between Pittsfield and NH)
B. Set up of home page
1. Top left – Why Come to Pittsfield?
a. Narrative giving a feel of the town
b. Information using bullet points
c. Work and play
d. Pictures of businesses such as Globe, Toy Store, Darrahs
2. Top right – Economic Development
a. List the town boards: Selectmen, zoning board, planning board
b. Town Hall – building inspector, town administrator
c. Police and fire departments
d. Suncook Valley Development Corp, Central Planning
e. Forms on PDF format
3. Bottom Left – News and Events
a. Monthly schedules of town board meetings
b. Events in Pittsfield and surrounding areas such as NASCAR, bike week,
balloon rally
4. Botttom Right – Commercial Properties Available

5. Other
A. DOT Signage
1. EV sent a letter to DOT, will follow up with a phone call
2. Possible dates for a staff rep from DOT to meet with the committee: December 2,
or December 16
B. EDC will be able to get a banner or table runner from Pittsfield Weave
1. Town of Pittsfield on one side
2. Economic Development Committee on other side
C. Ayla’s Restaurant will be opening December 1
1. SS will prepare an announcement to be printed in Suncook Valley Sun welcoming

7. Next meeting Wednesday December 2, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

8. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary