November 19, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
November, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:00 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace.
Present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW), Vice Chairman Brian Mika (BM), Chris Hill (CH), , Secretary Diana Westgate (DW), absent Paul Metcalf..

Treasurer’s Report: postponed until next meeting.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the October 18 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Old Business
1. Thompson Forest. The work is about ¼ done. They plan to return soon. The area is wet in places. The ruts should be filled in..
2. Berry Pond. We plan to put up signs marking the Berry Pond Farm and Thompson Road areas.
3. November Conservation Workshop. Two PCC members attended and felt it was worthwhile. They attended workshops on forestry practices, and beaver behavior.

Goals for 2013
1. Dustin Barker Forest. The PCC hopes to mitigate the die back that is affecting trees in Dustin Barker
2. Thompson Forest. The PCC will install a gate and appropriate sign for the Thompson Forest trail.
3. Internship. The PCC will create internship opportunities for PMHS students.
4. Suncook Valley Sun Articles. The PCC would like to submit articles on relevant conservation topics.

Adjournment: 8:30 PM. BM motioned; DW seconded; motion carried (5-0)
Submitted by: DW, Secretary

The next meeting will be Monday December17.