November 20, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

November 20, 2007
Budget Review
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Art Morse (AM), Chairman.
Members Present: Art Morse (AM), Chairman Linda Small (LS), John Lenaerts (JL),
Ed Vien (EV), and Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman and Leon Kennison (LKe),
Town Administrator.
The Selectmen reviewed the Police Department budget with Chief Wharem. (AM)
suggested that $10,758 be removed from the new equipment line, and that the equipment
be purchased with this year’s budget.
(EV) Motion to authorize the expenditure of $10,757, leaving $1 in the new equipment
line for transfers if needed. (LK) Seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0,
(JL) abstaining.
(AM) suggested eliminating the walking patrol. Much discussion ensued. Chief Wharem
explained that the $6,500 was to be used for the new part-time officers in order to avoid
paying more overtime for the full-time officers. One full-time position was eliminated
and replaced with 40 hours of part-time officers. The full-time officer will come off the
street and conduct drug investigations. Chief Wharen also cautioned the board on cutting
the overtime line, as it has been level for 3 years now.
(EV) Motion to remove the walking patrol line. (LK) Seconded the Motion. Motion
carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LK) Motion to add the $6,500 from the walking patrol line to the part-time officer line.
(LS) Seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LS) Motion to decrease the heat and oil line to $4,390. (LK) Seconded the motion.
Discussion was held as to whether this amount included maintenance of the furnace. The
PD has been having problems with the boiler. (LS) withdrew the motion.
(LS) Motion to approve the Police Department budget as amended. (EV) Seconded the
motion. Motion carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LS) Motion to approve $184,920 in the full-time EMT line for the ambulance. (EV)
Seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LS) Motion to approve the position of Superintendent of Public Works. (LK) Seconded
the motion. Motion carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LS) Motion to approve $162,335 in the Highway Department labor line. (LK) Seconded
the motion. The motion carried 3-0 (JL) abstaining.
(LS) Motion to increase the capital reserve for the dump truck from $20,000 to $30,000.
(LK) Seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to decrease the Shaw Road Bridge Repairs line from $65,000 to 0. (LK)
Seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Discussion was held regarding the possibility of putting $50,000 in capital reserve for a
ladder truck. Fire Chief noted he is concerned about having the Town go another four
years without a ladder truck. He is concerned about increased chimney fires due to more
people using wood stoves because of higher fuel costs. The Fire Chief also suggested
that we get together with Loudon, Barnstead, Chichester, and Epsom, and have
discussions about building a regional fire department. This would ensure proper training
for each piece of equipment, and would enhance capabilities. The Board will take this
into consideration.
The Fire Chief is proposing paying the volunteers as on-call paid for incentive to respond
to calls and attend trainings. This would cover emergency calls, department training, and
some code enforcement inspections.
(LK) Motion noting that though he supported paying volunteers but to send this matter
out as a Warrant Article. (LS) Seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-3.
(LS) Motion to approve the on-call paid line as proposed. (EV) Seconded the motion.
The motion carried 3-1.
Regular Selectmen’s Meeting
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:14 p.m. by Chairman Morse.
Members Not Present: Linda Small (LS).
Public Input
Fred Hast suggested that the Fire Chief put together a packet for people to review relative
to the paid on-call proposal.
Senior Center
Pam Dolevet from CAP distributed packets of information regarding the Senior Center.
The Senior Center provides services such as nutrition services, transportation program,
demand response program, and Senior Center without walls. The Senior Center holds
activities such as bingo, crafts, cards, exercise programs, yoga, gardening club and book
club. PYW is now allowing the Senior Center to utilize its’ computers. In the future, a
writer’s club and photography class will be put in place. Funding is through the Federal
government and local fundraising.
Eric Bahr, Stan Bailey, and Mike Hill addressed the selectmen relative to the invoice they
received for police and fire services over the Balloon Rally weekend. Eric Bahr stated
that the Rotary had no intention of paying any amount of the invoice. (LK) and (JL) felt
that this matter should be held over until (LS) could be present for the discussion. In the
meantime, the Rotary will meet with Chief Wharem and Leon Kenison (LKe) to find
ways to cut costs for the Balloon Rally. (LK) stated to Eric Bahr that he thought (EB) had
some ideas to keep the costs down; I would like to hear those ideas. Mr. Bahr stated that
there are two things that would cut down on the requirement of police presence; one
would be to discontinue the road race, and the other to eliminate the fireworks. On the
flip side, according to Mr. Bahr, this will reduce the crowd draw. Discussion on
streamlining cost of police presence to match that of Old Home Day. They will be heard
at the next meeting of the BOS.
New Business
Action Items
1. Consideration of appointment application, Chris Conlon, EDC vacancy
Chris Conlon related, “I have a summer camp that I run in Allenstown during the summer
months, so as long as you don’t have a problem with my not attending the meetings
during that time period…
(LK) Motion to appoint Chris Conlon to the EDC. (EV) Second. (AM) Discussion? All
in favor? Motion carries 3-0
2. Acceptance Referral of Petition for Amendment of Zoning Ordinance,
presented by Mr. Jim Pritchard
(LKe) The appropriate action would be referral to the Planning Board, who will consider
it for possible posting to the Warrant. (LK) and (JL) questioned the number of signatures
and the statement on the proposal that says it cannot be copied. (LKe) stated that the
proposal can be copied and that just because it states that it cannot by Mr. Pritchard
means nothing as far as Statutes are concerned. Mr. Pritchard has already given the PB a
3. Consideration of appointment application, Dan Schroth, Planning Board
(LK) Motion to appoint Dan Schroth to the Planning Board as an alternate.
(LKe) I have received three letters of interest and I am waiting for the completed forms to
come back. (LK) The PB is in desperate need. I went to the meeting last week and they
only had 5 members. We have two openings.
(AM) Motion dies, lack of second.
4. Parking Space
(LKe) Patricia Grant, of 11 Elm is interested at the rate of $175.00 of the Oak St. lot.
(LK) Motion to approve the $175.00 rate. (JL) Second. Motion carries 3-0
1. Rich Family Letter, re Police Department
(LKe) Their letter appears in the Sun this week. The family feels strongly regarding the
police response, as they were surprised by an event at their home about three weeks ago.
(LK) I feel the BOS should send a letter to the Chief and Sgt. Walter. They did a great
job. (AM) Agrees
2. Board of Land and Tax Appeals – “Date of Notice of Tax.”
(LKe) Just routine, they use it for any appeals. I wanted you to be aware.
3. DES Workshops – Shoreland Protection Act
(LKe) This is for anyone interested for attending any workshops on the issue. (LK) We
should have code enforcement and maybe a PB member to attend. (LKe) I shared it with
Mike (BI), Conservation Commission, and the PB.
4. Mitchell & Bates PA, Rate Increase
(LKe) They have indicated that they plan to go up $10.00 per hour and the rate for Laura
Specter will go from $150.00 to $160.00. Atty. Mitchell offered to come over to discuss
issues related to representation. They will do that to maintain a good relationship with
their clients.
5. Delegation of Deposit Authority
(LKe) We had discussed last week about whether there was a Deputy Clerk and Tax
Collector, so I have given you some paperwork that demonstrates that we do. That person
is on the bond list for both the clerk and collector. It also shows who else is on the bond
Discussion on a meeting (EV) attended regarding towns sharing certain expenses. The
next meeting is in January. It is productive and low key. We may want a citizen to attend.
The towns are Epsom, Pittsfield, Chichester, and Pembroke. Mr. Tasker from Barnstead
wanted to know if we would be interested in sharing an EMT. I let him know I would
pass it on.
(LKe) Regarding flood damage, there is a check that came in from the State in the
amount of roughly $19,000-$20,000 for their portion (12.5%) of the total flood damage.
6. Staff notes
(LKe) None.
1. Timber Tax Levy, Mathes Family LP
(LKe) We have the request of the State to return roughly $ 2,439.62 for the timber yield
tax paid by the Mathes Family.
(EV) Motion to accept the yield of $2,439.62 from Mathes, Map R-35, Lot 5. (JL)
Second. Motion carried 3-0.
(EV) In regards to the Town forest being cut, it is not a good, clean cut. Just to update
(AM) Leon, if you could follow-up with Conservation to see if we got the right person to
do this, so we can be in a corrective process.
2. Veterans Tax Credit, Lawrence Berube
(LKe) noted that Mr. Berube’s list of things that he was awarded are not found on the
State’s statutory list of the things for which one qualifies for the Veteran’s tax credit. The
way to resolve it would be to write him a letter asking him if he is aware of info that we
are not, that would otherwise qualify him. This list is made up of congressionally
declared conflicts and only during those periods, does one qualify for the credit.
Unfortunately, he volunteered during peacetime. (AM) We need more info.
3. Veterans Tax Credit – Total/Permanent Disability, William E. Perry
(LKe) He does have the doctor’s signature and complies with State Statute, so given that,
he is totally disabled, and is eligible for the $1,400.00 credit.
(EV) Motion to approve the tax credit for William Perry. (JL) Second. Motion carries 3-
4. Elderly Exemption, Frances Gauthier
(LKe) The daughter wrote a note. It is a case of Mrs. Gauthier not being aware of what
she needs to do. (EV) She lives a few houses down from me. She is very old with
medical problems, I can vouch for that.
(LK) Motion to accept the application for a property tax credit for Frances Gauthier. (JL)
Second. Motion carries 3-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Payroll. (LK) Second. Motion carries 3-0.
(EV) Motion to approve Checks Manifest. (LK) Second. Motion carries 3-0.
Public Session November 13, 2007
(EV) Motion to approve Minutes of Public Session of November 13, 2007 meeting. (JL)
Second, but page 7, the large paragraph states that there is an old house and trailer on the
property where Liberty Machine was located previously. Liberty Machine just came in
there, right?
(LKe) Is located, not was located. You are right. (EV) The trailer is gone. You do good
work, Leon.
(JL) Page 2, second paragraph was cleared up by the Fire Chief regarding the Fire
Truck’s impact on the tax rate. Page 5, can you tell me what CRDC means?
(LKe) Capital Region Development Council. (LK) Page 2, I did not say there would be a
26% increase. I think I said 6%. (LKe) I think you said 6%. I believe it is 6/10 of a
Motion carries 3-0.
Non-Public Session November 13, 2007.
(LK) Motion to approve the Non-Public Session Minutes of November 13,2007.
(EV) Second. Motion carries 3-0.
(LK) Motion to seal the November 13, 2007 Non-Public Minutes. (EV) Second.
Motion carries 3-0.
Public Session November 13, 2007 (continued)
(LK) Motion to approve the continued Public Session Minutes of November 13,2007.
(EV) Second. Motion carries 3-0.
(LK) We were waiting on info from Park and Rec. and Conservation. Any updates?
(LKe) No.
(LK) Motion to go in to non-public session under per RSA 91-A:3 2 (a). (EV) Second.
Motion carries 3-0.
Approved: December 4, 2007
_________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date