November 20, 2014 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
Minutes for November 20, 2014 Meeting

Call to order: 7:06 PM by Chairman Chris Hill.

Present: Chairman Chris Hill (CH), Secretary Diana Westgate, Bryan Mika, Carl Wallman (CW)

Meeting minutes: October 23 Minutes accepted as amended.

Treasurer’s Report: We now have a current copy of the treasurer’s report. It will be discussed at the next PCC meeting.

Old Business

Town-owned Lots Consolidation Project Update: CW has a December 1 meeting with owners of the properties around the Wild Goose pond watershed to see if they are interested in creating conservation easements on those properties.

Tim Fleury is meeting with Bryan Mika and Carl Wallman on Friday December 5th to look over potential town forest sites.

NHACC Meeting November 1st: CM, TM, DO attended. CH felt it was more proactive and inclusive, giving school children more ways to become involved.

New Business

Posting of Agendas and Minutes: Posting the minutes on the website with a DRAFT watermark that will be removed once the minutes have been accepted appears to be an acceptable solution to posting minutes that may inaccurate or misleading.

Renewable Energy Tax Exemption Sponsorship: We plan to meet with the Select Board with the intent of creating a warrant article to implement this.

2015 Meeting Calendar Dates: To be discussed at next meeting.

Ag Commission: It is gathering interest. For the present it should be considered a committee.

Adjournment: 8:10 PM.

The next meeting: December 18, 2014. Submitted by: DW, Secretary