November 27, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 5:02 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Budget Review – 2008
(AM) Looking at the Budget, there is a request from Liz to increase the
voter’s meals allowance from $175 to $180 due to more elections this year.
(LS) Motion to approve Voters Meals line Town Clerk Budget from $175. to
$180. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0 Abstain (JL).
(LKe) noted that the HSA met last night and per their letter is was voted to
restore Fred to his administrative position. These Minutes will be shared
with Board when completed. It is noted that Fred is now more accountable.
He will be presenting his activity schedule and completed reports to
correlate with the payroll. All correspondence will be cleared through the
(LK) Motion to approve Building Inspector budget to reflect HSA from
$7,00 to $9,200. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LKe) related that there was an issue with the furnace at Waste Water
Treatment Plant and the Library not being thoroughly cleaned and not
functioning correctly. There was also a problem with the two tanks at the
Town Hall, which has now been corrected via intervention by Mike
McLaughlin. He used Ruger Mechanical Services and had the problems
cleared up as Fuller & Sons did not service it correctly. He noted that we
could probably expect shortages in the fuel account due to the rising cost of
fuel and for repairs.
It was agreed that a Line item would be added to the Budget for Building
Furnace Maintenance, which would include all Town buildings.
(LS) Motion to begin new Line Item for furnace repair for all Town
buildings for $3,000. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) This will offer a truer picture of what these budgets actually are.
(LS) What about the revaluation line. We need to come up with a figure for
assessing and revaluation. This depends on what we are go ing to encumber.
A discussion ensued as to whether the $13,000 should be encumbered,
subtracted from the contract and then divided over the next four years. This
would make it approximately $25,000 per year. Board tried to determine the
best way that this could be projected for the term of the contract and whether
the $13,000 currently under assessing software should be subtracted from
the current year budget or in the future.
(LK) Motion to approve $25,000 for revaluation of property for software.
(LS) Second.
After future discussion, it was determined that since the monies used for
pick-ups is not known and it is uncertain as to the exact amount that can be
used to encumber, Board would approve $19,000 and not encumber the
$13,000 at this time.
(LK) Withdraw Motion. And (LS) Withdraw Second.
(EV) Motion to approve $19,000 for revaluation. (LS) Second. Carried 3-1
Abstain (JL).
Capital Outlay
(AM) noted that Chief Johnson has given us additional information from the
first time regarding the purchase of the ladder truck. I rebut his information.
We would like a ladder truck, but I do not think that was part of the plan for
renewal of fire equipment. If we deplete this account, there will not be
monies for the next vehicle that requires replacement. I do not believe that
there are that many chimney fires in Town requiring the necessity of a ladder
truck. (LS) noted that she agreed with (AM) on this. “How prudent is it to
use up that money?” (AM) I believe that there is a need for one, but I do not
fully accept the chimney fire aspect of it. I would be willing to support a
capped reserve for ladder truck and work towards it. It would impact what
we have to do to replace other vehicles down the road. Planning to finance
it is a better way to do it. (EV) noted that he had reviewed some stats on this
and noted he could not remember the necessity of calling in a ladder truck. I
think we should plan something. (LS) noted that this should be sent to
residents to decide. It was noted that every t ime $308,000 is spent, it raises
taxes by $1.00.
(LS) Motion to start capital reserve fund for ladder truck for $30,000. (LK)
After discussion:
(LS) Amend my motion to be for $50,000. (LK) Second amendment.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to not approve purchase of ladder truck this year. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(AM) requested Board decide on the fire alarm system and whether they
were supportive of tearing it out and putting it back on businesses to
purchase alarm system. (LS) noted we have to do what has to be done.
Since it is so outdated, we should not put money into it. (AM) noted that
Board would need to know what replacement there is going to be. Are other
businesses going to have to do that, smaller and larger? (EV) I understood it
to indicate that the new purchase would be helped by the sale of the old
equipment. After further discussion, it was decided that Board would further
discuss with Fire Chief before decision would be made.
In regard to the additional vehicle requested by the Police Department, (AM)
noted that Town had purchased three new cruisers at one time. He noted
that he was against the purchase of this vehicle. (LS) noted that she would
not be for this either. We cannot afford to buy one this year after purchasi ng
three last year.
(LS) Motion to not approve purchase of new police cruiser. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Radio System request was discussed.
(EV) Motion to not approve monies for radio system. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to approve new ambulance purchase. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0 Abstain (JL).
(LS) Motion to approve $44,000 for special ambulance fund. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-0 Abstain (JL).
(LS) Motion to approve $24,879 for Belcastro. (LK) Second. Carried 4 -0.
(LS) Motion to approve current line of $28,116 for cruisers. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(AM) requested (LKe) make available to Board Budget items that were on in
the past few weeks.
Board of Selectman meeting called to order at 6:06 P.M. by Arthur Morse ,
Denise Patterson related that the weather is now getting cold and that the
feral and abandoned cats be provided for. She requested that BOS support
prosecuting these individuals that abandon these animals noting that there
are Statutes that do cover this. She noted that people should be continued to
be educated on this and that pet rental agreements be put in place as well as
low cost spaying/neutering. If an animal is found, they should be sent to the
Humane Society.
Ed Patterson noted that he resides about 150 ft. from Mary’s Bridge. There
are some large boulders, which need to be removed as boats are hitting them.
The rocks are loose and I have the equipment to do it but someone noted to
me that I would have to get permission to do this. Do you people have the
authority to grant this? (LKe) noted that this would be through Department
of Environmental Services. Mr. Patterson also wanted to compliment the
Highway Department for the paving of River Road noting that they did a
first-class job.
Dan Schroth questioned Ms. Patterson as to whether the problem with the
cats was getting better or worse. Ms. Patterson noted that the problem has
not gone away. He also related to Mr. Patterson, “Just move the rocks out of
the way. That’s the way we do it.”
Mr. Schroth further noted that he had a question for the BOS. It is noted that
Rotary representatives are here tonight. I want to know if any BOS is a
member of the Rotary? (AM) answered affirmatively. I heard you took part
in the discussion last week. I was not here last week to warn you. “Art, you
should recuse yourself,” and cited the Ethics Code, Section 3, Paragraph 8.
If you do not, I will be coming after you in this regard. Step down and do
not take part in this discussion or vote. Actually, you should not be part of
the discussion at all since a lot of people know you. If you are in violation, I
will be filing an Ethics Code violation. Things have not been done as they
should have been done. My personal opinion is that I do not believe it
should be costing taxpayers money. It is not a necessity. It never came to
my attention before.
Fred Hast noted that he had been sitting in the audience for the past three
weeks and also at the Budget meetings. Years ago, we put $20,000 a year in
Capital Reserve for the highway trucks. That’s back when trucks were
costing about $50-60,000. You could balance that off. Now when they cost
$125-130,000, then $20,000 is not enough. He’s got a truck down there
right now, which he wanted to get rid of this year. There is not enough
money in Capital Reserve to do it. I suggested the other night to put in
$40,000 this year and write a Warrant Article for another $40,000 and buy a
new truck this year and set aside $40,000 from now on so when they need
these trucks every six or seven years, they have the money to buy them. The
Highway Superintendent is very close with his money. He tries to keep his
Budget down. Prices are going up and these trucks are used all the time.
Last year, we had two big storms and we had a couple trucks broken down.
People were complaining, “When they gonna plow this road, when they
gonna plow that road?” It is down time besides not being on the roads and
clearing them. I think that taxpayers would go along with it especially the
people on the rural roads. I think you should look ahead and do it this year
especially getting a new truck because George told us he put over $14,000
last year into the truck and it is still running rough. The body is in bad, bad
shape, but he does not want to ask for any more money because he is afraid
of the tax rate being increased. Well, it is hurting us by not having this
equipment up to par. We buy new fire engines every so often, police
cruisers – we get those. It saves the added expense of putting in motors and
transmissions every 100,000 miles. We should look at these highway trucks
closely. Just like we put the grader off because we did not have the money
and it cost us big two or three years ago and it was tied up all summer long.
We had to order a special part and the grader was non-productive. So, if you
people would look ahead and add to this and buy a new truck this year, you
would be a lot better off because next year we should be replacing another
truck which is the same age as the one now. We try to get them back -toback
every six years when the oldest one goes. They break down and it
costs money and time, so I hope you will reconsider your Capital Reserve on
that truck. I am speaking as a citizen.
Close Public Input
Agenda Review
(LK) Drug Awareness. (LS) Non-Public Personnel. (LKe) There are
several handouts which have been provided, Application – Jim Pritchard,
Letter from Ron Vien regarding Furnace Repair, HSA Letter dated
November 27, 2007, Application of Tom Hitchcock – Planning Board,
Additional Welfare Lien on Tax Map R35, Lot 48.
1. Rotary Club – Invoice Issue
(LKe) noted that this appointment was a result of the discussion with the
Rotary Club and Police Department as to what could be done in another year
regarding the Balloon Rally detail coverage, a total cost of $3,100.
Present were Stan Bailey and Eric Bahr representing the Rotary Club. Mr.
Bailey requested that before they got started, that he would like Steve
Catalino to speak who was on Board when the policy was put in place. He
related that three members of the past Board were present tonight, Steve
Catalino, Jim Thyng and Fred Hast. Mr. Hast noted that he was really not
going to address this and though he noted that he would be present for this
meeting, he had not agreed to speak.
Mr. Catalino noted that he wanted to explain the intent of the outside detail
when we instituted this policy. Basically, it was to protect the citizens and
was part of the State of New Hampshire open roads policy and also part of
the Police Department union negotiations that were going on. The policy
notes that utility companies, governmental units and others will be billed for
this policy. Our intent was to offer it as a public service by sending out
various details to direct traffic for construction sites, public utilities repairs
and installations, and tree services and the such so that citizens would not
come upon an area and be involved in a situation. Our full intent was f or
these purposes and we never discussed charging schools or non -profit
Mr. Thyng noted that in addition, the policy established the rate the police
officer was paid. In 1998, it gave us something to hang our hats on for the
detail rates.
Mr. Hast noted, I guess I had better try to speak on this. This is a thorn
between two roses because I was here first. Yes, we did have Chief bring us
a policy in for discussion. I did not want it. I thought construction outfits
should have their own equipment for this. After we kept talking about this
and dreaming about it, I said it would be a few extra dollars for the police
officers, which they can do and not work too long and get tired out. They
have to have a break in their shifts and what they are doing for special detail.
I did go along with the other two gentlemen and voted it in. Nothing was
said about any Town event. It was all construction and line work. Yes, I
have been in Town long enough and utilities and telephone companies do
roadwork and traffic has trouble going around them and so forth. We had
the rate set so it would pay for gas and oil and some monies go back into
fund. I said it that night that I think that probably in two years time, we
could buy a cruiser with that money. I do not know what details consist of
now, but I do believe rates have gone up so it would help offset cost of new
cruiser. Nothing was said about any Town organizations.
Mr. Bailey questioned why this had not come up before. It is $3,100 out of
our fundraising, which is almost the exact amount we made on our Penny
Eric Bahr noted that it is fair to say that this event in the long run gets “more
bang for our buck,” and it is the best money the Town spends all year long.
It is a positive for the Town. It hits harder, stronger and faster than any
other event and the Town should be supporting it.
(LK) questioned, “When you put this policy in effect, there was no nonprofit
organizations involved in this. When did they become involved in
this? I looked at the Minutes from that time, and Rotary never requested a
special exception. Schools pay, why not the Rotary?” Mr. Thyng noted that
non-profit really never came up. (LK) “I could not find anything on this.”
(LS) “Of these three gentlemen who were on past BOS, did you ever discuss
what kind of detail coverage was needed for the Balloon Rally? Did you
think it was a Town function?” Mr. Thyng noted that they had never
advised Rotary of this. (LS) Were you aware that the officers were paid top
detail rate?” Old Home Day is a Town function and officers are not paid at
detail rate. Mr. Hast noted that he did not think about it being a non -Town
function. Old Home Day and Balloon Rally – I would say these are the two
big assets to the Town. (LS) None of you three gentlemen sat down with the
Rotary and discussed that detail rate was paid out for this event? All three
gentlemen agreed, “No.” (LK) “Donna, did you know taxpayers were
paying detail rate?” Ms. Keeley noted that it was never discuss ed as part of
the budget.
Mr. Catalino noted that it was discussed during the Budget for the Police
Department regarding what details were used for. (LS) Did you discuss the
detail rate for Old Home Day? Mr. Catalino related it was discussed under
detail rates.
(JL) requested clarification of the current cost of $3,115. (LKe) noted that it
was discussed with Bob and he went back and came up with these figures.
Mr. Bahr related that 2007 is a “dead issue.” The Rotary will not be paying
this invoice. (LS) noted that she did not think this was in good faith. Mr.
Bahr noted that the Rotary wanted to discuss 2008 and that it was unfair to
bill us after nine years. (LS) “This makes it black and white. Please do not
talk at me.” Mr. Bahr noted that based on the way it was presented and in
fair play and the ethics of it, the Rotary would not honor the 2007 invoice.
“We are not going to pay it at all.” (LK) If it is the policy that everyone
pays, why wouldn’t you pay?” Mr. Bahr related that since the Town had not
honored it for nine years, it is reasonable to assume that it would not cost us
this year. (JL) questioned that the BOS was to re-evaluate it and it was not
to be $11,000. (LS) related that this is the actual cost to taxpayers is
approximately $7,000 of the $11,000 that was originally billed. She noted
that this has nothing to do with the Rotary. I represent the taxpayers and it is
sad to hear, “We did not know that this has been costing the taxpayers this
kind of money.”
Mr. Bahr noted the Rotary is extremely interested in what to do in the future.
We are questioning the wisdom of being billed for this. Taxpayers want to
increase business in Town. We believe taxpayers would want to support the
Balloon Rally and pay for it. We need the BOS to decide what to do for
2008 as the time for our contracting for next year is upon us. Is the Town
willing to pay for security? If BOS elects to bill us, the Rotary will have to
decide what to do for 2008. (LK) We could make it a Town sponsored
event and do a Warrant Article to allow taxpayers to decide to pay for it.
Mr. Bahr noted it would have to be for 2009, as Rotary cannot wait. We
need to sign the contract for 2008 now. For what the Town derives in
benefits, Town should be happy to cover the costs for the Balloon Rally.
Economically, it is a good decision to support this. He noted that it could be
taken to the voters for 2009, but it is already too late to go to voters for 2008.
If we cancel it for 2008, chances are it will not be able to be retrieved for
2009, as they will have moved on to another organization.
(LS) noted that she would be willing to support it at the overtime officer rate
for 2008. It was questioned by Mr. Bahr if on the bill sent out as to whether
the Police Department had gone over budget for this year. (LS) “No, but it
is a moot point because it is not special detail.”
(AM) related that the numbers that we have here are because of BOS
problems. It is not the Rotary’s problem that the $11,000 bill was sent; it is
the BOS’s fault. It is the idea that the BOS did not know what was
happening with departments we control. This Board as well as previous
Boards. (LS) questioned Bob as to who were the “outsiders” on detail.
Mr. Bahr noted that the Rotary needed closure on 2008; the Board needs to
make a decision.
1. Peter Newell Resignation as Alternate Member of Planning Board
(LK) Motion to accept resignation of Peter Newell from Planning Board
with regrets and letter of thank you. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Tax Abatement, Ms. Zoya Berube
(LK) Motion to approve tax abatement for Zoya Berube. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
3. Elderly Exemption Abatement, Ms. Frances Gauthier
(LS) Motion to approve elderly exemption abatement for Frances Gauthier.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Tax Abatement – The Pittsfield Players
(AM) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(LS) Motion to approve tax abatement for the Pittsfield Players.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) returned and was seated on the Board.
5. Appointment Application – Harry Vogt, Website Advisory
(LK) Motion to approve appointment of Harry Vogt to Website Advisory
Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
6. Appointment Application – Gerard Leduc, Planning Board
(LK) noted that he would have to recuse himself from this appointment.
(LK) Motion to appoint Dan Schroth as Alternate to Planning Board. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-1 (JL).
(LS) Motion to appoint Gerard Leduc as Alternate to Planning Board. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) recused himself from this vote.
(JL) noted that in his application he would not accept assignment as an
Alternate to the Planning Board. (LKe) to check with him on this.
7. NH Office of Energy and Planning 11/2/07 Letter regarding
National Flood Insurance Program Maps – Suggested Resolution
for 2008 Town Meeting
(JL) Motion to accept this resolution. (LK) Second. Carried 4 -0.
8. Drug Awareness
(LK) noted that the Drug Awareness now has a Mission Statement and
would like the Board to approve it.
(LS) Motion to approve Mission Statement. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
9. Unexpected Costs – Furnace WWTP
(LKe) noted that now that it has been repaired, it should burn less fuel and
be more efficient.
(EV) Motion to approve $1,000 for repair of WWTP furnace. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(AM) “How do we solve this problem in the future?” We have no Director
of Maintenance. How do we follow-up on this? (LS) suggested this should
be done through the Department Heads. (LKe) noted that Mike is extremely
talented and knowledgeable in these matters and could/would follow-up on
things like this. (AM) questioned just how many of these past expenses were
because of oversights.
10. Rotary
(AM) What about the Rotary question? Does the Board wish to take action
tonight? (EV) “I recommend we approve the funds for 2008 for the Balloon
Rally. I see it as a positive for the Town.” (LS) There is no question this is
good for the community. (EV) More was spent than should have been on
details. After further discussion (LS) noted that she would support a motion
to approve security for Balloon Rally at regular rate, not detail rate. (AM)
You support the Town providing security for Balloon Rally. It isn’t it up to
us to put a dollar figure on it? This should not have been billed out at detail
rate. (LS) noted that this had not been handled properly for a long time. She
noted that something Eric Bahr had said struck her when he noted that “if we
had known, we would have come in and sat down to discuss.”
(EV) Motion for Town of Pittsfield to provide security for Balloon Rally for
2008 provided it is reviewed and approved by Board of Selectman.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) Motion to rescind Rotary bill for 2007 Balloon Rally. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(AM) related that the Board should be careful in the future that all
organizations and departments are treated the same now that the Board is
aware of this. This Board had no idea it was for detail pay and it was not
right to do it that way. (LS) It is still not right, though confrontation was
not what was wanted. It is good for the Town. The issue has been
addressed and we should be supportive.
1. PD Arrest Log
(LKe) As you will note there are two pages regarding young people from
two communities.
2. Staff meeting Notes 11-27-07
(LKe) These have not yet been done.
3. HSA Letter
(LKe) This has been addressed previously.
1. Welfare Lien, Tax Map R36, Lot 48.
(LKe) noted that there are actually two liens: one for electricity and one for
(LS) Motion to accept both liens for Tax Map R36, Lot 48. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) questioned the check for Capital Alarm System. (LKe) explained.
Public Session and Non-Public Session for November 13th has already been
Warrant Articles for Budget
Major repairs on Building – Expendable Trust
All monies raised by EDC should be put back into EDC for economic
development purposes.
Capital Reserve EDC – (LS) There is no money in this. Board should
consider putting money aside in case Town would want to purchase property
(EV) noted that on the Warrant Articles, perhaps a vote should be noted if
we do not all agree. (JL) Just numbers. (EV) Yes, that would be fine.
(LKe) Highway truck. (LS) Talk to Department Head on this. (LKe) to
discuss with George.
Capital Reserve for sidewalks. (LS) Perhaps, first an Engineering Study
would be warranted. Could (LKe) talk to George about this?
(LS) Budget is okay except for the Salary Lines. (AM) Next week, could we
have the completed Budget and Revenue figures? Next week meeting will
be at 6:00 P.M. Also, Christmas and New Year’s Eve are both on Tuesdays.
The following Tuesday after that is Primary Day and we will need coverage
for that. We will need to change the date of the meeting because of that.
Denise Patterson noted that during the Balloon Rally that River Road should
have parking on one side of the street only. She suggested putting up signs
to help with traffic. She also requested that the Chief enforce the law
regarding the abandoned cats and allow Anne to bring them to the Humane
Society. She always expressed her thanks that (LKe) is now here.
Dan Schroth noted, “Art, I loved what you wrote in the paper about the
trash.” He also noted that he was, at this time, filing an ethics complaint
with (LKe) regarding (AM) not recusing himself in regard to the Rotary
He also thanked the Board for the appointment to the Planning Board.
Close Public Input
(LK) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91A:3 2 (a).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Board members were polled individually and all
Public Session adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
Approved: December 4, 2007
___________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date