November 28, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire

NOVEMER 28, 2006

Call to Order at 6:02 p.m. by Art Morse (AM), Chairman. Present were Donna Keeley (DK), Ed Vien (EV), Larry Konopka (LK) Vice Chairman, Linda Small (LS) and Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator.




Several items were added to the agenda and will be discussed later during meeting.


6:00 P.M. Michael Sullivan (non-public).

6:50 P.M. Meeting resumed as public meeting.

6:30 P.M. Appointment with Lenny and Jen – Ambulance Billings.

(Commenced at 6:50 P.M.)

Lenny and Jen discussed the viability of have Concord Hospital assist in ambulance billing and collections. Concord Hospital Agreement was available. Collections would also be handled by Concord Hospital. It was agreed that the Concord Hospital Agreement be initiated.



Action Needed:

a. Taxi Company Policy – Not ready to proceed on information yet.

b. Towing Policy – To be reviewed later in meeting.

c. Forest Sell Letter – Hill Top Drive and also Lily Pond – Quit Claim

Deed are not complete.

d. Welfare Lien – Amount not indicated in lien. Since it will be

changing regularly, it was agreed that an attachment indicating. amount would be done.

e. Hazard Mitigation Plan – Chief Wharam indicated that grant meets all requirements for floods, dams, tornadoes, and man-made structures. Signing can be implemented on December 19, 2006 at Public Meeting.

f. Fire Arms Discharge – Discussion regarding discharge of firearms on town property and whether it necessitates posting of such as well as no trespassing signs. It was agreed that this would be done on a case-to-case basis.

g. Pittsfield Clothes Closet – A link to Food Pantry website would be beneficial.

h. Warrant for Taxes – Signed for collection of taxes. Rate: $22.60 and press release indicating breakdown will be published in newspaper.

i. Intent to Cut – Regarding salt storage shed, the Town will waive tax due on shed when necessary. (DK) motioned. (EV) seconded. Unanimous.

j. Approve Public Hearing Notice – Public notice regarding MRI contractual agreement on December 13, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at PMHS.

k. Letter to Solicit Proposals for Assessing Services – (LK) motioned to have MRI do direct mailing. (LS) seconded. Unanimous.

l. Septage Contract – Contract wording revised. (EV) motioned to sign contract and seconded by (DK). Unanimous.

m. Legal attendance at hearing of January 2007 and February 2007 with Nashua and Pennachuk deemed not necessary.

n. Police Dept. Budget – Budget for Police Department to be increased by $1,000. Motioned (LS) and seconded by (EV). Unanimous.


Informational Items

a. Elderly Exemptions – (LK) working on numbers. Discussion as to at what age exemptions will begin and increase.

b. Tax Rate Settings Status – This has already been done.


1. Lily Pond – Quite Claim Deed – discussed earlier.

2. Economic Development Committee Update – (EV) revealed that a bio is to be accomplished on each member and a booklet of this will be distributed.

3. Dam Site – State has not yet begun work on it. (DK) going to look into at least having fence put back up.

4. Food Pantry – None.

5. Board/Committee Expectation Policy – Form to be revised and presented for consideration at future meeting.

6. Landlord Letter – To be revised further.


Lester Firstenberger appeared with several other residents and presented informational report regarding town management form of government for review by Board. Second Public Input was held later in meeting and Pam St.Laurent presented some notes on welfare including individual acceptance of shelter and the landlord letter. Questions regarding holiday baskets asked/answered.


Payroll accepted as motioned by (LK), seconded by (DK).

Accounts Payable Check Manifests – Discussion ensued regarding payment by Town of application fees. It was noted that no future rental application fees would be paid by Town. Motion to accept Accounts Payable by (EV) and seconded by (DK). Unanimous.



Public Session and Non-Public Session meeting minutes for November 21, 2006 have not been reviewed and will be approved at next meeting.


(LK) motioned to begin non-public meeting. (DK) seconded. Unanimous.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


November 21, 2006
Call to Order at 6:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Art Morse, Chairman (AM). Present were Donna Keeley (DK), Ed Vien (EV), Larry Konopka (LK), Vice Chairman and Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator.

Linda Small was absent


Dave Simpson requested whether job description for town administrator and building inspector had been completed.

Fred Hast stated a question for (DK) as to when they were having interviews for Planning Board, did you decide you were going to abstain or recuse yourself. She explained that she recused herself and that she was aware of the procedures for that.

He also wanted to complain that he was in last Monday to listen to the tapes of the minutes of the meeting, and I asked Cara for them. She did not know where they were. She thought they were still in the meeting room, so Cara and I went in and there was a tape in the tape recorder and a couple empty tape boxes. Now that is not procedure, or at least it shouldn’t be. It was explained that they should not be left there. Another thing is that nobody knows where the tapes are. I came in to listen to a set of tapes and they could not find them in the Town Office. Now there was a policy, and I know you changed a lot of the policies, these tapes shall not leave the building, but they weren’t anywhere to be found until the next day or so. This isn’t procedure. Can I remove the tapes and take them home to listen to them? Why do other people have the privilege of doing that? (AM) explained that unless someone is working on them, or the transcriber was using them, she might have taken them home, and I do not see a problem with that, but other than that the tapes should be taken out of the building. Fred Hast stated that the policy is that these tapes should not be taken out and as good a secretary as you have, when you take the minutes you do not put everything in that was discussed so you have to go back to these tapes and refer to them.


Fred Hast stated he had one other thing he wanted to complain about was that he had gotten a telephone call a month or so ago that Town Hall was open. The caller related that there were papers all over the place, and not a soul in there. The place was wide open and nobody was here. The doors are wide open, the caller went into the office and there is a policy that you have to be recognized in order to go into the town office. The doors were wide open and everything so what is that policy. (AM) explained that there was no change in policy and that was simply an error. Fred Hast stated no one was in the building upstairs here. The front door was unlocked and files all over the place. What is going on? I mean people could come in. There were books and papers on the desk. (AM) explained he was aware of that and it was an error. It has been a shambles the last couple of nights here, short of help, no help and everyone is running around trying to keep us with everything and they do not get any extra help. The only thing I can say is that maybe we should have punch codes and in order to get into a certain department you have to punch a code in and get in that way so that it does not bother anybody else. That is a good thing. A lot of times there is only one person in this building. It is not good. You have got to have some help here. (AM) explained that these things would be corrected. Fred Hast stated he would like to have all this verbatim in the minutes.

Dave Simpson stated the Planning Board had asked him to discuss issues with road ordinances and procedures and requested a hearing. There are about five different issues to discuss.

A question was raised on school budget, the State required a form to be completed and that was done and mailed on Friday.

Fred Hast raised a question in regard to the tax rate and (AM) explained that it was probably going to be $22.60.


Larry Konopka

Solid Processing Area

Paul Skowron

Board needs to sign 2006 Municipal Assessment Data Sheet.

Board needs to sign Intent to Cut – Salt/Sand Storage Shed area.

Board needs to sign Welfare Lien.

Board needs to sign Non-Public Session Minutes – September 7, 2006.

Chichester sent letter regarding their attendance at Selectman Board Meeting to

Explain their function and purpose. Agreed.


6:00 P.M. Appointment Welfare/HSA Compliance (Fred, Betsey, Mike)


Betsey reported on working on some standards in regard to rental assistance limits and presented a survey of various communities and the rental assistance they provided. She

indicated that we need to have some standards, writing, as how she is to proceed. There are some guidelines available and it was agreed that these should be reviewed on a yearly basis. Betsey reiterated how housing is dealt with as well as job availability and transportation issues. Landlord penalties and abatements were discussed in reference to repairs and the reasoning in regard to these abatements.

6:30 p.m. Appointment – Ron Vien (Septage Receiving Contract)

Ron Vien discussed the contract and there were some concerns regarding the way the contract was worded. It was agreed that the contract would be rewritten to clearly indicate the provisions and length of contract as to when the town takes over this system. Ron Vien indicated that it would be at least by December 2008 before this could happen, possibly longer. The contract will be reworded and returned for consideration.

7:00 p.m. Appointment – Fred Judd (Taxi Companies)

Fred Judd explained his concerns in regard to taxi companies within the Town of Pittsfield that do not indicate on vehicle the taxi name as well as no picture identification within taxi to indicate who driver is. He stated that often he is called to pick-up students at school and they do not even require identification from taxi driver. He felt there should be some kind of control for safety purposes. Because of this, anyone can indicate they are from a taxi company and not even have the proper insurance. It was recommended that Board would review policies from other towns, such as Portsmouth, in regard to taxi policies.

New Business
Action Items

Lily Pond Road – Quit Claim Deed
Larry Konopka recused him, as he is an abutter. Lily Pond Road has been completed and Public Works is satisfied. Written verification should be forthcoming from George. Board is waiting for Planning Board that all conditions have been complied with. Dan Aversa indicated he had talked with George and that he felt it was fine. Unsure of benefit Planning Board looking at deed. Selectman agreed that road is built, and now it is up to town to accept. Planning Board meets on December 7, 2006.

TAX Line of Credit Draw
Tax Anticipation Note to be signed. (DK) motioned to sign note in amount of $1. 5 million, (EV) seconded. The motion carried 3-0.

Certificate for Grant Funded Radios for Police Department
Radios for Police Department have been received an in operation. (LK) motioned to sign off on this grant, seconded (EV). Carried 3-0.


Tri-Town Agreement – Radar Trailer

Highway Safety Agency has given grant and town has received radar trailer, which is to be used by Pittsfield, Epsom and Chichester. Each town to pay $2,500. Agreement has been sent to Epsom & Chichester. (LK) motioned to accept this radar trailer, seconded by (DK). Carried 3-0

Application for Annual State Grant (WSNTF)
Annual installment for State grant which was awarded a number of years ago is $31,251. (DK) motioned to pay installment and seconded by (LK). Carried 3-0.

Approve Budget
Tabled for later in the meeting.

Town Hall Copy Machines
Agreed that all individuals using private copiers will pay $.35 per copy for use of Town electricity. (LK) motioned to charge $.35 per copy, seconded by (EV). (DK) abstained. Motion carried.

h. 2006 Municipal Equalization Data Sheet

Motion to sign data sheet by (DK), seconded by (EV). Carried 3-0.

Intent to Cut
Motion to cut Debra A. Real, Cain Road motioned by (DK) and seconded by (LK). Carried 3-0

Welfare Lien
Reviewed and tabled until next meeting so amount can be indicated.

Date for Public Hearing to use contractor, MRI for Town Administration
Services scheduled for December 13, lecture hall at high school at

7:00 p.m.

Elderly exemptions for tax rate to be discussed at another meeting, as tax rate has just been set.

1. Tax Rate Setting Status. Rate has been set. Town should be receiving written verification soon and hopefully property taxes will be sent out and due by January 31, 2006.

2. Economic Development Committee Update (EV) related some ideas as to improvements by business in relation to taxation. This will be kept on agenda weekly for updates.

3. Letter from Forrest Sell on Hilltop Drive. Agreed Public Hearing will be held to accept road.

4. Food Pantry (Town Hall Access). No updates.


5. Board/Committee Expectation Policy. Reviewed and wording to be revised and hopefully implemented at later date.

Raffle Permit – Pittsfield Booster Club. (DK) motion to accept raffle

Permit for Pittsfield Booster Club for entire month of January 2007. (EV) Seconded. Carried 3-0.

(LK) motioned to accept Payroll for 11/21/06, seconded (EV).

Carried 3-0.

(LK) motioned to accept Accounts Payable for 11/21/06, seconded by

(DK). Carried 3-0.

a. (LK) motioned to accept Public Session minutes, seconded by (EV). Carried 3-0.

b. (LK) motioned to accept minutes Non-Public Session of

November 14, 2006, seconded (EV). Carried 3-0


Pam St. Laurent stated Welfare figures should be revisited yearly. Different counties have different needs. Job searches need to be done weekly. Many programs out there and individuals should be encouraged to follow them to the full extent. (LK) suggested she write letter to Board and ideas will be reviewed.

Fred Hast indicated that landlords should be given minimal time to be reimbursed and should not be retroactive.


Approval of budget to be discussed. (LK) motioned to go into non-public meeting, (DK) seconded. Carried 3-0.