November 28, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 11/28/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:06 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Ellen
Barbasso (EBa), Chris Conlon(CC) and Bill Abbot(BA). Also attending: Linda Small (LS),
and Susan Muenzinger (SM).
2) Minutes from 11/14/07 reviewed and accepted.
3) We have two new members: Chris Conlon and Bill Abbot.
4) Kentec
a. EV spoke to Tom. He has not found a building yet.
b. LS had spoken to Leon K and he said they might be able to get some help from CRDC.
5) CATCH (Concord Area Trust for Community Housing) Program
a. Two dates are available December 5th or 19th. We chose December 5th.
b. Eba will send out e-mail to everyone to attempt to be at this meeting.
6) Waste Waster Treatment – some questions
a. What would it cost?
b. Do we need to know what type of facility, ie. homes, industry, office building?)
c. Does elevation have an effect ?
d. We would like to have Ron come to a meeting in January, 2008.
7) WiFi
a. Leon contacted Veronica.
b. She is putting together work plan on how to get things done.
c. When she comes to do a survey we will ask her to come to our meeting.
8) EDC Web Site
a. We need ideas for our portion of the town web site.
b. Bill Provencal needs the names of current EDC members.
c. We should look at the page to see what can be changed.
d. Check out other town sites to see what we can do to upgrade ours.
9) Next meeting will be December 5, 2007 at 5:00 pm. (We will have a meeting on December 12.
There will be no meetings on December 19 or December 26. Meetings will resume January 2,
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso