November 28, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

2012 Budget Committee meeting



Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Larry Williams Secretary, Stan Bailey, Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Paul Rogers Selectman Rep., Mary Paradise School Board Rep., Paul Skowron Town Admin.

Special Guest: Fire Chief, Librarians and Trusties




Meeting comes to order:      7:03                              Date:11/28/12


 Motion to Approve minutes of 11/14/12  Stan B. Seconded Paul R.


Librarian will open with a short presentation about the history and operation of the library.


The library has asked for an increase of $1317.00 to there budget so to cover all its programs and hours of being open.


Basement is currently closed due to no 2nd means of exiting. The fire Chief is currently looking for someone who can design an approved set of plans to correct this problem. These plans are believed to cost approximately $2500.00.  They believe that a set of stairs to the upstairs floor will fix this problem.


Paul S. handed out a sheet of proposed Warrant Articles.


The first two deal with closing the AMBULANCE SPECIAL REVENUES FUND and FIRE AND RESCUE APPARATUS CAPITAL RESERVE FUND, with a total sum of $865,000.00 to be transferred into the TOWNS GENERAL FUND.


The third Article will create a new Capital Reserve fund Titled: FIRE AND AMBULANCE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND. And to appropriate $865,000.00 from the unreserved undesignated  TOWNS GENERAL  FUND.


The fourth Article will ask to appropriate $250,000.00 for the purchase of a replacement Ambulance.


The chief would also like to see lines 205,216,217, put back into the budget so not to short his overtime, paramedic intercept, billing services.


All agree that the C.I.P. needs to be used in future purchases to be sure we stay on schedule with the C.I.P.


The fire department will also now be doing Inspections on Multi family housing units. $4,000.00 increase to cover the Inspections.


The select Board has also implemented the switch over from E.M.T. to  Fire Fighter/E.M.T. Cross training will improve usage of personnel.


Next Meeting Dec. 5, 2012. 7:00pm Town Hall Meeting room



Motion to adjourn:    1st Stan B,  2nd  Paul R.


Motion carried Ended 8:51pm





                                                        Submitted By Larry Williams Jr.