November 6, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MEETING MINUTES OF November 6, 2007
Call to order at 5:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and
Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
John Lenaerts (JL).
BCEP (4324)
Earl Weir noted he was here tonight to advise where the district is currently.
Everything is pending till scale issues are answered. I do not know how
much that will be. Really not much news, other than legal counsel and
Legislature are working to get the scale issues resolved, When do you need
to have the budget, by January 1st? (LS) noted the sooner the better, but
prior to Public Hearing in mid-February. Mr. Weir noted he could “high ball
it and then drop it when he finds out results.” We will probably “not be in
the black” this year. (LS) noted the sooner the better, but whenever you get
Highway Department (4311-4316)
George Bachelder reviewed his suggested increases in budgeted items which
included health insurance, retirement, uniforms, fuel oil, part-time summer
labor, equipment rental, culverts, equipment maintenance, purchase of
pressure washer and small lawnmower trailer, and contracted asphalt/road
sealing. He discussed with BOS the block grant for Upper City Road and
related any remaining funds would be directed for Quail Ridge Road project.
Sidewalks were discussed and the possibility of any applicable grants noting
that existing sidewalks in certain areas are in terrible shape and other areas
really do not have sidewalks, but should. The longer we wait to do
sidewalks, probably the more expensive it will be. In certain areas, it could
be in the $400,000 range.
(AM) questioned if he could purchase the pressure washer out of this year’s
budget, should he go ahead and get it? (LS) noted, “No, not at this time.
Overall, we have spent a lot of money on the garage that was not budgeted.”
(AM) noted that it would not be at this time but perhaps, later in the year.
(LK) requested BOS get the opportunity to review the request beforehand.
Building Inspector (4240)
Mike McLaughlin (MM) noted that he had prepared the information
requested at last week’s meeting including a job description, which indicates
the changes that have occurred since he applied for the position. (EV)
questioned whether this full-time position would be at the same rate of pay?
(LK) noted that he would more comfortable if this matter was discussed in
non-public session. (AM) noted that it does not qualify as a matter to be
discussed in non-public. (LKe) agreed. (LK) reiterated why he felt this
should be non-public. (AM) noted that it is not about MM’s performance of
his duties but just the position itself and it should be public. (MM) was
asked his preference and he noted that he really had none. (EV) felt that the
salary base was too high. “Is the workload there? Yes it is.” We have to
look at the whole picture but the rate of pay is too high. I would not vote for
a 40-hour week. (LS) questioned his possible future position as part-time
Police Officer for Town of Pittsfield. (MM) noted he would work at Police
Department on weekends and maybe an occasional night. (LK) noted that
this would make him a full-time employee. (LK) “I cannot justify a fulltime
Building Inspector.” (EV) noted that the problem is that there are a lot
of other things Building Inspector does. (AM) questioned whether the
salary/position was governed by union contract. We do not have the
authority to give it a salary. It cripples us when we g o into negotiations.
(LK) noted that Mike was doing a great job. (MM) noted, “I have had a lot
on my shoulders and it more than justifies a full-time position.” (AM)
suggested that they leave the issue for now and have (LKe) and (MM)
restructure it. (LKe) noted he would meet with (MM) and take a look at it.
(MM) questioned, “What about the budget?” (LS) noted he would not have
to be present tomorrow night. (LKe) noted he would be at the LCG
Conference tomorrow and would discuss this with them at that time and get
back to the Board accordingly.
At 6:05 P.M., (AM) noted that Paul Metcalf, Sr. was in the audience and
explained that they were reviewing Budgets this evening. He was asked if
he would like to address the BOS on a certain matter rather than wait till the
Board went through the Agenda.
Mr. Metcalf noted, “You people have a tough task. I am asking you to hold
the line this year. It is difficult, but do your best. You cannot downsize
though a lot of towns are doing this. Do your best.”
Police Department (4210 – 4213)
Chief Wharem noted that he, too, would review increases to assist Board.
He noted that there is now an Administrative Assistant working twenty (20)
hours per week at $10.25 per hour and explained that this is a vital position
and explained her duties. He noted that there is an increase in the Police
Department custodian salary (which was approved by the BOS to
accommodate cleaning of the Town Hall), retirement, health maintenance,
uniforms, bulletproof vests, heating and oil, cruiser maintenance, radio
maintenance, hiring expenses, postage, service maintenance contracts,
Corporal and Detective positions as well as justification for part-time and
full-time positions, overtime for holidays, court appearances/criminal
investigations, community relations, training, new equipment, water charges,
and postage. Remaining the same as last year or decreasing would be Blue
Cross/Blue Shield, telephone and dispatch services, election, gas, trash
removal, supplies and equipment, prosecution, and DARE.
Break at 6:44 P.M. Resume at 6:49 P.M.
Board and Chief Wharem discussed part-time secretarial and administrative
assistant/dispatcher positions. The matter of part-time police officers as
opposed to full-time police officers, their duties, reasons for vacancies,
walking patrol and details were discussed. The issue of being consistently
short-staffed and how it can be corrected was also a subject of discussion.
Chief Wharem explained that deployments and illnesses attributed to lack of
personnel and that temporary staffing is virtually non-existent. Chief noted
that he would rather not hire someone than hire a problem. The job market
for police officers, even in the larger towns where salaries are greater, is
terrible. We are presently working on an employment contract for new
employees to cover Town. The duties and use of part-time officers was also
discussed in detail.
(AM) and other Board members noted that it is difficult within the proposed
budget to decipher what exactly the Budget proposal actually entails. He
suggested that (LKe) and Chief Wharem work together to delineate in detail
the Budget and come back next week with more precise figures. All in
agreement. (AM) also suggested that certain items such as bulletproof vests,
guns and tazers could be purchased within the current budget. Board
discussed how grants might work and the Revenue Section of the Budget,
which should be forthcoming shortly.
Animal Control Officer (4414)
Chief Wharem indicated that the only change would be the request for an
additional two hours per week though there would be no increase in hourly
wage. He noted that Ann has done an excellent job. (LS) Is it possible to
drop down the costs for the Humane Society? Chief agreed to this.
Emergency Management (4290)
Chief noted that last year they were a little low on the budget. As noted,
because of the flooding, there was a considerable amount needed over the
budgeted amount. He noted that this budget covers one-half for Police
Department and one-half for Fire Department.
Break 7:59 P.M. Resume 8:05 P.M.
(LS) Pittsfield Self-Storage Permit. (LK) Drug Awareness and Education
Committee. (LKe) Propane Contract Highway Garage, Police Department
Monthly Report and Arrest Log, Town Hall Meeting Room Reservations,
DPW Monthly Report, DPW Tan Road Memo, Fire Department Monthly
Report, Lunch Break Memo and Old Business: Jim Pritchard; Applications
and Warrants – Property Taxes. Also, under Non-Public (a) and (e).
1. Central NH Regional Planning Commission 10-29-07 Letter,
Zoning Ordinances
(LKe) related that they have reviewed the Zoning Ordinance and have
suggested some revisions. A Warrant Article to strengthen particular areas
could be presented. This will be deferred to Planning Board for their review.
(LKE) will respond to letter. Also, a letter of apology will be sent to
Planning Board under (AM)’s signature for misinforming them on the
election process.
2. Chief Johnson Request to Carry Forward 22 Hours Vacation Time
for Jennifer Tedcastle
(LS) Motion to carry forward 22 hours vacation time for Jennifer Tedcastle.
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
3. Consider Resignation of Police Officer Wade Courtemanche
(LK) Motion to accept resignation of Police Officer Wade Courtemanche
with a letter of thank you for service to the Town of Pittsfield. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
4. PD Proposal for Internet Safety Class
(LKe) This proposal together with an explanation of purpose of this clas s
has been presented by the Chief, which is relative to drug awareness. Chief
Wharem noted that this would address the advertising of drug sales on the
Internet and assist in parent awareness. It is for 5 th and 6th graders and
includes a parenting class.
(LS) Motion to approve $450. for class in 2007. (LK) Second. Carried 3 -0.
5. Drug Awareness and Education Committee
(LK) noted that the Committee would like to change their name to Drug
Awareness and Education Coalition, as it will offer the committee a lot more
avenues to pursue regarding funding. Chief Wharem noted that there is
funding available for coalitions and they will be asking the Pittsfield Youth
to join them in this endeavor.
(LS) Motion to change name of committee to Drug Awareness and
Education Coalition. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
6. Propane Contract – Highway Garage
(LKe) Mike has contacted four venders for the installation of fuel tank and
fuel for Highway garage which will be having a new heating system
installed beginning Monday. It was noted that the best price would be Irving
Co. (LS) noted she would be hesitant to take a chance on company that does
not offer a fixed amount. (EV) suggested they get a quote from Amerigas.
(LKe) to take a look at the prices and call them for fixed quotes as well as
contacting Amerigas.
1. Staff Meeting Notes November 6, 2007
(LKe) related that they have now received last week and yesterday’s Staff
Meeting Notes for their review.
2. 2008 Planning Board Elections
(LKe) related that he has done some research and noted the Statutes vacates
all positions on Election Day and noted how and length of terms for which
members will be elected.
3. Tax Rate for 2008
(LS) noted that the DRA had found an error in the School Budget, which
could have significantly impacted the tax rate. (AM) suggested (LKe) write
letter stating what went on and request responses. This is the second time, to
my knowledge, that this has happened.
(LS) noted that there are more uncollected tax monies than in the Retained
Fund Balance by a couple hundred thousands, which should not be.
(AM) noted that the tax rate has been set, and questioned whether the BOS
want the breakdown published in the newspaper for property owners. Board
agreed that this could be done to allow property owners to understand the
4. Pittsfield Self Storage Permit
(LS) noted that the check has been returned for insufficient funds ($11,000)
and questioned if it has been “made good.” (LKe) to check on this.
5. Police Department Monthly Report and Arrest Log
(LKe) noted that this is for Board’s review. He noted that of the four arrests,
none were teenagers.
6. Town Hall Meeting Room Reservations
(LKe) that a system for scheduling meeting rooms at Town Hall as been put
together. There is a reservation book in the front hall near the entrance and
all Boards and Committees have been advised of this. Currently, we have
signed up all that we know of, and this book should be checked before
scheduling to assure that a meeting room is available.
7. DPW Monthly Report
(LKe) noted the monthly report reviews the monthly activities. A local
nursery has offered the Town a number of trees, which are not to be resold,
for Town use and dispersal. (AM) suggested sending letters to the local
businesses should they like to procure one/several. (LKe) to send letter of
thank you for these trees.
8. DPW – Tan Road
(LKe) For the record, it should be noted that some residents have accused
the Highway Department, George Bachelder, of causing erosion. George
noted that he had not had a chance to get the road back in shape in time, but
it would be done. BOS to be kept apprised of results.
9. Fire Department Monthly Report
(LKe) for Board’s perusal.
10. Lunch Break Memo
(LKe) related this was in relation to staff concerns. (LS) noted that this
would not apply to those on salary if putting in for comp time.
1. Jim Pritchard Letter Re: Warrant Article
(LKe) noted that he had done some continued research and with BOS’s
authorization would like to write letter to Mr. Pritchard indicating that “the
Warrant Article is in correct format” and will require at least 25 signature
names of verifiable residents. (LS) reminded the Board that it will be
accepted but not necessarily supported by Board.
(LK) Motion to accept letter of October 30, 2007 noting that the Warrant
Article is in correct format” and requires at least 25 signature names of
verifiable residents. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
1. Property Tax Warrant
(LS) Motion to accept property tax collection in the amount of
$3,864,447.00 (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LK) Motion to accept Payroll. (EV) Second. Carried 2-0 (LS) Abstain.
(LK) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 2 -0 (LS)
1. Public Session Minutes for October 30, 2007.
(LS) Motion to accept Public Session Minutes for October 30, 2007 with a
few corrections. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes for October 30, 2007
(LK) Motion to accept Non-Public Session Minutes for October 30, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
Hydrants and Dam Fees (4339)
(LS) Motion to change Hydrants from $121,000 to $121,257 and Dam
Registration from $100 to $400. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
Highway Department (4311)
(LS) Motion to increase fuel oil to $8,000. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
(LS) Motion to approve health insurance for $91,675. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(LK) Motion to approve remainder of line items using New Equipment line
to purchase pressure washer. (LS) Second. Carried 3 -0.
(LS) Motion to approve remainder of budget as proposed except for salaries,
retirement and any overhead line for salaries. (LK) Second. Carried 3-0.
Animal Control (4414)
(LS) Motion to approve Humane Society for $500.00. (LK) Second.
Carried 3-0.
(EV) Motion to approve remainder of Budget as presented. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-0.
Energy Management and Forest Fire Suppression (4290)
(LS) Motion to approve Budget as proposed. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.
Building Inspector (Continued)
(AM) questioned whether the position of Building Inspector should be
approached as a Warrant Article because of controversy as to whether it is
proper to make it a full-time position without Town endorsing it. (LK)
noted that the building inspector position is part-time now and later if Mike
becomes a part-time police officer, it will make him a full-time employee.
The problem is the rate. He noted that he had done some research in relation
to surrounding towns as to the rate of pay for Building Inspector and hours.
He noted that the average was about $21.00 per hour for full-time Building
Inspector. (LS) noted that her concerns were in relation to his working as
Police Officer and then as Building Inspector that he would get “burned
out.” Mike is a great Building Inspector and we are fortunate to have him in
that position. It is hard to justify a full-time position with all the slowing
down. I would like to see him at 24 hours a week. (AM) sugge sted (LKe)
take a look at this and offer Board some guidance.
Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (a) and (c).
(LK) Second. Carried 3-0. Board was polled individually and all agreed.
Public Meeting Adjourned at 9:24 P.M.
Approved: November 13, 2007
_____________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date