November 6, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Scott Brown
Michael Wolfe
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


Dr. Freeman added a letter from the Select Board of Pittsfield. Mr. Gremlitz deleted coaching nominations and added voting information. Mr. Brown added the Pittsfield Clothes Closet.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted to approve the amended agenda.


On a motion made Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted to approve the minutes by October 16, 2008, as written. Ms. Paradise, Mr. Brown, Mr. Wolfe, and Ms. Vogt voted in the affirmative, while Mr. Colby abstained from the vote.

On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Brown, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of October 23, 2008, as written.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted to approve the minutes of October 24, as written. Ms. Paradise, Mr. Brown, Mr. Colby, and Ms. Vogt voted in the affirmative, while Mr. Wolfe abstained from the vote.

A motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt to approve the minutes of October 30, 2008. Mr. Wolfe stated that his name was erroneously omitted from the list of members present. The motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously.


Kathy Corliss, a parent of three students, asked that in revising the Athletic Handbook, the Board waive the need for a physical examination preceding the beginning of an athletic season when a physical examination has occurred within the previous twelve months. The present requirement may incur an expense for the family, since only one physical examination per year is paid by most insurance companies.

Ms. Corliss urged the School Board to “hold the line” and “redistribute resources” in developing the FY10 budget to help keep the tax rate reasonable.

Ms. Corliss stated that there are concerns about topics of conversation raised in Spanish that were inappropriate. Also, the students in the Spanish III class were without a textbook for the first nine weeks of the school year, which she thought to be detrimental.

Paige Corliss stated her concern for the amount of time that has been taken in class to review last year’s material. She stated that the pace of the class is not appropriate for Spanish III.

Ms. Corliss issued concerns about the lack of progress being made in the class and has serious concerns about the ability of the teacher to teach a Spanish III class.

Ms. Corliss stated concerns about time being spent for advisories. She asked that the Board consider another way to provide an advisory period that will not interfere with students’ ability to take an adequate number of credits in a year.

Ms. Paradise asked Alison Roberts, PMHS physical education teacher and athletic director, if she would like to address the Board. Ms. Roberts stated that she thought she should address the Board in a non-public session. Dr. Freeman stated that if an issue may have negative impact on the reputation of an employee, the issue should be discussed in a non-public session. Discussion ensued regarding whether the issue should be discussed in a non-public session. Ms. Roberts reiterated her desire to speak to the Board directly.

Ms. Roberts’ father, Mr. Roberts, stated his concern that the information that was
used to reverse the decision of the athletic director in a recent soccer behavior incident was based on inaccurate information. He urged the Board to listen to the information. Mr. Roberts continued by displaying a banner listing spectator expectations that are appropriate for a sporting event. He stated his claim that a decision was made according to a “good ole boy” syndrome.

Ms. Paradise stated that the decisions were made according to process and procedures, not because of the specific actions of the athletic director. She respectfully disagreed with Mr. Robert’s claim that decisions were made inappropriately. Mr. Brown also disagreed.

Ms. Corliss asked for clarification of “public input”, to which Ms. Paradise explained that there is a chain of command that needs to be followed to air discontent or disagreement with decisions. She stated that issues need to go through an appropriate sequence of events through the school administration before taking the issue to the Board, who serve as a final step in due process.


Members of the Assessment Team present were Kiza Armour, Leslie Bergevin, Anne Bouchard, Susan Bradley, Sue Elliott, and Susan Ingerson. Ms. Bradley reviewed the results of the science NECAP scores for grades 4, 8 and 11. She reviewed a comparison between the district’s scores and the State of New Hampshire. Also, she reviewed disaggregated results by gender, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged students. Ms. Bradley explained the dot-plot data, demonstrating individuals’ mean scaled scores.

Mr. Brown asked what factors would account for the fact that Pittsfield’s scores are in line with or better than the state scores. Ms. Bradley explained that one factor might be that in grades 4 and 8, the test is administered by the teacher who has taught the content. Ms. Bergevin stated that Ms. Armour has been proactive in determining the appropriate curriculum for PMHS, through her work with state-wide science curriculum committees. Ms. Bouchard explained that PES staff work diligently to analyze the common items of the test, which may improve the students’ preparedness. Ms. Armour explained the PES teachers work hard to plan science curriculum and align it to the frameworks. They have an open relationship with staff at PMHS to ensure that curriculum is being taught accurately and that the appropriate materials are utilized.

Ms. Bouchard described the testing environment that is established for the science testing, which includes laboratory experiences. Ms. Armour described the changes that are being considered in shifting the emphasis of the current courses to more of a chemistry content, which will address a general trend illustrated by the testing results.

Ms. Vogt asked why the science test is administered in the spring, to which Ms.
Armour answered that the test is assessing three years of science curriculum in the high school, ending in the spring of students’ junior year.

Ms. Elliott explained that PES staff is using formative assessments, in addition to the more typical summative assessments, which guides instruction and assists in students’ capacity to be successful in the testing environment.

Mr. Brown thanked the Assessment Team for their periodic presentations to the Board. He stated that the enthusiasm that is demonstrated by the Team is extraordinary and refreshing.


A. Food Drive

Ms. Vogt stated that the amount of food that was collected by the schools was extraordinary and appreciated.

B. Whiteboard Technology

Mr. Brown thanked Mr. Kilmister for the work that is continuing at PES. He applauded the effort to get whiteboard technology up and running.


A. Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences will be held on Monday, November 10, 2008 from 12:00 to 7:30 p.m.

B. Parent Newsletter

Mr. Gremlitz stated that in an effort to improve communication with parents and the community, a quarterly school-wide newsletter will be published.

C. Mock Election

Mr. Gremlitz described the effort of the social studies department to conduct a mock election, including campaigning and election procedures. It was a well organized effort on the part of Mr. Babcock, according to Mr. Gremlitz.

D. Clothes Closet

Mr. Brown explained that the Clothes Closet, a non-profit organization that
provides an opportunity for second hand clothing to be sold to Pittsfield residents. He stated that it will be closing because an executive director cannot be found to continue the work. Mr. Brown asked if there might be a possibility for a teacher to use this as an opportunity to teach business skills to students. Mr. Gremlitz agreed to consider possibilities.

E. Public Input

Mr. Brown asked if there would be follow up with Ms. Corliss regarding her issues. Mr. Gremlitz explained that he has met with Mr. and Ms. Corliss in an effort to explain advisories and other concerns they communicated.


Ms. Chassie’s written report was received without comment or questions.


A. Memorandum of Understanding

Dr. Freeman stated that EAP proposed modifications to the original Memorandum of Understanding between the EAP and the Board relative to the teacher evaluation process. He reviewed the changes that have been proposed. Mr. Brown asked about the proposed item that will allow violations to be grieved. Ms. Armour explained that because of the timing of the negotiations in relationship to the potential revisions to the Handbook on Teacher Evaluation, an item that allows for violations of newly ratified procedures to be grievable under Article VI of the collective bargaining agreement. Ms. Paradise stated that through the upcoming negotiations of the collective bargaining agreement, wording that accommodates the need for grievances, shall be considered. Ms. Armour agreed to this concept. Dr. Freeman will revise and prepare the Memorandum for signatures. Mr. Brown stated concern for the time that it will take to make this change. Ms. Armour pointed out that due to the NEAS&C accreditation process, this has been put off for implementation until 2011-2012.

B. Annual School District Meeting

Dr. Freeman recommended that the Board contemplate the date for the annual school district meeting. He suggested Thursday, March 12th, which would be following the tradition of the second Thursday in March. The Board agreed to tentatively schedule the annual school district for March 12, 2009; this scheduling is subject to change.

C. PYBA Request for Use of Playing Field

Steven Davis, President of the Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association, has requested the use of the field located between the school for their T-ball and rookie teams in their spring 2009 sessions. The association is making this
request due to the renovations taking place at the PYBA fields. Mr. Brown asked that consideration be made for the girls’ softball team who will also be unable to use the PYBA fields during their season.

On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to allow PYBA to use the field in between the two schools, subject to working out the details of working within the schedule of the school teams.

D. Letter from Town Administrator

Dr. Freeman distributed a letter received from Paul Skowron, Town Administrator, stating that the Select Board would like to explore with the School Board, the perceived obstacles to conducting all town-wide voting in the elementary. The Board directed Dr. Freeman to write a letter to the Select Board, advising the Select Board of the School Boards concerns for student safety in the event of the use of the elementary school and inviting them to attend a future meeting to further discuss the reasoning of the Board in making their decision.

E. School Board Policies

On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to accept Policy ADD: Safe School Enviornoment, Policy IHAK: Character and Citizenship Education, and Policy CBI: Evaluation of the Superintendent.

F. Budget FY2010

In response to questions regarding the proposed budget during the previous meeting, Dr. Freeman stated that the Sanderson Fund does, in fact, support the Drake Field Recreation Program by providing funding for transportation. He further explained that the snow plow bid is correctly stated in the budget and does reflect an increase. Dr. Freeman added that the increase in the Principal’s office account was due to the reallocation of the special education secretary to that account. This move was supposed to have been done last year, but it appears that it was not made. In consideration of the current budget, Ms. Blanchette has encumbered funds, resulting in a potential fund balance.

Dr. Freeman asked the Board to consider the extent of the cuts that shall be made from the proposed budget. Ms. Vogt stated that the Board should make decisions that are in line with enrollment, which will result in a decrease in the budget, rather than focusing on a specific dollar amount decrease. Discussion ensued regarding strategy to further decrease the budget. Dr. Freeman explained that the administration continues to consider the possible changes that could be made to accommodate the decrease in enrollment and the need to decrease the tax rate.

The Board directed the administration to prepare a recommended budget for its special Board meeting on November 13, that would reflect a $.50 per thousand increase in the tax rate. The Board further directed the administration to consider rational structural changes in the schools rather than focus on trimming necessary funds to reach this target.

X. COMMITTEES – No reports


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. The agenda will include finalizing the budget, touring the school with an eye to relocating the SAU office, a consideration of changes in the athletic handbook, and coaching nominations.

The following meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


At 7:40 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to enter into non-public session to discuss student and personnel matters. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II a and RSA 91-A:3II c [Student and Personnel Matters].

The Board discussed student and personnel matters relative to the PMHS athletic program.

No action was taken in non-public session.

A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Brown to come out of the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously to come out of the non-public session at 8:28 p.m.


No action was taken in open session.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman
Non-Public Session and
Subsequent Open
Session Recording