November 7, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 11/07/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Karen O’Connell (KO), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), and Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC. Also attending:
Linda Small (LS), and Susan Muenzinger (SM) .
2) Minutes from 10/31/07 reviewed and accepted.
3) We received a resignation letter from Merrill Vaughan. He is resigning because of health reasons.
a. Motion to accepted resignation made by KO and seconded y LR. Motion carried unanimously.
b. EB will send a letter to Merrill
4) Strategy
a. Pages 8-10 describe the tasks we want to accomplish. We will use them as guidelines
b. There were no changes to be made
c. EB made a motion to accept the Strategy and KO seconded it. Motion carries unanimously.
d. The Strategy will be put on the town website.
e. Matt will put it on CD and e-mail Leon. We will have a paper copy in the Town Hall.
5) School Board Meeting.
a. EV attended the School Board Meeting to ask for members to the ECD.
b. He read the letter that LR had sent to the Suncook Sun
c. He will make a follow-up call to Scott Brown
d. Letters will be sent to all school employees and on PES Friday pink newsletter.
6) Local Development Corp
a. Discussion about whether town should buy building next to Library
1. It is condemned
1. Currently owned by mortgage company
2. Could tear it down and make parking lot for library
b. Maybe we should focus on property we can improve and rent out or sell
c. Peter Phipps could get in touch with CATCH to see if they could help us (Concord Area Trust for
Community Housing)
7) Wi-Fi
a. We would like to get local companies to advertise on Wi Fi to off-set the cost to the town.
b. Ed will get the mailing list from the USAC event to contact businesses.
c. Leon will call Veronica (our contact for WiFi) to see how it would work.
8) Tom McMillan from Kenteka.
Tom came to let us know what his needs are for a new space.
b. It is a privately owned company that has been in business 25 years.
c. Currently have 10,000 sq feet of space in a residential location with 2-3 barns.
d. Occasionally borrows space from Pittsfield Weave building
e. Needs about 15,000 sq feet and ceilings 10-12 feet high., and 4 acres of land.
f. Needs access to utilities-water and sewer preferable.
g. Needs telecommunication availability-currently have T1 lines- needs that or better.
h. Needs loading dock.
i. Would like better logistics for delivery trucks-usually at end of line for UPS trucks. Needs to have them
deliver earlier in the day and pick up at end of day.
j. Concerns about tax rate – Concord has lower rates but land costs more.
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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8) (Tom McMillan from Kentek- continued)
k. Needs technically minded sales people-BS degree and tech selling experience-engineering background
l. Needs people with technical skills
m. For manufacturing area – HS diploma and manual dexterity
n. Needs about 20-25 parking spaces.
o. Needs to do something within the next two years.
p. Matt will check parcel inventories for available spaces and if any grants available.
q. Contact Peter Phipps at CRDC for real estate development projects
r. See if any tax relief available ton improving any existing structure.
s. Empty Pittsfield Weave building may serve their need but will need improvements.
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:18 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso