November 8, 2006 Minutes

DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield

Economic Development Committee

Town Hall, 85 Main Street

Pittsfield, New Hampshire

November 8, 2006

6:10 PM Call Meeting to Order

Members present: D. Jordan, Eric Bahr, Linda Small, Pat Heffernan, Todd Drew, Earl “Sandy” Wingate, Susan Munn, Michelle Barbasso.

Others present: Sharon Wasson and Matt Monahan from CNHRPC

Motion was made by Todd Drew to nominate Eric Bahr as Chairman, 2nd by Deborah Jordan. Motion carries 7-0, with Eric Bahr abstaining.

Sharon Wasson from the CNHRPC introduced Matt Monahan, Pittsfield’s new representative. Sharon also updated the committee as to what stage the CNHRPC is at in the Economic Development planning. We are basically in the market planning stage – information was handed out for the committee to review. Resource used Chronicle Ch. 9.

Linda Small pointed out that there was a write-up in the Suncook Sun concerning grants that are available to communities for upgrading trails, which is where some attention was focused last week. Matt will look into any and all grants that may be available to us. Cynthia Thompson pointed out that Larry Berkson does work on the trail system and is also experienced in grant writing – she will speak with him.

Matt will check on the State website for the community profile for Pittsfield.

Cynthia also spoke about the publicity the balloon rally brings into town. Much discussion ensued concerning the growth of the event and how it can benefit Pittsfield. It became more commercial because of the shortage of volunteers, which has helped our cause – people come from all around for the event. It was also brought up how convenient and efficient the shuttles worked out this year – great idea!

Eric brought up the Loudon races – discussion took place as to how we can capitalize on that event as well. There are many opportunities in and around Pittsfield; we simply have to hone in on them.

Cynthia suggested a Native American powwow. Matt asked about the river (what kind of events can be done on the river) – it was determined there isn’t much we can do on the river. Ellen suggested perhaps riverside activities could be promoted. Deb asked about fishing derbies. Eric stated that last year there was an ice fishing derby at White’s Pond. The Parks and Recreation Committee puts on the Winter Fest, which is a great event. Todd stated that the river is stocked for fishing. Cynthia mentioned how awesome it is that we have the theater, which she didn’t even know existed until recently; how can we build up attendance?

Discussion on the Master Plan was tabled.

Linda distributed information on tax increment financing. She also passed out an Economic Development Plan that was done by MRI in 1996.

Eric provided some information on the Municipal Bond Bank – great rates and reasonable fees (4.5% on 20-year). On a $10M 20-year balloon bond, it would cost $225,000/year. We must determine what we want to do / where we want to go and work towards that goal – we need not be limited.

Sharon explained Chapter 79-E:4V (Tax Abatement on Rehabilitation)

Eric: we need to sort out what has already been done versus what we need to do (Linda will request last year’s EDC information from Ed Vien), MRI 1996 Plan, 2000 Master Plan). Suggested we review all the information we currently have. Sharon will get the DRED profile. Matt will find 2-3 other ED chapters from other comparable communities.

Eric stated that the Zoning Ordinance proposals should be received the first week of December. Sharon pointed out that given the review that was done on our ordinances, we should not anticipate any zoning changes for economic development purposes but there will probably be some site plan revisions needed. Eric will ask the Planning board to keep us in mind when putting proposals together – he will bring the proposed changes back to the committee. He will also get this to CNHRPC asap.

It was determined that we will focus on the downtown, as this is Pittsfield’s greater asset. We routed out what the downtown consists of. Eric will hunt down a current trail system map.

Sandy: Likes the idea of an hour meeting – all concurred this will be the duration of our meetings. We all need to do our homework before the next meeting. We also need to move the meetings productively along so we get the very most out of our time. Eric will handle the weekly agendas.

Eric moved that Linda Small be the secretary/ back-up working chair, 2nd by Todd Drew. Motion carries 7-0, with Linda abstaining.

Eric: We need to determine what we will deliver to the voters in March.

We will meet again on November 15 at 6PM at the Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 7:24PM.

DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield

Economic Development Committee

Town Hall, 85 Main Street

Pittsfield, New Hampshire

November 1, 2006

6:00 PM Call Meeting to Order

Members present: E. Bahr, D. Jordan, W. Gallup, P. Skowron (Interin Town Administrator), L. Small & Pat Heffran.

Paul introduced himself to the committee members.

General Discussion:

“What is our objective?”

Members threw around various ways to motivate businesses into town as well as ways to help those businesses that are already established. One member proposed that we focus on the signage that is on Route 28. Some members felt that putting emphasis on the signs could prove counterproductive prior to the downtown being built up, as there will not be much for people to do once they get there. Wayne Gallup suggested perhaps we consider doing something with the trail system, which may attract business candidates into town; members thought this idea had some potential. Various methods of finance and tax incentive were also discussed, including grants that may be available.

The general consensus of the committee was that we need to meet on a weekly basis and move things forward. We would like to have something to show the citizens at Town Meeting in March, if only but a report of where we are at. Paul brought up the non-profit Economic Development Corporation that was appointed in Wolfboro and that maybe this is a feasible option for Pittsfield. He will gather some details and help us in any way he can in getting started.

Some other committees and boards that may be beneficial to involve are the Master Plan Committee, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Chamber of Commerce, Board of Selectmen, Rotary, Lions Club and an individual from well established businesses in town. Eric noted that the Planning and Zoning Boards will begin meeting for proposed changes to the ordinances in the very near future, so we may want to hone in on this soon.

We will meet again on November 8 at 6PM at the Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 7PM.


Chairman Date