November 8, 2006 Minutes


Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees meeting


The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:35 pm on November 8, 2006, in the children’s room of the library.

In attendance were, Bob Lemer, Mary Schelble, and Bill Provencal.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.

Old Business:


Directors report was presented:

§ Book discussion series will begin in January 2007. Lester Firstenburger will be paying the sponsorship fee.

§ Leaky Radiator: Bill will see Mike McLaughlin in regards to follow up with P & M. Bill will notify Bob about the results.

§ New Book cases are now in place.

§ Technology grant, possible submission by Leslie prior to December 1, 2006

§ It was moved to accept the directors report as presented

Monthly Financial Report was presented and discussed. Mary presented a question in regards to the wording “Fines”. .Will discuss this question with the Library Director.

New Business:

Pittsfield Planning Board notice to all abutters for store front changes on hair salon across the street. No Action Taken

Friends of the Library. It was felt by the trustees that some form of Thank You should be given to the Friends for all the work they have done. Bob is to prepare a letter.

Pittsfield Select Board presented a request for a non-public meeting to be held on Thursday, November 16 in the Library Meeting Room.

§ Permission granted for the meeting, with provision that meeting be held after 7PM, since the library is open to public until that time and this would interfere with usage on that room. Further required that provisions be made for proper closure of the library after the meeting.

Electrician for estimate to upgrade electric service: Since Director unable to make contact with Pat Heffernan, Trustees suggested that she contact Chris Ward and if no action, then Harry-O in Loudon.

Library Director Substitute: It was felt by the Trustees that in the event of an absence by the Director, that she provide a substitute in her place. Trustees recommendation seconded and approved.

NH Library Trustees Meeting held in Plymouth and attended by Bill and Mary. Items that were discussed and consideration should be given for their possible implementation are:

§ Background check on all library personnel and trustees.

§ Job Descriptions be prepared and have on file.

§ Appointment of alternate member of the Library Trustees.

§ Meeting Room policy as to who can use and for what purpose.

§ Need for a Strategic 3 or 5 year plan.

The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on December 13, 2006, at 6:30 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Submitted by Bill Provencal, Secretary.