November 9, 2005 Minutes


(Minutes accepted January 11, 2006.)

Place: Josiah Carpenter Library

Time: 6:40 pm

Date: November 9, 2005

Attendance: Joan Osborne, Bob Lemer, Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble

Acceptance of Minutes for October 12, 2005: Bob moved, Joan seconded.

Treasurer’s Report: Moved by Mary and seconded by Joan to accept as presented. Treasurer reviewed the time sheets and signed checks presented by Director.

Miscellaneous Item Update:

– Open House – A January 2006 date is being considered by the Friends of the Josiah Carpenter Library for an Open House. The Library will be open from 2-5 pm on December 3, 2005 when the Tree Lighting on the Common will be held. This will be for hospitality only, not as an open house.

– Proposed Budget 2006 – The Director will send our proposed budget and memo of Explanation of Changes to the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee under the motion of Mary, seconded by Bob with approval of all. The Director will keep the trustees notified of a date for the trustees to appear before the selectmen if so needed.

– The Director made the decision to hire Rich Plante to do custodial work both inside and outside.

– Bob Lemer, Trustee, will pick up the urns that were to be refurbished and bring them back to the Library.

– The Director showed the trustees the signs prepared by Signs by Karen of Barnstead. They approved (with a motion by Mary, seconded by Bob and approved by all) the 3 signs but will wait until spring for the main library sign to be made and installed. The other two can be completed now and put on the building.

– The Director was alerted by a neighbor that the water draining from the new addition roof is splashing back onto the building and the mortar is beginning to wear. She notified the construction company and the company that did the masonry work. They will be coming to check out the problem and give a quotation on the solution so that the Town Budget Committee has a basic cost estimate prior to their budget considerations. She will also notify the person who is inspecting buildings regarding our erosion concerns. She had not had a response from Hank Fitzgerald who no longer works as inspector.

– Some items of note: Millie Becker, an employee of the Library, is home from the hospital. Millie was very appreciative of the Director’s kindness to her on the day she got sick while working at the Library. The Director will purchase a gift for Millie from the Library. The Director is working on a draft modification to library policies. She will review some circulation information that could lead to purchasing ideas. She feels that the majority of citizens using the Library are over 50; traffic has definitely increased since the addition. She attended a workshop put on by AARP regarding addressing the needs of citizens over 60. The upstairs bookcases should arrive any day.

– Bob Lemer will speak with the Town Administrator regarding insurance coverage for library trustees.

The next meeting will be held January 11, 2006. The Director will post notice that the December meeting will not be held since there is no pressing business. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Terese Schelble