OCTOBER 1, 2009 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

 DATE:  Thursday, OCTOBER 1, 2009


 ITEM 1.    Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman


ITEM 2.     Roll Call


Members Present:  


Rich Hunsberger (RH), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex Officio, Daniel Greene (DG), Jim Pritchard (JP),  Dan Schroth (DS), Ted Mitchell (TM),  Clayton Wood (CW), Alternate,  Hank Fitzgerald (HF), Alternate.  Hank Fitzgerald, Recorder.


Members Absent:




ITEM 3.     Approval of Minutes of August 6, 2009 and September 17, 2009.


(LK)  Motion to approve Minutes of September 3, 2009.  (DS)  Second.  Carried 6-0.


Minutes of July 2, 2009 tabled to November 1, 2009.  (JP) to check and present to Board.


(JP) recused himself and was seated in the audience.  (CW) seated on the Board.


(DG)  Motion to approve Minutes of August 6, 2009 as amended. 

(TM) Second.  Carried 4-2.  (BM) and (LK) Abstain.


(JP) recused himself from Minutes of September 17, 2009.  (CW) remained seated on the Board.


(LK)  Motion to approve Minutes of September 17, 2009.  (DS)  Second.  Carried 6-0.  (DG)  Abstain.


(JP) returned and was seated on Board.  (CW) seated in the audience.


ITEM 5.     New Business


                   1.  Town of Farmington – Minor site Plan Re:  Verizon Wireless


(RH)  This is for informational purposes only.


ITEM 6.     Selectman’s Report


(LK)  The Board of Selectmen has been busy working on the budget.  We continue to search for a Planning Board Secretary.  BOS has signed a contract with CNHRPC for circuit rider until June 1, 2010 for Planning Board.  At that time we will review it to see how it is working.


(DS)  Question for BOS, how many properties delinquent on taxes? 

(LK)  I am unsure of the number at this time.


ITEM 8.     Members Concerns


(CW) noted that he had some concerns about recusals and would like to strengthen and perhaps, elaborate in the Rules of Procedures.  Also what is noted to applicants in regard to specific applications.  It is noted that they will now be referred to Matt Monahan and Building Inspector.


Board members discussed recusal process.  It was noted that if Board member(s) would like to research and present to Board, it could be further discussed at that time.   


ITEM 9.     Public Input


Ralph Odell, Chairman, Master Plan Committee noted that it is almost complete (probably end of October), at which time, it will be presented to Planning Board for review/approval.  It is hoped that this will be available for review for the Planning Board meeting on November 5th.


(LK)  Motion to hold off working on Zoning Ordinances until Master Plan is completed, reviewed and offered at Public Hearing.  (BM)  Second. 

Carried 6-1 (JP).


ITEM 4.  Work Session




ITEM 10.   Adjournment


(BM)  Motion to adjourn.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 6-1 (JP).


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.




Approved:  November 5, 2009





_______________________________               ____________________

Rich Hunsberger, Chairman                                          Date