October 10, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes 10/24/07
1) Meeting called to order at 5:10 pm. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Merrill Vaughn (MV), Ellen Barbasso (EBa),
Deborah Jordan (DJ), Lyn Roberts (LR), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC. Also attending: Linda
Small (LS) and Susan Muenzinger (SM)
2) Minutes of 10/17/07 approved by DJ and seconded by MV.
3) WiFi Grant.
a. MM mailed contact information to Leon Kenison.
b. EV asked that a copy be sent to him also
c. We received a check for $450.00. When we are compliant with everything we will get the remainder
d. Need to discuss a strategy for getting advertisers at different levels of sponsorship.
e. Find out from our contact how to get it going.
f. It was suggested that the town of Pittsfield pay the first year until businesses see how it is working. Then
they will be more willing to put an advertisement on the internet.
4) Additional members
a. Lyn Roberts is now an active member
b. Eric was supposed to put a letter in the Suncook Sun. Not there yet.
c. LR and LS will draft a letter and submit it to the Sun.
d. LS said she will see if someone from the Planning Board will be a member (since Eric was from the
Planning Board it would be good to get someone else from there)
5) Scope Rt 28 Analysis.
a. Feasibility study-what can we do on Rt 28?
b. Sewer/water
c. Is it worth it to try to get a grant to do a feasibility study?
d. If water and sewer went across Rt 28 to Loudon Rd how would that affect value of homes and resale
a. Need to know what community wants
b. Pittsfield Weave building may be a good location – flooring and high ceilings good for workout room,
tennis or basketball, and good parking
c. Provide baby sitting service for Pittsfield and surrounding towns
d. If we are a satellite of Concord, families could be a member at one and use the services of the other
e. Matt can put the survey on-line and information can be tabulated automatically
f. A paper survey can go in the Suncook Sun, letters from the schools, town hall
g. MV made a motion to ask the Board of Selectmen if we can get started on the survey. DJ seconded it.
7) Waste water treatment plant.
a. what would cost be to have water and sewer go to and along Loudon Rd
b. How far does it extend now?
c. EV suggested that Ron Vien could come to talk to us one night
8) Matt and LDC
a. Will check with Hillsboro to see if we could use their paperwork to develop ourLDC
b. SNH has a School of Community Economic Development – Matt will check to see if someone could help
us develop ours.
c. Will e-mail Economic Development Strategy with attachments for maps.
10) Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Ellen Barbasso