October 11, 2006 Minutes

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees meeting


The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:17 pm on October 11, 2006, in the children’s room of the library.

In attendance were, Leslie Vogt, Bob Lemer, Mary Schelble, and Bill Provencal.

The Annual Walk-thru of the Library was conducted by Leslie Voyt. Pointed out was the repair on the black top on the side of the building, the rust spot on the lintel above the rear door was discussed and Leslie indicated that this would be repaired. The embankment on the side of the library was discussed and Leslie indicated that our insurance carrier indicated that this was not a problem. The rain spout on the side of the building will hopefully be repaired in the roof repairs becomes a reality. All items addressed last year have been addressed.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mary moved and Bob seconded.

Old Business:

Display of bicentennial coins is now located in the History Room and has been permanently mounted and secured.

Directors report was presented. Leslie indicated that Library hosting a book series sponsored by the NH Humanities Council was still in the discussion stage with Lester Firstenberger and possibly could occur in March 2007 for a 3 month period. Leslie a indicated that she wished to add 4 new items to the report.
Cederic Dustin has offered to pay for a planned run of 200 copies of a calendar for the library which would be free to the public. Wendy Dougherty is to prepare the calendar.
The elevator did malfunction and has been repaired with no cost to the library. Also performed was routine maintenance.
Internet: A problem developed with a parent viewing others accessing in-appropriate material on the web. Leslie met with the parent to discuss the difficulty in controlling all data on the web.
Reinvested interest on the library trust fund was discussed. Bill and Mary to inquire at the upcoming workshop as to the legality of such action.
It was moved to accept the report as presented. Mary moved and Bob seconded.
Monthly Financial Report was presented and discussed. Leslie pointed out that salaries were not reflected in the report. It was moved to accept the report as presented. Bob moved, Bill seconded.

New Business:

Long range goals. The following ideas were brought up as possible long range goals of the library.
Increased usage of the library
Air Conditioning. This problem has been discussed by the Friends of the Library. It was decided that Leslie contact an electrical contractor to meet with the Trustees as to the electrical system and what needs to be done to allow the use of air conditioners.
Thermal pane. The lack of proper windows in the library and the heat loss resulting was discussed. This should also be a priority and possible included in the 2008 budget.

The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on November 8, 2006, at 6:30 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

Submitted by Bill Provencal, Secretary.