October 12, 2005 Minutes



October 12, 2005 (Minutes accepted November 9, 2005)

Place: Josiah Carpenter Library

Time: 6:35 pm

Date: October 12, 2005

Attendance: Joan, Osborne, Bob Lemer, Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble

Acceptance of Minutes for September 14, 2005: Bob moved, Joan seconded.

Director’s Report: Moved to accept by Mary, seconded by Bob.

Treasurer’s Report for September 2005: accepted as presented, moved by Joan, seconded by Mary. Bob reviewed all timecards.

The 2006 proposed Library Budget was reviewed again and a few more changes were made and when these changes are made, a brief meeting will be held for final review of the 2006 proposed budget so it will be ready for the Selectmen when they call for it at a meeting, the time to be announced.

The Director gave a report on her search for a custodian which has not been successful thus far. The consideration will be made to separate inside and outside duties of the custodian. It was proposed, moved by Bob, seconded by Mary and accepted by all to increase the monies for grass cutting and snow removal to $25 per session with a slight increase for heavier snows. It was noted that the average number of snow storms per year in New England was 10 and that our expectation of the job would be for removal of the snow but not a return later in the day or evening for a brush up. The Director said this has not been needed in the past so we need not provide for it for the coming year.

The Director spoke to Signs by Karen and Karen suggested that the library sign be placed in the area where the lilac bush has been planted which is close to the sidewalk and visible from the road. The bush could be transplanted in the spring. We are awaiting a quotation on the sign.

The window that was broken has been repaired. Emergency exit diagrams have been posted. Additional bookcases have been ordered and should be delivered in 3 weeks. Cobb Hill Construction estimated that re-shingling of the roof would be $5000 to $6000. The light work will be completed soon and the additional $285 approved via phone and e-mail by the trustees will take care of the cost to replace a ballast and for work on the front door light. Arnold Wells’ will was received and we now know the value of the art works and coins the Library is to receive. The Town Building Inspector has not yet come to review the erosion concerns.

1 and 5 year goals of the Trustees were discussed. Programs for the Library will be one of the goals. A current goal would be an open house to celebrate not only completion of the building but also to show off the interior decorations and layout of the new bookcases and children’s room. This will be mentioned to the Friends of the Library and considered for December or January dates.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Next meeting: November 9, 2005