October 14, 2008 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:35 p.m. on October 14, 2008 in the children’s room of the library.

Present: Director Leslie Vogt
Chair Mary Schelble
Treasurer Bill Provencal
Secretary Sylvia Wallace

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of September 9 were accepted as written.

Old Business:

Discuss NH History collection: The Pittsfield Historical Society has agreed to take part of the NH History collection. Cedric Dustin will pick those books they’d like to keep. Leslie will offer the State Library any books they don’t already have and will try to sell the rest.

Discuss October 22, 2008 presentation to the budget committee: This will be on October 22 at 7:00 pm. All Board members indicated they would be able to attend. We will point out how the zero increase budget will impact the library. In particular, the library times, hours per week open, books and magazines. We will also bring up building issues which have not yet been addressed and the elevator inspection which is coming up next year.


Director’s Report: Leslie asked about hiring a library assistant to work on an irregular basis to cover long term absences. She would like to find a high school student to do this. The Board agreed to this. She will put an ad in The Sun and contact the English Dept. at the high school.

Leslie felt there was a need to rearrange the furniture in the children’s room so that the person working the circulation desk could monitor the hallway. The Board agreed.

Dave Provencal gave a quote of $400 for building 30 bookends for the adult fiction area in order to add more needed shelf space. These will be placed on top of existing bookshelves in front of the windows. The Board was in agreement.

Leslie said there were 20-30 folding chairs stored in the furnace room. Because of the space they take up and lack of use, she suggested we reduce the number of these chairs. The Board indicated they would like to keep the chairs for now in case we needed them in the future.

Leslie would like to have the Library open a credit account at Maxfield’s Hardware, to be used by herself and Rick Anthony, our custodian. The Board agreed to this. Leslie will take care of setting up this account.

Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed with no questions.

The motion was made and seconded (Sylvia/Bill) that we accept the Director’s Report and Treasurer’s Report as written.

New Business:

There will be no meeting in November due to a holiday and personal conflicts. Should something important come up we will contact by e-mail.

Miscellaneous: Sylvia said that the Conservation Committee has left over bags from Old Home Day. Mark Wallace has asked if they could place them in the Library for patrons to use as book bags with a donation. The Board agreed to allow them to do this.

The next meeting will be Dec. 9, 2008 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned 7:40 p.m.

Sylvia Wallace