October 14, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:03 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Ed Vien (EV).




(LS) General Election, Bi-Weekly Payroll, PD Employment Contract; (LK) Town Hall Window Replacement Proposal, Non-Public Session (i) and (b); (PS) Tax Rate Setting Date, two Intents to Cut, Police Arrest Log October 5-11, 2008, E-Mail from Steve Heavener CRDC/BOS Action Request, Green Block Option, E-Mail from Linda Small to Steve Heavener, Memo to Budget Committee from John Freeman Re: Expenditure Report Account Deficits, Minutes – Economic Development Committed October 1, 2008, Economic Development Committee Agenda – October 15, 2008, Memo from Ron Vien : S-D-S Septage Contract, Letter to Bill Elkins Re: Housing Standards Budget, Two letter dated 2008 and 2005 to Steve Aubertin from the Building Inspector, Memo from Police Chief Re: Bid Specifications and Prices for 2008 Models, Letter dated October 14, 2008 to the Selectman from Paul and Carole Richardson, Letter dated October 14, 2008 to the Selectmen from Jim Pritchard, and New Release from Executive Councilor John Shea.


6:15 P.M. – Michael Feinauer/Boiler Repair

Mr. Feinauer introduced himself as the owner of Ruger Mechanical Services. He noted that he was concerned that Town would be concerned with the increased billing for boiler repair services. He explained that many of the boilers have not been correctly serviced in the past causing what he believes to be safety issues. He wanted to bring it to the Board’s attention for future reference that servicing costs would be increased until all of them are brought up-to-date. He noted that most of boilers, though old, are made of cast iron and will last practically forever. He explained to Board his “credentials” and work experience in reference to boiler/air conditioning repair. Board questioned whether he was also involved in service contracts to which he related that he is currently researching this feature, but does not yet have one for customers.


6. Memorandum from Chief Johnson Re: Fire Department Budget.

Chief Johnson related that he had submitted a Memo noting that after looking at the figures for the end of the Third Quarter, that he was running a little under budget for Officers Compensation and a little bit over for Fire Fighter Reimbursement which are both more than the 2009 proposed budget. In 2009, there is also an increase in pay. It is difficult to know what activity Fire Department is going to have what with training and the cost of fuel. “I have been holding off on any spending I can until late in the year so if there is an overage in the non-discretionary accounts, I can cover it.” The paid on-call is working well and I am hoping to recruit more people. Recruitment is a struggle.

(LK) “We went through the budget three weeks ago and requested you return with level funding.” Then you went on vacation and we did not hear from you. How can we level fund this budget? Chief Johnson noted we could take all of our revenue and apply it. (LS) That is not level funding. Chief Johnson noted that there were a lot of things that he had no control over. “I do not know how to have level funding without reducing services.” (LK) We are asking for level funding because Town cannot afford it. Chief Johnson noted there was a lot of things he was really concerned about. Fire duty has increased this year. These are items I have no control over.

(LK) Can you review your Budget and come out with a level budget? Chief Johnson, “No.” (LS) related that the Board has been very supportive of Fire Department needs such the request for ladder truck, and initiating the on-call system for firefighters. The level funding came right from your budget. Chief Johnson explained the Line 190 and 291 included the recent tornado. (LS) In all fairness, we have approved of the Fire Department and we are supportive of your department. Chief Johnson explained he knows that the Board is in a difficult position but that he wanted to be clear as to what can happen in the next quarter if there are a lot of fire calls. Based on the past, this may be elevated what with the cost of fuel and the increased uses in pellet stoves and fireplaces. He noted that the Board has been open and honest with him and I the same with you.

(LS) I would like everyone to be on the same page regarding the budget meetings. Chief Johnson suggested meeting with (LS) and (PS) before next meeting to come up with a “game plan.” (LK) advised that Town has put together an “Emergency Fund” (contingency fund) for emergencies. The economy is dictating our budget. (LS) We appreciate your working with us to make this come together. Chief Johnson reiterated that he did not question the motivation of the Board.

8. Fire Truck Inspections

(LK) I noticed in the Accounts Payable a bill from Yankee Trucks for $1,208 for inspections and oil changes. Chief Johnson noted that three fire trucks had to be inspected. (LK) The Highway Department is using a local business for inspection of their trucks at a much lower cost. Perhaps you can talk to George to find out about utilizing that company. Chief Johnson noted that fire engines are more complex but he would check with George on this to see if this would be feasible.

1. Closing of the Town Hall on Election Day

(PS) related that Board has requested information from Town Clerk and I have discussed this with her. She noted that she has two issues concerning the upcoming election. The first is the location and the complexity of obtaining a TDY/FAX line. The second deals with her staff. Because of the new locations and the fact that this is a general election, she wanted someone experienced and competent available on that day to assist. No one would offer as much experience as her Deputy Clerk.

“I questioned her if the office would remain open if the election were held here, and she answered, yes.” She noted that this election would be one of a volume not seen in twenty years and that things should be done according to “hoyle” as there is a lot of review being done on elections.

(LS) My initial motivation was to make it more convenient for people and the elementary school filled that bill. The high school is not the ideal location due to street direction, exiting and parking issues. At this point, I would think we should now leave it alone.

(LS) Motion to keep the general election at the Town Hall until further research can be done for a different site for local election. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

(LK) Is it legal to have it here? (PS) Yes. (LS) We are working on it but right now it needs to be here at the Town Hall. (LK) This will give us all of January and February to advertise the change. (LK) to contact Pat Heffernan and advise John Freeman of this.

2. Leave of Absence Request

(LS) Motion to approve Delores Fritz leave of absence from October 17th through December 1st as requested. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(PS) To date, we have no replacement. (LK) We can discuss an option in Non-Public.

3. Cost of Broadcasting Selectmen/Planning/Zoning Board Meetings

(LK) noted that other Towns have been doing this for some time. By seeing the broadcast, people can know what we are doing. I would like to get a cost factor for broadcasting all Board meetings and if accepted by the Board send it as a Warrant Article to Town Meeting for the people to decide whether they want this service or not. I feel it will keep the public more informed on all Board activities and what issues are coming up. This will get the public more involved. I believe this would be somewhat covered by the Metrocast contract. (PS) to research this.

4. Town Hall Window Replacement Proposal

(LK) You all have the estimate of the cost for replacement of the broken window. (PS) This would be the replacement of the entire window. One of the double pane sashes is broken. (LS) Is there money in the budget for this? (PS) “Yes.” (DM) Do we have any other estimates? (PS) These are old windows and not up to standard and should be replaced. This is not a new problem. (DM) Just one window? (LK) Yes.

(LS) Motion to approve window replacement at a cost of $370.85. (LK) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (DM) In fairness to all, we need more estimates. Where people are looking for work, maybe we could get a better estimate. (LK) related, “For small repair jobs, it is not easy to find someone to do the job.” (DM) I would just like to see some other estimates from other repairman.

5. Tax Rate Setting

(PS) Cara has contacted DRA and all the information is prepared and ready to go. There are two choices for possible appointments if someone would like to attend. (LS) indicated she would like to attend this meeting and arrangements will be made for this.

6. Intent to Cut

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Lachlan Grey, Tax Map R27, Lot 15. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Christine Chase, Tax Map R43,
Lot 17. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

7. Town Hall Sign

(LK) I have contacted John Freeman regarding the possibility of school class completing a new sign for the front of the Town Hall. He was excited about this and they will work on it and try to help us. He thought it was a great idea. (PS) This encourages kids to go out into the community and become more involved.

8. Front Door – Town Hall

(PS) noted that the front door at the Town Hall is not closing properly. This should be corrected with winter coming. Who repaired it before? This will be researched and (PS) to find someone to do this.

9. Keys – Town Hall Office

(PS) related that he is still in the process of procuring keys.


1. Citizen Letter to Steve Aubertin

(PS) This is a letter that a citizen wrote concerning the property, which only contains a foundation. I have asked the Building Inspector to take a look at it and advise.

2. Memo from Police Chief Re: Cost of Police Officer Certification PT & FT

(PS) I requested this information from Police Chief as to the cost of training part-time and full-time police officers. In the employment contract, the amount is left blank. I have advised Chief Wharem that the Board will probably now ship this off to Town Counsel to review it. I have also requested that he network out for other employment agreements, which could be more current. (LS) We should send this out, but perhaps, wait until he gets some others. She related that the cost of training “floored me, it is a lot of money.”
3. Shoreline Protection Act Exemption Memorandum

(PS) Kyle and I met with the representative of Amenico at the old Suncook Leather site. We discussed their conceptual ideas regarding the surrounding outside area. They have not made any specific requests from the Board, as their ideas are all conceptual at this point. (DM) What is the scope of the shoreline and what exactly are they planning on doing? (PS) My understanding is that right now it is only conceptual.

Board discussed avenues to pursue once they have made a definite decision on what their plans incorporate. (DM) “I think they want a “blanket” exception.” Board agreed it is a little premature now but when plans are more definite, Building Inspector could present to Planning Board.
(PS) suggested having CNHRPB come to Planning Board meeting to educate members on the Shoreline Protection Act.

4. Letter from DOT Re: Retaining Wall – Main Street

(LK) This is good news that they are taking responsibility. We could send another letter “thanking them for this and requesting that this be done as soon as possible for safety reasons.” (PS) to do. (LK) suggested doing something in the interim to keep individuals off that area.

5. Letter to PSNH Re: Decorative Pole Attachment Agreement

(PS) This has been forwarded to PSNH for their signature.

6. Memorandum from Chief Johnson Re: Fire Department Budget

See above.

7. Two E-mails and Loitering Ordinance from Town Attorney

(PS) At a previous meeting, Board requested I secure the proposed Loitering Ordinance from Town Counsel checking on the term “commons” and definition of structure.

(LS) Motion to approve Loitering Ordinance with definition of structure as outlined by Town Counsel. (DM) Second.

It was noted by (LS) that a public hearing would be necessary. Motion and Second Withdrawn.

(LS) Motion to approve scheduling a Public Hearing on Loitering Ordinance. (DM) Second.

Discussion: (DM) noted that the Statute should be identified in the Ordinance and also second offense violation fees should be indicated.
(DM) noted that she would work with (PS) on this.

Motion and Second Withdrawn.

8. Fire Department Vehicle Inspections

See Above.

9. Bi-Weekly Payroll

(LS) I wanted to check with Paul regarding the bi-weekly payroll. Has anything been done with this with the deadline approaching? If not, we may have to extend the deadline. (PS) to do.

10. Police Arrest Log October 5-11, 2008

For Board Review

11. E-Mail from Steve Heavener/Linda Small

To be addressed in Non-Public

12. Memo to Budget Committee from John Freeman Re: Expenditure Report Account Deficits.

(LS) Food service is not supposed to cost taxpayers money. Here we are funding it.

13. & 14. Minutes October 1, 2008 and Agenda October 15, 2008: Economic Development Committee

For Board Review.
15. Memo from Ron Vien Re: S-D-S Septage Contract

(PS) Ron Vien has some questions and concerns to address before Board enters into extension and revised contract. (PS), (DM) and Ron Vien to meet.

16. Letter to Bill Elkins Re: Housing Standards Budget

For Board Review.

17. Two letters (2008 & 2005) to Steve Aubertin from Building Inspector

(PS) Building Inspector has reviewed the site and sent owner notice.

18. Memo from Police Chief Re: Bid Specifications/Prices for 2008 Models

(LS) This indicates a $10,000 difference. (PS) I have just asked Chief Wharem to check in the area for better prices on 2008 models versus 2009.

19. Letter dated October 14, 2008 to the BOS from Paul & Carole Richardson

(PS) This has been provided for your understanding as to individual’s concerns regarding the junkyard.

20. Letter dated October 14, 2008 to the BOS from Jim Pritchard

(PS) Mr. Pritchard is indicating that he proposed a similar one last year, which was deemed to be incorrect. (LS) It is not up to the BOS to determine if it is in correct form but only to acknowledge receipt of it.
(PS) He has not yet filed anything. (LS) We do not anything with this. We receive it and it is forwarded to Planning Board.

21. News Release from Executive Councilor John Shea

For Board Review.




(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests (DM) Second. After Discussion Amend Motion to exclude Check No. 9430, 9441, and 9419. (DM) Second to Amended Motion. Carried 3-0.

Discussion: (LS) The check to Metrocast (Check 9430) to hook up WIFI is a huge balance for hook-up. What is that for? (PS) noted he had reviewed the bill with (EV) and he noted that this was okay to pay. His concerns were that the grant pays for its part. (DM) We should hold the check and verify with (EV).

(LS) Also, the payment for legal fees regarding Pennichuck. Monies have been put away to cover this and I believe it is just a reclassification of funds (Check 9431) though it should still be released.

Check 9441 for the postage reserve account. I cannot see spending $2,250 as a quarterly payment. This should be changed.

(DM) The check for the clock repair, is the clock working? (PS) I do not have an answer for that right now. (LS) It was requested that a proposal be sent to us as to what needs to be done. I have not seen any proposal.
(DM) We approved $275 for repairs earlier in the year. It is a historical feature and it is not working. This should also be held until further information is received (Check 9419).

(LS) Motion to release Check 9322 to Crematorium. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.


1. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 7, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of October 7, 2008.
(LS) Second. A few corrections were noted. Carried 3-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of October 7, 2008

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of October 7, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.


James Theodore was wondering what was happening with the Sidewalk Improvement Plan. Are you pursuing the grant on this? (DM) noted that she would get the information to (PS) on this grant and get together with George to see what his suggestions are. Sidewalks can be included so many miles from actual school areas.

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II (i), (b) and (d). (DM) Second. Carried 3-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Recess 8:05 P.M. Board resumed Non-Public Session at 8:10 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:27 P.M.

(DM) Motion to Seal Non-Public Session for October 14, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.

(LS) Motion to hire Donna Keeley on a temporary basis as Recording Secretary. (DM) Second. Carried 3-0.


(DM) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

APPROVED: October 21, 2008

____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date