October 14, 2010 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Michael Wolfe, Vice Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Clayton Wood

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Bob Bickford, Principal, PMHS
Lois-Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.


The following items were added to the agenda:
• Non-Public (RSA 91-A:3 II(c)) (J. Freeman)
• Professional Development Update (B. Bickford)
• NECAP Science Scores (B. Bickford)
• NHSBA Delegate Assembly Resolutions (L. Adams)

The following item was deleted from the agenda:
• Introductions (T. Chassie)


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.


Mr. Mitchell, the PMHS art teacher, proposed the formation of an art club at PMHS. The purpose of the club would be to promote the knowledge and creation of art and to provide members with an opportunity to participate in art related activities. Mr. Mitchell explained that there may be some fund raising efforts to help fund their projects. Mr. Wood expressed how impressed he has been with the work that he has seen from Mr. Mitchell’s art students. He added that he supported the idea of the school booster group, which may be resurrected. Mr. Mitchell answered the Board’s questions regarding the activities of the club, the possibility of portfolios being developed, and extended learning opportunities. The School Board provided their consensus on the proposal.

Mr. Mitchell also introduced the idea of organizing a student trip to Europe. The idea would be to plan a trip every three years in collaboration with Foreign Language Teacher Amy Gardner-Booth. He will begin by researching options and will work with Mr. Bickford relative to the approval process.



A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood to approve minutes of the September 22, 2010 meeting. Changes included: on page 4, paragraph 1, change “and the official” to “as the official.” On page 6 paragraph 5, change “Dr. Freeman proved” to “Dr. Freeman provided.” The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.


A. Advisories

As an outcome of the conversation at the last School Board meeting, Mr. Bickford proposed the idea of having a small group of students and advisors come to the next meeting to discuss their advisory experiences with the Board. This would provide an opportunity for the School Board to talk directly to students and their advisors about what they are learning in advisory and what advisory means to them as part of their overall school experience. The Board agreed to engage in this conversation, and Mr. Bickford will make necessary arrangements.

B. Competencies

Mr. Bickford shared his PowerPoint presentation that was provided to teachers regarding the development and refinement of course competencies. Ms. Corliss asked if the development of competencies was related to curriculum mapping. Dr. Freeman explained that that the competency development is the first step, with the mapping of curriculum following.

C. Professional Development

Ms. Stevens reviewed the line-up of professional development activities that were offered on the teacher workshop day, October 8, 2010. The events were well attended by the staff in the district. Dr. Freeman thanked Ms. Stevens and Mr. Kilmister for organizing the day’s events.

D. NECAP Science Scores

Mr. Bickford reviewed the spring 2010 Science NECAP scores, which were recently released. He stated that in the State, approximately 20% scored proficient and above. At PMHS, only 8% scored proficient and above. Mr. Bickford assured the School Board that the Science Department would be analyzing the data and determining a course of action for improvement, including attention to curriculum alignment with the state’s science standards.

E. School Board Representatives

Mr. Wolfe asked if there would be a student appointed to represent the student body. Mr. Bickford stated that this has been discussed and a student will be appointed. Mr. Wood expressed concern that students may not be interested in or benefit from participating in School Board meetings. Discussion ensued regarding appropriate ways in which to engage students in civic activities. Further discussion ensued regarding the promotion of the need for student government and the lack of students’ interest to civic responsibility.


A. Science NECAP

Mr. Kilmister reviewed the spring 2010 Science NECAP scores that were released on September 17, 2010. The fourth graders at PES performed similarly to fourth grade students statewide.

B. Teaming at PES

Mr. Kilmister reported that teaming expert Vivian Troen and he met with each grade-level team to work on developing a team goal related to teaching practice and student learning.

C. PES Art News

Mr. Kilmister informed the School Board that 130 students had their art work on display at the Deerfield Fair. PES received a red ribbon, finishing second out of approximately ten schools.

Mr. Kilmister reported that Lisa Stevens, PES art teacher, has received the Artsonia Leadership Award in recognition of PES”s involvement with Artsonia, the on-line web-based gallery of student art.

Mr. Wood suggested that a note of appreciation be sent to Ms. Stevens; Board Secretary Corliss will do so.

D. Playground

The playground is now rimmed by a border of pressure-treated beams, designed to help keep the woodchips in place. Mr. Wolfe asked if the pressure-treated beams are safely placed, to which Mr. Kilmister stated that the playground equipment manufacturer had a representative on site to direct the placement of the beams and that manufacturer’s instructions were followed.


A. Common Planning Time

Ms.Chassie explained that the opportunity exists for the special education teachers in the district to meet for 45 minutes each week to discuss items that are critical to the overall health and well-being of the special education department.


A. Policies

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to adopt Policy BEB: Special Board Meetings, and Policy KBC: Communication Protocol.

B. PMHS Advisory Council

Dr. Freeman distributed a list of the PMHS Advisory Council Members. Ms. Paradise stated that the energy and support of the group is extraordinary. She stated that there are members on the Council who will be instrumental in providing PMHS students with important learning experiences and support.

Dr. Freeman invited the entire School Board to the next meeting of the Council on November 2, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. to hear the report out on the community asset mapping project that is being completed by a contractor engaged by the Nellie Mae Foundation.

Ms. Adams asked if the Board will be receiving the minutes of the meeting of the PMHS Advisory Council; Dr. Freeman agreed to forward the minutes electronically following each meeting.

C. Snow Plow Bids

Dr. Freeman distributed a summary of the snow plowing bids. K & B Excavation is the most recent provider and due to there being no problems with their service and the fact that K & B submitted the lowest bid, Dr. Freeman recommended awarding the bid to K & B Excavation. On a motion by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the bid made by K & B Excavation, LLC.

D. Quarterly Expenditure Report

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with a quarterly expenditure report. Discussion ensued regarding several specific lines.

E. FY 12 Budget

Dr. Freeman explained that the Administrative Leadership Team is in an ongoing conversation regarding funding for several potential positions. He provided further explanation about the data support / intervention team members, kindergarten teacher, technology / librarian, and math intervention and support.

Mr. Wood stated concerns regarding the plans for technology. He suggested that someone be asked to assess the current condition of the technology situation in the district. Dr. Freeman assured Mr. Wood that Mr. Kilmister and Mr. Bickford are in the process of doing so.

Mr. Wood stated that he has implemented a survey of students’ use of technology and finds that 85% of our students have high-speed internet access at home. It appears that their relationship with technology at home exceeds that at school. Discussion ensued regarding the limitations of access at school and the ways in which access could be increased in the community.

Ms. Paradise stated that it was too early for the Board to provide information about support staff and administrative salary increase proposals.

Questions regarding Adequacy Funding were considered. Dr. Freeman agreed to gather additional information in an attempt to clarify the information that has been provided by the School Boards Association.

Ms. Corliss asked if, with the funding of the potential positions mentioned, we would be in a good spot for positions. Dr. Freeman and Mr. Bickford explained that another concern is the partial funding of unified arts teacher positions. Mr. Bickford’s position on the topic differs from that of the previous principal.

F. Negotiations

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with dates for negotiations. Mr. Wood asked if he could be included in negotiations. Ms. Paradise stated that it has always been two Board members and that three might constitute a quorum. Dr. Freeman agreed to investigate this further.

G. Capital Improvement Project

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with information relative to the capital improvement projects being planned by the District.

H. SIG Application

Dr. Freeman announced that the School Improvement Grant has been officially approved by the NH Department of Education. This will allow us to enter into formal agreements with our external partners.

This is a large project that will be difficult to manage. A Steering Team, that includes both teacher leaders and administrators, has been organized and is meeting on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. for regular check-in. Project Coordinator Maryclare Heffernan joins the group by conference call.

I. Nellie Mae Educational Foundation Grant

The Nellie Mae Educational Foundation will be sending three representatives for an official visit on October 18 and 19, 2010, as part of its District Level Systems Change grant application process. Dr. Freeman reviewed the agenda that has been established for the visitors. The representatives will be meeting with parents, administrators, teachers, students, and community partners.

Ms. Paradise stated that the level of change being implemented at PMHS is dramatic. Ms. Corliss commented on the amount of work that it takes for the administration to keep tabs on the application process and subsequently the oversight of the funds. Ms. Paradise expressed appreciation for the work that is being done and specified such activities as teachers meeting at 7:00 a.m.


A. Drake Field

Mr. Wolfe stated that he is repairing the fence at Drake Field. Dr. Freeman has made arrangements for a new flag to be purchased. Mr. Wolfe is investigating possibilities for replacing the gate on Chestnut Street. Mr. Wolfe has been asked about extending the backstop netting to avoid foul balls going into the neighbors’ yards. Dr. Freeman will investigate whether there are remaining funds in the Drake Field capital reserve account. Irrigation is a project that continues to be contemplated.

B. Budget Committee – None

C. Negotiating Team

A formal request has been received from the Education Association of Pittsfield to begin negotiations. Dates have been suggested, about which the Board representatives will respond to Dr. Freeman.

D. Capital Improvement Program – None

E. Select Board

Ms. Corliss asked if the Select Board contemplated the purchase of property on Chestnut Street. Dr. Freeman said that the project was mentioned to the Select Board, but was not endorsed at this time. He will follow up with the Select Board.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 28, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School.

XIII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


Ms. Paradise and Ms. Adams presented a draft of two proposed resolutions for consideration by the 2011 New Hampshire School Board Association delegate assembly:

• The NHSBA opposes the State of NH Executive Branch and the NH Board of Education’s adoption of federal educational standards, Common Core Standards, which, by its development, will preclude a de-emphasis and eventual elimination of local control and local school board oversight.

• The NHSBA opposes NH Rev. Stat. Ann. 193-F:2, the Bullying Statute, as signed into law during 2010 General Assembly due to its overbroad and vague definitions and phrases making the implementation of the present law subjective in interpretation.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the submission of the two proposed resolutions for consideration by the 2011 NHSBA Delegate Assembly.

Ms. Adams suggested that the Board express further support of these issues with a letter to the state government officials.


At 8:35 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood to enter into non-public session to discuss employee compensation pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes; Mr. Wood, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

Dr. Freeman advised the Board of several personnel issues.

No action was taken by the Board during non-public session.

At 8:55 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Adams, yes; Ms. Corliss, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes; Mr. Wood, yes) to re-enter into open session.


No action was taken by the Board during this open session.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

John J. Freeman, Ph.D.
Recording Secretary,
Non-Public Session and
Subsequent Public